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East Coasters expecting big storm ????

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:o I was just reading some online news and it mentioned that Hurricane Sandy could possibly cause a winter storm for New York City and New Jersey area? Batten down the hatches ladies and gentlemen.

We have gone from upper 70s yesterday to 47, rain and wind today. DH is in South Dakota hunting (near Aberdeen) and texted that it was 21 there this morning around 8:30.

CRAZY weather !!!!!

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Well, I am ready for old man winter...........at least quilting wise. I have plenty of fabric, thread, etc. for several projects. haha Sure can't run the risk of not having enough fabric if we get snowed in !!! haha As long as the power stays on, I am OK. According to our forecast, we are supposed to have another warmer, mild winter this year. Nice in some ways for those who have to commute, but we need the moisture of snow and the cold of winter to make the cycle of nature work right. Not enough bugs 'winter killed" last year, so we had an abundance this spring.

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I like Madelyn's definition of a perfect storm! Stay home and quilt! :)

As part of my responsibilities at work I'm part of a storm team (local elec utility). We are already preparing for major power outages...that's not saying it will happen. After all, weather can be pretty unpredictable. Weather models are starting to come into agreement that this storm is going to make a left turn into the mid Atlantic states as a category 1 hurricane. This is not the perfect storm. It is a hurricane which is dangerous all by itself.

It is the anniversary of the 1991 perfect storm that forecasters are referencing and they are saying that the same ingredients could exist as part of this storm. We will have cold temps to our west and warm tropical moisture pulling up from the south. If the two systems merge this storm will explode with energy and become very dangerous. This is the perfect storm scenario. If this storm comes on shore millions of people will be impacted. Lets pray that it doesn't. Inland areas are expected to receive heavy snow (on the cold side of the storm).

I'll get off my weather soap box now (blushing)!

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Oh my goodness...we are leaving tomorrow for family visits in MA, NH, CT and NY...and just when the weather is starting to be perfect in Arizona...bad timing, eh? I've got some waterproof shoes & a raincoat. Certainly not prepared if it decides to snow! Thanks to all here on the forum for keeping us posted on the potential weather. Nancy in Tucson

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Oh no that doesn't sound very good. We went to TX for the winter last year in our 5th wheel. This year since I got my new "Millie" I thought we'd better stay home this winter...I sure hope this won't be the start of a bad winter. I've warned everyone to be prepared cause we will be in PA for the winter. On the other hand maybe I will hibernate and learn what I can quilting! That's if we don't lose power.

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We are having a very very windy cloudy day here in NE Florida. I have Niko age 4 he is here today, so no quilting while we have him but I do get to run around all day! Got him watching cat in the hat right now. We have been outside since about 9 this morning, YEP I'M BEAT ALREADY!!! :)

Update: My sweetie is gone and I miss him in "both" ways! Don't worry "Nitro" known as Niko will be back! :P

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LOL Dell enjoy Niko but they are exhausting! I know when I took Maddie home on Monday morning I was wiped out. I can get stuff done with her since she is now 5 but it is still exhausting. It is cloudy and gloomy here again today. It has been that way for the week really. They are saying it is still too soon to know where the storm is going to hit. The latest models are showing it hitting Long Island instead of NJ shore. Time will tell.

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I guess we will get something but they don't have the specifics yet. It is definitely coming. It will depend on where it hits land. The farther south it hits might mean we won't get as much rain. But at this time they don't know where it will hit from Virginia to Long Island. I just don't want to lose power. We lucked out with Hurricane Irene last year and the power stayed on. For everyone who will be affected I hope you make out okay.

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I guess we will get something but they don't have the specifics yet. It is definitely coming. It will depend on where it hits land. The farther south it hits might mean we won't get as much rain. But at this time they don't know where it will hit from Virginia to Long Island. I just don't want to lose power. We lucked out with Hurricane Irene last year and the power stayed on. For everyone who will be affected I hope you make out okay.

come to my house if you lose power, we can have a sew in :D

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There is nothing but dire news here about the "perfect storm" headed to the East Coast from two directions.

Please keep safe, be ready for power outages and prepped for the winds. I'm scared for everyone. My sister lives in Aberdeen MD in a sweet little used-to-be-military-housing bungalow without a basement. I'm keeping in touch with her and praying for everybody.

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the next few days are going to be VERY long.

i'm already grouchy :angry: from hearing nothing but gloom and doom from the weather forecasters and negative political ads.

i understand that getting the weather word out is important so everyone can be prepared...

but all this bad news takes a toll on menopausal meg. :(

i better go pet some fabric. :wacko:

i need to re-Qi. :blink:

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