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I am needing advice on a Quilt I am doing for my Sister!

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This quilt is one of the hardest I have ever tried to decide on how to do it.  You see it will be proably the last one she will be able to complete.  Her tumor in the brain is growing and causing the brain to swell now. 

The quilt is not any thing fancy but she is very proud of it.  It has piano borders all around it maybe 3" , then the blocks

are 1/2 squares  of about 3 " , for the whole quilt except for maybe an inch sashing around the blocks.


It is all tone on tone of beige.  What ideas can you throw my way?  She said just keep it simple like a meander , but would you do something a little more or just as she said.  I thought of doing something different  along the sashing and borders. 

I have looked at this for about 2 weeks now and I need to get out of my self pitty and do this for her.

Please help me.



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I'm so sorry for your sister and the loss you are facing. 


For quilting suggestions, you can stitch CC's on the piecing. CC's (which are continuous arcs from one seam intersection to the next and travel across the width of the stitching field) can be stitched in each triangle, or you can stitch each full square instead. The squares will be quicker to stitch and look nice and even. If you CC the triangles you'll get a secondary design, but there's extra time and stitching involved. As for an overall design, a meander is fine, or maybe freehand swirls. I would stitch your favorite overall so you can relax a bit. The inch sashing can be left unquilted if you SID. As for the piano key borders, you can stitch the same overall on it, or squiggle-stitch the seams (instead of the more-intensive stitch in the ditch).

If you are adventuresome and comfortable with your stitching, why not use red thread? Is that too bold? I love dark red on beiges and neutrals and a thin thread wouldn't be as in-your-face as a thicker one.. Tell your sweet sis that the red stands for all the love you have in your heart for her.

If not red, a thin gold-colored thread is pretty on neutrals. 

I'm sending hope for strength for you and your family. Please take care.

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I suggest turning on some favorite music of your sister's...and get in the groove of quilting while being led by the music. Let this quilt be a true labor of love and make it a happy time. She is proud of this quilt and wants you to finish it for her. Do not stress over what to put on it. I love linda's suggestion of red thread...or pick your sisters favorite color. You might quilt secret messages or hearts or feathers or straight lines. Either way, your sister will cherish this quilt, because you helped her finish it! This is most important.

may you find the strength and motivation to begin quilting this very important quilt.

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Secret messages or hearts - what a sweet idea.  I do like the idea of a red thread, also, but that is probably just because I'm such a sentimental goon and love what it stands for. I'm so very sorry about your sister's cancer, and I can only imagine how difficult this is for you.  But let your love for her flow through your hands and you'll be giving her the biggest gift from your heart and hands you could.  She will love that you two made this completed quilt together and will gather such joy, I am sure.  ((hugs))

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This quilt is special no matter what you do. Love all the ideas. I will only add that maybe you sneak in the names of those she loves and mean so much. Do what your heart tells you to do.

Please post a picture if you able to/ would love to see the quilt. Praying for strength for you and your family!

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I don't have much to add in the way of designs for you because everyone has already said them.  I just wanted you to know how sorry I am that you are facing this. What a special treasure this quilt already is.  May God grant you strength through this time.

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That your sister was able to complete the quilt top is amazing.  The most important thing is to get it quilted so that the two of you can snuggle under it together.  I love the idea of quilting in names of loved ones on the quilt.  I have done this on several quilts.  As others have noted, it is the love you will put into the quilt that will make it special.


I regret that your sister, you, and your family are going through this difficult time.  Some of the most important work we do in life is being there for others during critical life transitions, surrounding them with love and understanding.  May others support you even as you support your sister.



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How about making it simple?  Use gold thread because it sings on neutral tones and do a very simple edge to edge something or other.  Maybe something with dragonflies.  Somewhere put in a little hand written  "I will always love you" and then go on with the design.  My heart goes out to you.    

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Connie, what ever you do, your heart will guide you. This is a quilt of love, every stitch will be perfect as only sisters will know what it cost you to do it. Your hear is breaking but in time the quilt will give you comfort, in the knowledge that you made her happy. Linda's idea of red thread is wonderful, Love is what this quilt is all about.

My prayers are for you and your family in this very difficult time.

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I will say a prayer for your sister and for you. How sad.

As far as the quilting, I prefer thread that blends as I think it is more " peaceful," if that makes any sense. I love the ideas shared above about writing special messages and the names of family members. I would add a few small swirls here and there. To me swirls are symbolic of our life cycle. I also like the dragonfly suggestion. So, maybe a simple meander that flows into a phrase, then into a swirl, them into a dragonfly, and continues along.

When I did something like this type of meander where I wanted to add a different design element here and there, I roughly sketched it on large paper and started with the placement of the special elements, then went back and added the meander to join them together. This helped me to space them out more evenly and to remember to vary the designs I wanted to use. Then I as I advanced my quilt top, I would use little round stickers I have from the office supply and I would stick them on the top to mark where the next special word or design should go. Then I removed the sticker to continue on. This " planning" worked for me. I kept my paper sketch on the quilt top as I was working so it was close by for reference.

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