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Skipping stitches and retiming update


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Ok...here's my update.  I'm blaming most of my problem on how crappy I've been feeling.  My cancer med was making me truly crazy (think of the worse PMS you've ever had then make it about 10 times worse and last a whole month).  I was verbally annihilating people, had zero patience, constant headaches, unable to sleep, hot flashes continually, yadda, yadda.  And I was totally exhausted most days.  So I stopped it a few days ago and since then I've only been partly crazy and improving...God bless my patient hubby.  I still need to talk to the doc about me stopping the med, but my mind's made up about that one...it's a no go. 


It took me most of the day to retime my machine.  I think one could actually do it much quicker, but I'm sticking to my story. 


Dawn, thank you for the written instructions and the video link.  I couldn't have done it without it.  Thank you for your offer that I could e-mail you.  I almost did several times.  I am normally a quick-study and technical person and I had to watch the video twice and read those instructions a half a dozen times.  I even stopped in the middle of it all and took a shower then went back to work on it.  That's the kind of fog I've been in.  I say this because I want people to know that if I was able to accomplish the retiming under these conditions then ANYONE will be able to do this.  I detested having to take my roller bars off (twice) just so I could see where the needle was landing and other critical parts.  Please don't tell me I didn't have to do that.  My screwdrivers wouldn't fit right either...none of the 20 or so I was trying to use (maybe I should invent special tools for our machines).  I kept dropping stuff and having to bend over to pick it up.  I usually say that's God's way of making me exercise, but today it was just irritating me.  My poor hubby wanted to do it for me and the evil stare I gave him backed him right down.  He knows how frustrated I've been feeling and he knows when to back away and just help me with the stuff I ask for help with.  I am normally such a happy, easy going person too. :D


Thank you Amy for your great way of explaining things on the video so as to make the rest of us feel capable enough to embark on this endeavor and actually succeed at it.  I know...you explained what tools we would need in very good detail.  I don't know what happened...lol.  In spite of all of the above, my machine seems to be sewing perfectly in all directions now with and without the stitch regulator and no skipping.  Yay!  And I am making pretty decent circles.  Yay again!  Please, God, let this be reality and not a dream I'm having.  :D   


I just received a package from APQS and I'm sure it's my ribbon cable I have to replace so my indicator lights will work properly.  God bless Brenda for having such a sense of humor and understanding what I wanted to order when I referred to it as "the rainbow colored ribbon looking thing that makes the 'idiot lights' work",  I will put the cable on tonight, but replacing the rear cams will be done another day.  I'm not pushing my luck any farther today. 


Thank you for everyone who offered suggestions to my problem and being so helpful.  Some times I guess it really does take a village.  Thank you for being my village.         

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I had quite a day too, Oma, and I certainly don't have your problems.  First thing this morning my air compressor quit working for no discernable reason.  Then my upper thread kept breaking and shredding, even after I changed needles, bobbins and bobbin case.  Couldn't find my APQS handbook, even though I knew exactly where I'd put it.  Sat down in my studio office chair which promptly lost a wheel, so I fell out of it.  Decided to print the invoice for the quilt I finally finished, thread breaks and all, and the printer quit!  Everything was working yesterday, so I could only surmise we were visited by gremlins sometime during the night.  For once I didn't mind coming upstairs to make dinner!


Tomorrow, tomorrow...

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I'm so glad to hear that the machine is working again! I'm just sorry that everything seemed to be giving you a headwind through the entire process. I know that timing is not as hard as it's made out to be, but given the way you must have been feeling I'm sure it felt like you were climbing a mountain backwards! If there's anything else we can do to help, just shout!

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Oma, just wanted to say I'm sorry you've been feeling crappy. Some meds suck. Your symptoms remind me of when I went off gabapentin. I locked myself in the bedroom for a week before I could deal with everyday life. I hope your doc changes your meds for you soon so you feel better. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}

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