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This quilt has been on my frame for almost two weeks now and I have three Easter table runners and quilts I need to get to, so I really need to finish this and get it off the frame! Unfortunately, my mind is blank on ideas of what to do with the blocks.


To stabilize everything, I SID'd around all the on-point large squares and borders, as I ended up starting on the borders and am working my way in.


I cross-hatched the large border (fabric was too busy to show any design) and in the side-setting triangles I did some smaller question marks with feathering off the outer side of the ? and also a background fill to fill the remaining space -- kind of an all-over design -- and I am thinking of doing that in the light-colored background squares of the baskets with the applique curve handles so that it matches the setting triangles.


But I am not sure what to do in the other large blocks -- the pieced baskets. Any ideas??





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I'm truly not much help.  To just get it done, I would CC the various squares & triangles  in the baskets and do a small to medium meander in the background to help the baskets 'pop' - though they pop pretty well against the lighter backgrounds.


Best wishes.  I hate it when I'm stumped.



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Lynn, I think that is my problem, I want to CC but am not sure, should I CC each triangle in the basket? I'm not sure how to CC this one. Oh, boy, yeah, being stumped stinks. I uploaded another pic to show what I've done to the setting triangles. The long rectangles in the basket block has me stumped, too. Thanks for the ideas!

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Bonnie I love what you have done so far. I am usually not one to give advice, (I am ALWAYS stumped!) but just looking at the basket on the left i am seeing a basket weave in the squares, and maybe a wide curved cross hatching in the one one the right. It looks like there are a few different baskets and I would make the different ones the same as each other, does that make any sense at all??????

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Bonnie I like what you have done in the borders.  It looks like it is quilted pretty dense so I would keep that going in the middle or you might end up with issues.  I would pull in feathers and crosshatching into the blocks and cc'ing some of the triangles would be fine.  I would do the same treatment in the background of all the baskets but let the basket determine what designs you do.  I've done a few basket blocks and I like to quilt feathers in the bottom big triangle area and cc the triangles.  I would add in some straight line work to pull in the straight lines of the cross hatching too.  

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Cathy and Heidi, thank you for the ideas! I do like the idea of bringing in some of the cross-hatching and keeping the backgrounds the same. Hopefully just one more night of waking up (when I should be sleeping) and thinking of this quilt before it's done! Thank you, thank you!

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basket quilts are my least favorite, because I don't like the baskets themselves, hence, I've never made one for myself.  I might keep a similar background going like what you did in those large triangles, and just cc the individual triangles in the baskets, or do the wiggly type of basket weave design.  Good luck.

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I'm with Debbie.  Don't like basket blocks, never have good ideas for them.  I'd follow the advice already given.  Sorry I'm not adding today.  I am going to save the ideas for the next basket quilt that I get.  Thanks for sharing!  Can't wait to see what you do with it.

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Bless Joan for offering pictures and the others for their great suggestions!


I would cc the actual basket and do something else with what is in the basket. 


If custom makes you squirm, it must make you squirm in all of the right ways.  The quilting in your posted pictures is just lovely.



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Joan, thank you so much for posting pictures for me! I'm a visual "learner" and art was my worst subject in school, even though I loved it. Design ideas just don't flow through my brain.  :( I really appreciate seeing how you quilted your baskets! They look great and I love that background fill.


Lynn, thank you for the idea of CCing the baskets. I found some pics on line and I think I'm going to bring some cross hatching to the bottom and CC the top parts. 


Joan, Lynn, and Valerie, thank you for the nice comments. You don't know what that means to me ... actually it makes me want to get out there and get this quilt DONE. I've been putting it off too long because I'm afraid it won't turn out as nice as I would like. We are all our own worst critics, I know.

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