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I have a chance to purchase a 2003 Ulitmate I (works) with bobbins, VHS tapes, and 4 pantos for $2700.  There is a 14' track the machine runs on and there is the glide section attatched to the bottom of the machine.  How can I get pricing for a frame or the rest of what is missing.


I wasn't ready to get a machine yet, but this sounded like it might be a good opportunity.


Any thoughts?



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You might want to offer less money. I paid $3000.00 for an UTL 1, on a 14 foot frame with tons and I mean tons of fabric, thread, pantos, seger, cutting table and so on and so on.... What is the going price in your area? I would call APQS and see what a frame would cost.

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I would contact APQS as to the pricing for what you might be missing.  For a table and other misc parts that probably would be needed to get this baby up and humming nicely, they can help you the best.  I think $2700 for a partial machine, might be a bit much??  I purchased my Ult11 with stitch regulator (Ult 1 does not have SR) for $3500 and everything was complete with 12' table.  The SR to add is around $3K, so that is something to consider if you are wanting a SR. 

Do some more research and make some calls to find out just how much you  might be spending to get the machine the way you want it to be, before committing to the purchase.

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What I'm understanding is you have the table track and machine track but not the frame or rollers- is this the one listed on eBay?  You would need to find 3-4 roller bars and the legs which will quite possibly be very spend if not hard to locate.  I have extra table legs but no rollers to help you out.  I would think you would do better finding a setup that was complete, jmho, for the price it would take to get a complete table.

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You are looking at about $1100.00 for the set of 4 rollers.  I don't know what APQS charges for the legs.  I agree with the others above, trying to piece parts together, you would end up spending much more than finding a complete set up.  Of course, you could offer much less and see if they take it.


I would also question the 2003 date?  the Millenium came out in 2000 or 2001, and I am pretty sure they replaced the Ultimate 1, so that date seems kind of questionable.

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Thanks for all the great advice.  I have left a message and an e-mail with APQS and hopfully will hear from them Monday.  I was already thinking of offering less, maybe $1500-$2000.  They gave me the price of $2700 not realizing it needed a frame. 


The 2003 date is on the plate attached to the machine that has motor and amp information on it.  I am also going to find out the serial number to get an accurate date.

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I saw that listing too.  I would not buy it unless I could get it for $1000 -!200 or less.  You have no idea what's been up with the machine.  What else is missing?  In my opinion (and I'm pretty brave when it comes to taking chances with used stuff) there's just too much risk.  If you can buy it cheap, then you can afford to pay to have whatever needs fixing.  I'd wait and watch for a good deal on a complete running set up.  Just my take on it.  Jim

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Thanks again for all the good advice.  APQS called me back and I feel confident they will be able to fine me a setup at a low price for my starting out. 


I donate my time and supplies to quilting ladies and teaching girls to sew, so my own funds are very limited.  With a long arm I feel I could do so much more for others, and also raise money to continue my quest.


A special camp (Camp Boggy Creek) is dear to our hearts and is always in need of quilts for the beds if anyone has a desire and time.


God Bless to all,


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Okay, I found another possible machine.  It is a 2007 Millennium with power fabric advance, standard 12' table, stencils, 12 pantos, manual, dvd, bobbins, needles etc. original owner with original boxes.  I can get it for $9000.  Does this sound like a better deal for me?

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Hurray!!!  I just brought my millie home.  She is upstairs in her new room and will be put together tomorrow.  I tried her out and used the fabric advance and laser.  Everything worked great.  Beautiful stitching.  Thanks for all the great advice and support.

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