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New customers, blogging, and how to add your business name to photos?

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I was in Joann's the other day and a lady was talking to me about quilting .. out of the blue. Long story, but in the end I mentioned I quilted for others and she asked me for a business card. I love how new customers happen! This incident has prompted me to start my blog again, so if I give out cards to strangers, they have a place to go and see what I've quilted, kind of a reference of sorts. But I hate to upload pictures and have them appear somewhere else with no recognition to me. Not that I'm a great quilter, but I like my stuff to be mine, so I'd like to add my "blooming quilts" to my pictures somehow. Looking for an EASY and FAST way. Any programs you can recommend for this? I didn't like "Paint" when I tried it the last time.

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Thanks for the nice comments about my header, Valerie and Marci!!! I played with it yesterday and finally figured out how to make one of my own instead of using a template from Blogger. I'm happy with it, too!  :)


Andrea, the program that Kristina recommended lets you batch edit as many photos at once as you want. It's pretty easy and fast!

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Bonnie - I'm out of likes for the day...but wanted to add, I was on the phone with Time Warner Cable this morning because my email wasn't working - pumpkinpatchquilter is part of my email address.  The fellow on the phone asks me, "So, by chance, because your email is pumpkinpatchquilter, do you make quilts?"  I answered, "Yes, well, I quilt quilts - I'm a long arm quilter.  People send me their tops and backing and I quilt it together for them".  He responds, "Wow, what a small world, I only live a couple hours away, my Mother just passed away and I have been looking for someone to quilt an embroidered quilt she was working on..."


Isn't it amazing how the universe puts us in the right place at the right time with the right people???

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