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Heat Wave

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Morning Everyone, I just wanted to say hello!! We're hav'in a heat wave today here in Kentucky and it's gotten me in a wonderful mood and I just wanted to share it with everyone.

Nothin' special, don't gave any problems or I don't want anything. Just hav'in a great day and wanted to share it with you all.

I hope that you all have one too.

Donna Gale Hays

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Hey we're having a February thaw in Iowa. It was in the 40's yesterday and today too. It has melted a lot of snow. Problem is the refreezing at night make for some slick area. Like our driveway....you guessed it, I was in a hurry for work this morning and didn't pay any attention to the condition of the walk. I stepped out the back door and fell flat on my butt. Luckily I live in the country and no one saw me except the good Lord who kept my head from hitting the pavement. I know I'll be sore tomorrow....leaving for Nashville, TN on Thursday -- are there any great quilt shops in Nashville????

Thanks, Sharon.

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Sorry to hear that you fell, glade to hear that you are OK!

As far at the quilt stores in Nashville; I can't answer that, I hope somebody else can answer that for you.

I hear there is a very nice quilt shop in Paducah Kentucky, I'm not sure how close you would be to it. It's called Hancock Fabrics.

Good luck in finding a nice one.

Donna Gale Hays

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Thank you Norece, I've printed it out and will take it with me. Hopefully I can get away from the National Wild Turkey Federation Convention long enough to buy some fabric. Yes, that's right turkeys. My DH is a regional director for this organization. Over 25,000 people will attend over the next few days -- any turkeys out there, you all come by ya hear;)

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Hi everyone having warm weather

You are all making me laugh as we are having a heatwave here too. We have had 5 days straight of 38C - I think thats about 95degrees farenheit. I was in DesMoines last week where the temp was -2C so it was a huge shock to the system when I got off the plane in Melbourne to those high temperatures.

Enjoy your warm break from winter as I sit close to my airconditioner.

Sue in Australia

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Wow, Sue!!! Here I am dreaming of warmer weather, and I forget how during a heat wave I complain, too!!! I think 38C is more like 100F! Do you get high humidity where you are? That's the real killer, in my books!

Give us winter gals a toast when you raise a nice cool glass of lemonade (or preferred beverage!!!). Actually spring is right around the corner, can't wait!!! I had a pussy-willow branch indoors holding up a winter wallhanging...took it down yesterday and noticed a little white pussy willow poking out...must be a sign!!!

Have a good day......Sandra

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Hi Donna,

We have a kind of spring here in the Netherlands, Europe, never had any winter, exept for a few days, and I am fond of the winter... so that is too bad. I don't think we will have any snow or frost, unless the weather will change the next few weeks, because sometimes we will have snow and frost as far as in April, who knows...

Sylvia Kaptein



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It was in the mid forties here in central Minnesota. But it is really windy out there now. Even had a huge part of a huge basswood tree break of this afternoon. Luckily it was in the woods by our house and not much closer. The plus side too is that it is just over the property line on my father laws place so he can clean it up and use it for firewood. I guess we are suppose to get freezing rain and them maybe 10-12 inches of snow through the weekend. Can't wait. I am sick of seeing grass peeking out under the snow. If it's going to be cold in the winter time we might as well have snow to go with it. And right now we have no snow on the ground.


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I noticed you all talking about the weather.. And you are all in the Northern hemisphere!! :-)

Well, here in Tasmania, Australia.. It is SUMMER and we have had a few weeks of scorching weather (at least for Tasmania - we are pretty South - colder). Now I don't know what this is in Fahrenheit but we have had between 28 and 33 degrees Celsius.. Doesn't really feel like quilting weather :-)


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Hi Michelle

I'm in Melbourne, where today it was in the high 30s - better than the last 5 days when its been 38c.

Hi Sandra

Yes there's been a lot of humidity lately but no north winds which are the killers.

I so much enjoyed the cooler weather and snow in Des Moines last week but then its a novelty for me.

Sue in Australia

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Just a little north of Missouri we are expecting freezing rain along with thunder snow. I'm pretty tired of winter. We had to close off our sun room when the temps dropped to zero and stayed there. My poor Annabelle Liberty is in the sun room so I am having quilting withdrawl. I've been down now for almost a month!!

Cheryl in Iowa

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OK, kiddos... you all are whining about how cold it is in your neck of the woods...well, you do not even want to know how cold it is up here right now. And I'm not telling you, either! OK...I'll give you a hint: It's somewhere between -35 and -25 below zero.

Let's just say that in a HUGE way, that it's ffff-f-f-f-f-f--fffrrrEEEEEEZING!

So, I got y'all beat by a long way. Quit your sniveling. ;)

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I used to live in Franklin Tennessee (just 20 min. south of Nashville) and the Stitchers Garden is on Main Street in Franklin. There are also other neat stores there, its a great place to spend an afternoon. The Stitcher's Garden has so much fabric crammed in that it will make your head spin. There is so much there that it is impossible to see it all in one visit. Have fun. I miss that area, it's beautiful and the people are really nice.

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