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Oh! Those diagonal sets!

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Cute watermelon quilt made out of log cabin blocks. The client said the usual "You can just follow the diagonals can't you?" I did it but it was not easy or fast as I couldn't get 2 whole watermelons between the rollers. Roll back, roll ahead, repeat endlessly! Make the square watermelons look a little round. I am glad to be done with it!post-6134-0-31446800-1400816579_thumb.jpg

Diagonal sets...love, hate relationship!

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I love this quilt!  I did one for a customer and thought it was one of the cutest logs cabins I had seen in a long time!  Nice job!  I just quilt diagonals as far as I can go, leave the needle in, advance and continue on.  They're kind of a pain, but I love how they turn out.

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any tips or hints for next time?  I'm loading a diagonal rainbow log cabin on my frame this afternoon  ;-/   not looking forward to it.   It's a queen size. 




Whatever your diagonal design plan is (whether feathers or other running designs) plan it out first on a piece of acrylic or tissue paper so you can start and stop with one "unit". Lay down the auditioning piece and draw a "unit"--using the comfortably-reachable space withing the diagonal as your boundaries. Start and stop in the same spots each pass. Stitch every diagonal across the stitching field as you go. Stitching a section and advancing the quilt to continue in the same diagonal column isn't advisable because of potential distortion.


Most longarmers suggest also to not stitch long unbroken diagonal straight stitching (like in an Irish Chain) because thread breakage can happen from handling and laundering. The bias can stretch and snap the thread with rough handling like when tugging while making a bed. Better to stitch straight diagonals within the field, tie off, and start again in the same spot after advancing. I repaired a 12 year old Irish Chain where this happened.

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