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Cheri Blevins - update

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Hi All,


I saw the post last week asking if anybody had heard from Cheri so I reached out to her.  We have stayed in touch over the last couple of years.  I just heard back from her and she has given me permission to post her response.  Please, please, please join me in lifting her up in prayer!  This is always a tough time of year for her but it just seems like she has so much on her plate.  As you will see there is good news, sad news and prayer needed news.  I know you all care about her as much as I do.  She and Elmer are so special to us.  Here is Cheri's response:


 Ahhhh Heidi you always seem to know when I have hit bottom. I have had a few messages and cards from my friends on the forum. Please ask them to forgive me for not replying. Things have not been good.  Let me see, where do I even start?
We were finally able to get all of Elmer's records out of the hospital. It was all sent to 2 independent specialists ... one a surgeon and one a endocrinologist. They both came to the same conclusion.  In their opinion Elmer did not die from adrenal cortical carcinoma ... he did not die from the surgery.... they believe he died from Addison's disease ( better known as adrenal insufficiency ) 1 adrenal gland was removed during surgery.   He needed shots of cortisol.  Sounds so simple doesn't it? If you remove an adrenal gland you need to replace missing hormones.  From what I have read it is a horribly... horribly .... painful way to die. I know that he suffered terribly.  The anger I feel sometimes threatens to swallow me. I miss him with every fiber of my being.
As you know, I brought Elmer home on Valentines Day ... they sent him home to die.  That day was the worst day of my life. There wasn't even a sliver of hope to hold on to as I walked out of the hospital to the ambulance. After 28 days of noisy machines on him he was so still and quiet. I will always remember that long walk. Please ask my forum friends for extra prayers on Valentines Day.  
I am still seeing Rick. He is such a good man. I don't know where it will go.... he knows my heart is with Elmer.  He always reminds me that he is a patient man. Rick is good company.... so soft spoken.  I have managed to do what Elmer wanted and hold our combined family together.  His boys and my daughter have gotten very close. They all like Rick a lot. I am amazed at how close the 3 kids and I have become since his death. 
I have not been allowed to drive for months now. At first the doctors thought I was having mini strokes again but after much testing they now think it may be very mild seizures caused by the fall I took off the ladder. I hit my head sooo hard on the edge of that concrete block. My broken finger healed VERY crooked but I don't care. I refused to let them do surgery and put a pin in it. It's just a dang pinky finger anyway. I have a few more tests and then I am hoping they will know for sure what causes the short blackouts and can start on meds to correct it. I am so tired of depending on other people.
My friend Barb from the forum has been a lifesaver. She takes me to my appointments when I need her to. She drives over for coffee and sometimes forces me out of the house  lol.
Can you believe my Nathan is engaged? The wedding is the end of May.  She is a sweet girl and I think they will do just fine. They both have wonderful jobs. I count my blessings with the kids and grand-kids. They are all fine young men and women.
I have been trying to make a quilt for Nathan and his wife - to - be but can't seem to really get into it. I seldom ever sew or piece anymore. It just seems like my mind is too full of everything else to concentrate. Maybe someday I will enjoy it again. Barb and I are going to Paducah for the quilt show.  It should be a nice trip. 
Sorry this is so long but since I don't stay in touch very well I thought I would hit you with it all at once ... lol.
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I'm in tears reading Cheri's letter to you, Heidi. How very sad she must be. It sounds like she is trying to hold herself together for her family. I've learned a little about adrenal insufficiency in the last couple of months (it's part of my problem but I don't have Addison's). You would think his death could have been avoided with more cortisol/hydrocortisone. No doubt she is mad. I don't blame her.


Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. I wish she were doing better.

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