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a question about flannel quilts and batting

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My husband's Grandpa has recently (last Wednesday) been diagnosed with Colon Cancer. I'm making him a recovery quilt and it's going to be a pieced flannel top and flannel backing. My question is should I use batting when I quilt it and if so what type do you recommend?

My MIL said that the quilt should be soft, warm, light and really flexible so that he can take it places with ease. She also asked that it not be densely quilted. I figure that since it's her dad she would know best about what to make.

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Sorry about grandpa also...how nice it is to have the comfort of a flannel quilt.

Laurie...thanks for the pics...I've had a creatve block lately and couldn't get going on anything to save my life. I have some flannel I thought I'd whip up a throw, but came up dry there also!


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So sorry to here about your Grandpa, and its totally cool that you are able to make him this new cover up.

I agree with the lighter cotton batting, but if he is in the south or where it doesn't get very cool....that even be to warm...in that case I would just use another piece of flannel. Flannel comes in several different weights so maybe you can find one that is a bit more heavy than your quilting flannel.

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Sorry to hear about your DH's grandpa.

I have a flannel quilt currently on my machin as well, both top and back are flannel and the customer wanted Hobb's 80/20 for the batting. So far all flannel quilts that customers bring me all request the cotton batting.

If you use a poly batt it will be lighter in feeling however it will be poofier with the open/ light quilting.

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Hi Judy,

I'm sorry to about your DH's grandfather. A quilt will be something nice and cozy for him to nap with.

I have only made a few flannel quilts myself. I made one for my grandmother who was, at the time, in her 90's and lived in New York. She was very frail so I just put in a layer of flannel instead of batting. Flannel seems heavy to me to begin with but with cotton batting, it would have been too much for her. It is more like a soft and snuggly sheet for her.

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Thank you everyone for your support and advice. Grandpa goes to the Dr. tomorrow to discuss surgery and everything that will be involved.

Below is the pattern that I have drafted up for him. My son has selected all of the fabrics and I will allow my daughter to pick the color thread, I'll do the quilting and my husband picked the quilt pattern so it's a whole family affair!

I was thinking of a light cotton batting as well.


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My husband has been dealing with advanced colon cancer (surgery, radiation, chemo). He is still very cold all of the time. I made a couple and was fortunate to have Thinsulate batting for them - it weighs nothing, drapes as well as light cotton, and is very very warm. My second choice would have been poly cotton for the warmth. Go with your instinct and make it big enough to wrap up in.

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Judy, your grandpa is so lucky to have such a loving family to contribute to this group project. You all will feel good from this effort and as a result, grandpa will have a BEAUTIFUL flannel quilt to cuddle under. So pretty! :) I am sure he will be so touched by your generous love and affection.

Laurie, that is a beautiful quilting job! did you do that all freehand or use tools for the CCs?

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Thank you all. The quilt will be 75x75 finished and I'm thinking I may use the Dream Puff batting. It sounds really warm and the sample I have here is really thin and soft, the quilting can be up to 10" apart. It seems to be the perfect batting for this project!:)

Anybody know what the turnaround time is when placing an order with Quilter's Dream?

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Poly request by QD would be nice too. Love that stuff. Just be care when you advance your quilt, it is so soft it likes to roll on itself. I use a painters pole to roll the big piece of batting on when I first load it and it adds the perfect tension so that when I advance it continues to lay flat and smooth and the pole doesn't get in my way either.


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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Laurie, that is a beautiful quilting job! did you do that all freehand or use tools for the CCs?

Shana - thanks! I used the Triple Play ruler from Lakeside Quilt Co. I have very few rulers and this one is very easy to use......


I only used it on the 4-patch blocks....the HST blocks are freehand.

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I love flannel quilts. My favorite batting for most quilts is Quilters Dream 100% cotton but I have not yet used the QD Dream puff. It would likely be better than 100% cotton because it would be less weight and easier for him to adjust on his own when he changes position.

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I just finished a baby quilt (well, it\'s not bound yet) made out of flannel on the top and bottom and I used QD, Dream Puff in it. It is sooo nice. It is supposed to be warmer than down, according to their literature. I didn\'t wash my pastel flannels prior to piecing the top, so I\'m looking to wash the quilt and have it shrink up a bit to give it that old fashioned look. I don\'t expect the batting to shrink at all, but the flannel should shrink just enough to give it that real cozy look. It already feels great. This will be put aside for my newest grandchild due January 26th, which would have been my Dad\'s 98th birthday. We don\'t know the sex of this baby yet, so the quilt is pinks, blues, yellows, and the other pastels for babies.

Anyway, back to your question about purchasing QD batting...I\'m not in business, don\'t have a tax ID, so I bought it at my LQS. Sorry, that wasn\'t any help to you.

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I called QD and placed my order. I had a few other things I wanted to try out from them as well. They said it would be about 7-10 days for processing. I explained the situation and asked if it could be done any sooner, I\'d like him to have the quilt before he goes in for surgery. She said that she would see what she could do and to make sure I call her back with updates on how the batting works for me and how Grandpa is doing too.

They were really super nice!:)

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I recently did a few flannel baby quilts and used a lightweight cotton batting. They came out nice. It was sugeested to me, by a more experienced quilter, that I be careful quilting along seams (like line dancing) and try not to converge to many stitches in a block corner. These might tend to "Raise" the seams on the flanel. Have any of you experienced this? I wound up doing some meandeing, with loops, crossed the seams somewhat perpendicularly and kind of looped around the block corners. They laid nice when finished.

Don F \\_o

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