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Midwest Ice Storm -- Are you allright in the Heartland?

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We are alive and well. Actually, the storm was not as bad for us as predicted. I have been working this week moving cars at Ford - on the ice and snow and whatever else we have seen in the way of weather this week. Yuk!! I will be so happy when Thursday night is over...then I will be off for 60 days again, and staying home by the fire where it is nice and warm.

Here is a picture I took this morning of a tree in my front yard....hope it is not too dark...


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Our neighborhood was only without power for 24 hours. I haven\'t heard from my daughter up in Tulsa yet today. As of yesterday they\'d been without power for two days and were being told it might be as much as ten days.

We lost two big bushes that my husband had trimmed up like trees. I wanted to pull them out this spring anyway, so no big deal. Our tree made it through, so far, without any broken limbs. However, the rest of the trees in the neighborhood are pretty much gone. Our neighbor across the street had three trees in their front yard. I stood and watched yesterday morning as the top of one of the trees cracked and fell to the ground. When they crack it is really loud.

I was in the middle of the last row on a king size quilt when the power went out. I haven\'t been brave enough yet to turn my Millie back on and see if she still works, but that has to happen today. Hopefully, she survived it. She\'s plugged into a surge protector, but sometimes that isn\'t enough.

They say we will have snow the next two days. Its beautiful, but it turns into ice as soon as it warms up a bit in the day and then turns colder at night.

If I don\'t get out today and do a bit of Christmas shopping, there may not be any Christmas.

Take care everyone! Stay warm!

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The two bushes that we lost are on the left side. It doesn\'t look it, but everything is covered in ice. This was taken before the sun came up. A couple of hours later these bushes were laying on the ground, uprooted.

I tried to take a picture of the grass because it looked so interesting. Each blade of grass was encased in about a half an inch of ice. It looked like some weird plant from space. Those pictures didn\'t come out, though.

Ice Storm 2007.bmp

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When we heard how hard your city got hit we were really worried, with the storm moving our way and hearing of the damage. It\'s good to hear that you are doing ok. I hope your daughter is doing ok now.

We didn\'t get hit as hard as they predicted. We had some broken branches, but never lost power.

Here\'s a picture of some branches down in my front yard.


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Down n Southern Illinois we have not been hit by the ice storm but had very dense fog yesterday. An elderly gentleman ended on 57 going the wrong way, hit a truck and was killed. Another accident blamed on the fog caused a young woman to lose control of her car and was killed. Weather can be so treachous!

Judith Fosse

Goreville, Il


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We lost power in the middle of the night Monday. No power for St. Joseph, Savannah, Maryville and surrounding towns. Every tree had branches/ limbs down. Reports are that it may be several days before power is returned to all homes. Crews from neighboring states have arrived to help restore power.

We were fortunate in that we have a gas water heater and stove. Our power was restored yesterday (Tuesday) evening. My folks have a yard full of trees and consequently a yard full of downed trees, limbs and branches. My kids didn\'t have school today, so they are up there helping clear the mess.

Still about half the people without power and lots and lots of downed lines!

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Glad to hear your power has been restored. Last year when Springfield was hit, it looked like a war zone, so many downed trees it will take years for them to recover.

Phyllis, been thinking of you too. Was just getting ready to send you an email. Glad to hear that you all got through it so well. Hope you hear from your daughter and family soon.

Mary Beth

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Southern Iowa was hit really hard. A lot of counties all totally shut down with no electricity and county roads as slick as glass. I live way out in the country so we will probably be without electric for many days as so many trees are down on the wires. I just made it to work this afternoon. We stood in our garage on Tuesday morning and it sounded like fireworks in the woods around us from all the limbs cracking and falling. We had several of our oaks lose limbs. It is so sad. It took us almost 2 hours to bust the 3/4" ice off the vehicles this morning. We are lucky that we have a wood stove so we can keep warm, many can\'t. We are using our camp stove to cook on and our water heater is gas, so we are in better shape than most. Our parents live in town but they still do not have electric. I think my parents are coming this afternoon to spend the night to keep warm. It is especially hard on the elderly as they do not want to get out on the ice for fear of falling and if they stay in, they will do without heat. Please pray for all those in the midwest who are going thru this rough time. A warm-up would be most welcome. The big down-side is that I was homebound with a lot of time on my hands, but couldn\'t quilt because no electricity.!!! I did a lot of drawer cleaning and organizing.


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My husband and I left Virginia on Sunday afternoon after we delivered our last quilts for the year. Of course we ran into the storm. We were pulling our 5th wheel and that made for some interesting moments to say the least. We came through Oklahoma very slowly. We finally got to Victorville, CA. this morning. Normally, we would have been here by Tuesday. Coming through Flagstaff in Arizona we ran into one snow blizzard that lasted for approx. 1/2 to 1 mile long. Really odd. Many, many accidents were along the way.

By the way, I know there are 2 other long-armers here in Victorville and I don\'t remember if I saw that on this list or on another one. If you see this, please email me because I would love to meet you guys. We will be moving here permanently at the beginning of 2010 or a little sooner. We are here now to start working on a house we bought for our retirement and it\'s right next door to one of our daughters. How fun is that????? She and her friends have gotton into quilting recently. How fun for me!!!!!

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Our heat and stove/oven are all electric. Fortunately, we have a gas water heater. We do have a gas fire place. It doesn\'t make much heat, but every little bit helps. I get grumpy if I don\'t have a cup of hot tea in the morning. so it was fortunate that the hot water heater was working. I had at least a luke warm cup of tea. DH went and bought a camp stove before lunch so I had a good hot cup then. Everything I needed to do required electricity, so I felt as if I wasted a day.

My daughter called this evening to let us know that their power had just come back on. The water treatment plant had lost power in their area, so that was the first priority there. I\'m sure Heather was delighted to watch "The Incredibles" this evening. Her two year old was very unhappy that he couldn\'t watch his favorite movie the last three days.

I was able to do my Christmas shopping today. Most of it was done on the computer. Then I went to Kohl\'s to buy a few things. I have one more gift to buy and I\'m done.

I can\'t believe how grey the sky has been all week. I was so surprised that it didn\'t snow today because of the way it looked. They are still calling for snow on Thursday and Friday.

I finished the quilt I was working on when the power went off. Ginger did just fine, so I can breathe again.

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We\'ve gotten hit with the ice. The trees are so very sad . . . ALOT of damage around town. Power has been up and down, so hit and miss all over our town, plus our whole county. Rural areas don\'t have a chance anytime soon.

The house temps got low enough, I was dressed warmly plus wrapped in blankets. Finally decided it was time to consider a few Step 1 "survival tactics" (gulp). I decided I\'d see if I could "warm up" the kitchen (thank goodness for a gas stove!!). Our kitchen only has FOUR doors to it. :) One door is always closed, but I put blankets over each of the other three. It\'s AMAZING how much heat comes off 2 low flame burners.

I\'ve lived through one other ice storm (1984) on the farm. I much prefer being in town! (Critters get priority in the country, but people do in town!)

THANK GOODNESS I finished the last customer quilt last week!! However . . . I\'m now pressured to get my brother\'s done. He\'s wrangling at a guest resort in the mtns of Arizona. I had meant to have it to him before the first flurries . . . hum . . . Now, I\'ve planned it as a Christmas gift, esp since he won\'t be home. If only I could get the machine work done while the power is ON, so I can have it during the outages to get the binding sewn down - by oil lamp, candle, or WHATEVER!!! I have a couple sewing projects I had saved to do, and now it\'s getting a little frustrating. I don\'t whether to chance plugging my machine in, if it\'s going to surge one way or another (yipes!)

I have recently learned punchneedle - thank goodness for "busy" hands. Otherwise, I might be going a bit nuts!!! I drew and designed my own pattern and am making a couple ornaments for my two kids. I just might get them done afterall! :)

Fortunately, today the sun was out - lots of melting in certain areas. However, public safety announcements warned about "whipping" power lines (vs iced ones that broke) - either way, it\'s still a "cautious" time.

Ironically, my daughter\'s spending her first winter in upstate NY and she\'s the one calling HOME to ask how WE\'RE doing!!!

Some store in Hays brought 200 generators to a nearby town, and set up sales at a motel. I heard they were GONE in 20 minutes!!! Also, good luck finding ANY batteries within a 50+ mile radius!!

In spite of the negatives, we can count our blessings. Things can always be worse. We were blessed not to have the temps bottom out, OR the winds to blow. Either one or both of those would\'ve REALLY been disastrous!

Sherry O


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Hi All....still without electricity 4 days now....evenings are very, very dark in the country. We have been told it could be 5-7 more days due to many power poles being snapped. I miss my tree lights and holiday music. Our refrig is now our back porch; we have hot water because it is gas; we have a wood stove, so warm enough; cooking on a camp stove and the wood stove. DH and I are having some quality evening time together. Last night we played cards, can\'t tell you when we\'ve done that....both won one game. Today I bought a puzzle, we\'ll see if we can put it together by latern light. We might get 3 inches of snow tomorrow, could get interesting!!!!

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I sure hope you all get power back soon. We had ice in the North east but not as bad and we didn\'t loose power. We had a snow storm yesterday and got 9" of the fluffy stuff. Got everything dug out. Hubby is out of town until tonight (I think he planned it) so I had to go dig my MIL out too. My arms are killing me! Thank goodness I could snowblow most of it. We are in for another storm starting Sat. night, they are saying 7" - 2 ft! Yikes! They are also saying it might last into Monday. I\'ll tell hubby to get gas for the snowblower on his way home from the airport tonight...we\'ll need it! Maybe I\'ll have time to get my tree decorated. I still have gifts to finish!


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