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MQS 2008

Mary Beth

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Let\'s start again new. There are two MQS subjects going at the same time.

Linda Card (Ramona Quilter) has volunteered to make us all blue ribbons for our name tags. She also had a great idea that we try to check in twice a day to find out plans for that day at a table on the first floor - you know - where you can eat, mingle, yada yada...I will make a big sign for the table so you all know right were to go to get your ribbon and check in. How does that sound?? We will make sure someone is there with info most of the time.

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Oh, yay! Someone with organizational skills steps in! Having someplace to go to find out what\'s happening in our own "little" APQS universe would be wonderful. And, thank you, Linda, for volunteering to make the blue ribbons. T-shirts would have been nice (and may still be nice as a bonus way of IDing other APQSers), but let\'s be realistic - none of us are going to wear the same t-shirt AAALLLL week!;) And I\'d rather spend my $$$$ on quilt stuff than on a week\'s supply of t-shirts!:P

Mary Beth, do you want us to use this space to send you our free time? Or do you want that in a U2U or e-mail?

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I know my schedule has changed since I first signed up, maybe we should wait until we get to MQS to put ourselves on the list of attendees.

I was thinking that we could have a check-in (first day - pick-up your ribbon) before the show starts in the morning and then about 3 - 3:30 (class break) in the afternoon. That way, if somebody wants to go out for catfish dinner and has some open seats in their car, we can share that info. It is a good place to leave messages if you are trying to connect with another quilter.

I remember when I went to Innovations, I didn\'t know anybody and I just sat in my room at night and had breakfast alone in the morning. Boring. We chat here, why not chat over bagels before class?

What do you think?

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Barbara, whatever works for you. You can post them here or send me a u2u.

Shirley, I couldn\'t agree more...mo money!!

Linda will need to know how many people will be there. We want to make sure all are included. Last year we missed seeing some people - we just were not visable enough...we will be this year - minus the antlers....Debbi needs to get away from the quilt studio a little more often.

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Awesome idea, Linda! So sorry we didn\'t drag you into our small group at Innovations! We don\'t want anyone left out this time.

I\'ll be glad to help out whenever I can, although I\'ve booked a lot of classes, so the free time is minimal. Just let me know what I can do!

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What I needed to get away from is customer quilts. They were consuming my life!! As of Jan 1st, I am not taking anymore customer quilts until April 1st. I have 2 quilts to finish for MQS, Crosshatch My Heart and Be Still. Both are wholecloths and very cool. I have 10+ missionary quilts from my church to quilt by April 1st. I have a quilt for the Iowa Square Dance Federation to piece and quilt by April 1st. They will be auctioning it this year. And lastly, I have an auction quilt from the Science Center here in Des Moines that I will be quilting around the first of April. Then starting April 1st, I am already booked into summer. I just don\'t know how all of this is going to get done....

Anyway, I love the idea of a table to check in with. Great idea Linda!! I\'d be more than willing to man the table during some of my free time. Speaking of free time, I\'ll post mine later today or send it by u2u.

Since Linda is making blue ribbons, I guess this means I don\'t have to check with APQS about t-shirts? Works for me.

Linda Card - I\'m looking forward to seeing you again!! I know you were at MQS last year, but we never connected.

How many of you are entering quilts into the show? If you aren\'t, shame on you!! I think everyone should enter a show at least once for the learning experience and just the fun of seeing your quilt hanging at the show.

Lastly, how many of you are volunteering at the show? I did last year for a day in the photography room. It was a whole lot of fun, not to mention a great learning experience. I am planning to spend more time volunteering this year and would highly recommened that everyone else try it!!

Wow, I usually don\'t jabber on and on like this. Maybe it\'s cuz I can hardly wait for MQS to get here!!

BTW - Did all of you know that today is the halfway point through wintery cold weather?? At least here in Iowa. The statistics show that from here on out the temperatures gradually start to rise. Warmer weather means that MQS is getting closer and I have to find a way to get those quilts done by the deadline!!



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Hey Debbi, I think we (in Alaska) are about halfway through wintery cold weather, too.... should be all melted and warming up here in April. That is three months away, but that means three months ago, the snow started sticking here. We just had a cold snap/inversion and it was -40 at my house yesterday and it has warmed up to -20 today. It sounds so odd when we gladly boast that it has warmed up to -20...LOL! :P Really though don\'t freak out too much because it does get into the +80\'s and +90\'s here in the summer months! :cool:

I am so excited to see you all...my sisters...

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I just keep coming up with ideas...

For those of you who are registering late and finding the class you wanted is full, the MQS people have a bulletin board with posting of classes that individuals want to sell because for some reason or another they cannot attend the class. You would want to check that board to see if your class is available.

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I don\'t think you can check on them until the show actually starts. When you go in to sign in and pick up your packet for classes, there will be a bulletin board next to the desk. If you see your class, I think you take the slip of paper to the desk and tell them that you want that class, I think. I do know that the show people have to make the changes for you. I traded a class last year with the gal that bought my HF and we did it before the show took place and I contacted Carol Wiles to see what we needed to do. She took care of it, however, I\'m not sure I would take the route again. Not that she acted like it was a problem, Carol was very nice about it. I just felt bad because I know they are extreemly busy.

I say all of that, to say, just check the board next to the registration desk when you get there :)

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I know, I know, but I have to ask. Do they charge for kids under twelve to attend the class if she attends with her mom? My daughter is only 7, but I THINK she might enjoy a beginner class with me, but I wouldn\'t want to pay full price in case she gets bored and wants to leave to go to her dad...

I\'m leaning against being able to take any classes, simply because I KNOW my husband will not watch both kids long enough for me to go to class.

I know the classes are not babysitting, and I know everyone is there to learn,and maybe partly to get away from their kids for a while. However, she IS interested in quilting (a lot) and would be the only way I could possibly attend a class.

We are planning on taking a \'family\' trip since my husband\'s family is from the Ozarks, and taking a short detour up to KC for the \'festivities\'. I just had a brain cramp and wondered if it would work... I guess i\'ll do better to find a lecture and pay for her too....

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You might want to check with Carol Wiles on that one or just the contact email at the IMQA web site. Carol will probably be the one to answer your question. I have never seen children at MQS.

If she cannot attend...we do have Worlds Of Fun for the kids. You DH may not have a blast, unless he like amusement parks.

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I\'m not sure when I\'m getting to MQS this year due to time off in the office. But I plan on at least Thurs and Friday. I would be glad to help at the table. Last year we wore blue ribbons, and I met a few people in the showroom. It was so much fun; this year sounds so organized!

Debbi, I understand the overload syndrome. I have a back log of 20 quilts and just said yes to piecing 5 quilts and then quilting/binding them. Am I crazy!!!! I think I\'m going to have to learn how to say "no". I like your idea of saying no until you get somewhat caught up. It\'s so hard when you want the business.....but working full-time and trying to expand my business is not the ticket. I\'m going to have to re-evaluate my time schedule. How do others out there that work full-time handle a good work-flow? Help!!!

Thanks, Sharon

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Sharon - that is a great question.

I thought that it deserved a full post so it could be seen by folks that just scan Today\'s Posts for topics they are interested in. I moved your question out of Quilting Shows and over to "Chat about anything" and started a new post named "Work full-time and quilt. How do you do it?"

I can\'t wait to see how others respond.

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Jeanne, I\'m all for putting my cell # down. That\'s the only way my roomies and I have been able to keep track of each other before.

Mary Beth, it would be easier to tell you my classes than my free time :D there are fewer of them. I only have a class from 1-5 Mon, 8-3 Tues, Awards Wed, 1-5:30 + Tiki thingy Thurs, and haven\'t decided for Fri. I\'m going to contact the Volunteer dept but would love to get together w/you guys whenever you decide to do it!

Thanks for being so organized and also taking the job on. :D

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Look for the sign....I am making a large sign to go on a table in the main "mingle area" (I\'m sure it has a technical name) where you first come into the convention center on the 1st (or bottom) floor.

If you would like to email or send a u2u with your free time while you are there, I will put you on my list. As soon as I have everyone or once we get closer to time for the show I will be letting everyone know the best time to go to dinner; go shop hopping; or just for a normal, face to face chat!!

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