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My New Millie Has Shipped

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I am so excited I may pee my pants!!!!

I traded in my ULT 1 head;) on a new 2008 Millie. I ordered it on Friday, and it was shipped yesterday, can you believe it, I will have Millie for the weekend, and hardly any down time.

Ohhhh, now I will watch out the windows all day till it is here.

Happy Happy Day


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Laura, Hi! I know how excited you are!! I just sent my $ today and they said next week, she\'ll be comin\' round the mountain!!(or down the street);) YAHHOOOO!!! have fun!! at least you know what you\'re doing! I\'ve got ALLOT to learn,,,,,but I"m willing and kind of able!!:D linda

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Congratulations to both of you! I always get so excited when I see someone getting their "Dream Machine"! I haven\'t been logging in much lately but I still read everything twice a day. You are 2 lucky girls! Have fun and sleep while you can, you know how it is having a newborn in the house! Make sure your crockpots work, and go ahead and get some meals in the freezer!

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Things have changed in Iowa since I ordered my Millie in 2004. I had to send a deposit, wait 6 weeks for them to build my baby, and then send the balance owing before shipment. You ordered one on Friday and it shipped on Monday? Whooo wooo! That is wonderful! Talk about instant gratification! Have bunches of fun and come up for air every now and then.

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kenna, HA!! That is too funny!! I was just telling my friend at work today that I thought I would take this weekend and cook a bunch of stuff and put it in the freezer so I don\'t have to stop once I get started!! Sounds like a great idea to me!!!:D And the crockpot is in A-1 shape!!!:) Oh!! I am so excited!! Thanks for the encouragement~ linda

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Thank You everyone. I am a little calmer today, I will start tearing down my ULT today, and run maintence on my frame.

Maybe clean and settle my studio down a little. I still cannot believe it has shipped, I worried all night that they mixed me up with someone else, I had better call again today, frett,frett, frett...............:o


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Congrats to you both!!! No bouncing off walls yet?? still fixing dents in our walls..

Really though, It\'s just sooo much fun to play.. just have to get past the set up time.. and make sure the needle goes thru the hole.. then start playing .. Just have fun.


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Millie is here, she\'s so pretty.

She has a few problems, but I am sure we can get her running good on monday, My red button on the right, if you push it Millie takes off like she\'s at a race, I can\'t reduce my stitch lengh, My single stitch buttons not working, If you press that 1, she just keeps stitching slow and won\'t shit off, that is probley the #8 screw.

Vertical channel lock is stuck, I unpluged it so I could play

my stitch lengh is very tiny, no matter what stitch lengh it is set on.

BUT, I did manage to get one wall hanging done anyway, Sweet

I guess I will be on the phone with tec support on Monday.


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ROFL OMG too funny, she just keeps stitching slow and won\'t WHAT??? Oh, gosh I love typos.. I do enough for 3 of us.

I don\'t intend this as criticism.... please don\'t take it that way?

I do hope all is well by now and she\'s up and going strong.. you too.


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