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Marking a wholecloth

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I sat here last night and sketched out a whole cloth that I would like to make. The question is, how do I get that idea off my scratch paper and accurately onto fabric.

I plan to put an oval in the center, with a floral bouquet in that, then radiating lines, twirling feathers, etc all around that until the whole thing is 65x75.

How do I figure out how big to make each design? How do I keep them consistent over the whole thing? How do I draft it out to put it on the muslin?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Wow Teresa! How fun!

If you don\'t have or cannot borrow Karen\'s Whitework book, I will lend you mine--send me an email if that sounds good and I will mail it off right away. The book is invaluable for how to choose designs and how to mark, with beautiful photos of finished quilts.

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When I made mine I did a full-size pattern before I even tried to mark the top because I wanted it to be exact. I used a batiste layer so I could easily see through it. If you use a dark marker to draft a pattern then you should be able to see that through your fabric. You could mark off sections and then fill each section which is another easy way to mark a large quilt. You could also use some of Jodi Robinsons methods for designing. She makes templates that fit in specific areas and then just fills them in.

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Hi again Teresa,

If you cannot wait to start marking, draft the full pattern small and very precisely.

As these are symmetrical patterns (usually), only draft one quarter of the pattern and one full overlap of the centers of the side and the top.

Take this pattern to Kinkos and have it enlarged to fit one quarter of your fabric.

You will need to use a WATERPROOF marking pen to darken the lines---and on BOTH sides of the paper. This one pattern used with precise placement and a light box can be used to mark the whole thing. Flip it over for the mirror images.

Get a laundry marking pen to use and let it "cure" for a day on the pattern. Otherwise if you use a non-waterproof pen (like a regular Sharpie) you run the risk of having the dark pen ink transfer onto the underside of the fabric as you mark. You don\'t want to know how I know this!!

We need pictures of your process so we can cheer you on and also learn from you. Good luck!

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Oh, I\'m not in a big hurry. The idea just came to me while I was sitting here fighting off a fever, watching House on TV. I think it will be neat. I think I just got inspired looking at all the beautiful ones that have been posted here lately.

I would love to borrow your book, if you don\'t mind. I wish she would issue a reprint on that one. I have her other two books and love them. I will have to look through them for some design ideas.

If anybody knows of some lacey looking roses and such that I can use for part of the background fill, steer me in that direction so I can buy a pattern, stencil, whatever.

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If you have access to an overhead projector, you can use it to enlarge your pattern. Just tape paper or fabric to a wall and project the image onto it. Adjust the height and distance of the projector as you need to get the image to the size you want. I did this last fall to enlarge a pattern for a wholecloth and it worked great.


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Mark the vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines across the fabric. This way you have registration marks on your top for marking the quilt. You will be able to work on 1/4 of the quilt at a time and also be able to line up your design.

Staples can also make your pattern larger (at least mine can) so if you don\'t have Kinko\'s near by try them.

Have fun!

I am sure glad I bought my Whitework book when it was in print. $425 is a little steep for any book that is not an antique.


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Rita you\'re evil! LOL I got all excited...it is the one book I wish they would reprint! $425 is a little steep though!

Teresa - I have a dressmakers paper that I bought by the roll at G-Street Fabric in VA when I was drafting up a wedding gown last year. It has a 1" grid of sorts, there are letters and numbers printed in rows in a very pale blue. They really helped to line things up and keep everything symetrical. I don\'t know if you have a place close to you to get some but I thought it was very helpful. If I remember correctly it was about $14 for the roll. It is about 45" wide. I did my design in quadrants and just folded the pattern in half and did the mirror image and then in half to duplicate the other half. Have the registration marks on the paper really helped me keep the big pattern completely square. Also make sure to take into consideration how much quilting there is and how much your design will strink up. Mine shrunk by about 4%. All of my quilting was 1/2" so you have an idea.

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Teresa, I\'ve been playing with Debbi\'s method. I asked for a used overhead projector for Christmas. You can buy the sheets with a coating and use them in your ink jet printer. I\'ve been playing with stuff on the compter and just printing it out. I am having a blast playing with it.

My 6 year old tells me her teacher uses projector sheets that she wipes off

and reuses. DD has been taking some used ones that I am done with and

drawing on them so she can make them huge on the wall. She thinks that is awesome.

My kids are also wanting to use it for shadow puppets.

All kinds of family fun LOL


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I too agree that there isn\'t anything pathetic in your attempt of a first wholecloth....maybe you feel its that way because you don\'t feel its finished....fill in the rest and wash it out and then lets see it again....I only hope my first one is this good. Sherry I still have it on the cutting table still looking at it. ;):P:P:P

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