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Going on my FIRST quilt retreat!!!!

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Yes I am! Will on a leave Friday, right after I drop the girls off

at school. I am SO very excitied! We have "free-sewing" all

Sat and Sun and then classes I signed-up for on Mon - Wed!

I need to cut my fabrics for those yet and pack and get ready

Sorry that I have not sent out my Friendship blocks yet, but

I will get right on them when I come back.:)Promise!!:):)

We are go to the Luthern Bible Camp in Okoboji, IA and I

have never been in that area before either.

I am driving down a lady that is "legally blind" so she needs

a ride - yes - we DO NOT want her driving! She is so funny to!

"Ya know I am color blind" she says - no kidding?!?! What a

hoot! But she does manage to sew a pretty straight seam.

Just needs LOTS of light and contrast between her fabrics. I

meet her at a few classes through the quilt shop.

So - I am making my list - going to cut out my kits for the

classes I took, and trying to think of everything I might need

or want. I already bought a bottle of Baileys to have in the

morning coffee!!:D Yes I will share too!!!:D:P;) Wish me luck!

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Judi - have a blast! and good luck - you\'ll be great! Photos! don\'t forget to take photos for us - we LOVE photos!

Don\'t worry about your blocks, you DO actually have until May... there are just those of us who have absolutely nothing else to do.... LOL

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My husband thinks I will hate it and be ready to come home by

Sunday night - but that I will stay for the whole thing just out of

pure stubbornness.......:mad::(:o:(:mad:

I am a bit anxious about it, but I think it will be fine. I am taking

classes with the ladies from my favorite quilt shop in Mankato.

Such nice, warm, freindly and happy people - just the kind of

shop anybody would like to go to!! They are just angles - would

do anything for you. The owner found me the pattern for the

Breast Cancer Bargello Ribbon Quilt, and this is what I am going

to work on the weekend. 21 diff. shades of color are needed. I

have gone through my stash and have found only 9 maybe 11

that will work. I want it all bright happy Pinks to dark Purples. So

I am going into her shop on Monday to fill-in and get the rest of

the colors I need, hopefully!!!

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See - now I think so too - I sure HOPE so!!! He asked me this

morning if I would print him up an instruction sheet?!?! For what!

Our kids are in 6th and 1st grade. I will make sure there is food

in the house. I will make sure the bills for that week are all paid

ahead of time. The laundry will be done the day before I leave -

What else is there!!??!? He is the one that takes them to their

Karate classes & the Dentist appt. is the week after I get back.

I would think they could manage for a few days - I just keep

reminding him "This is MY Sturgis!" :P:D(he goes every year for

the whole week!)

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Judi---you will have an absolute blast!!! My quilting buddy and I have gone on a long weekend to Chamberlan SD, the last 2 years and now we are hooked--it is just wonderful--no cooking, cleaning, or being a mom/wife!!!

Okoboji is near me--what quilt shop are you doing this with?? and for such a long time??

Make sure you take enough projects--and try to have them all pre cut and pakaged up like a kit--then you can get more acomplished!!

Well have lots of quilty fun!!!

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This is through The Quilter\'s Mercantile out of Mankato, MN

I guess they do this every year about this time, and they always

have a theme to it.

Wish I would have gone for the "Wizard of Oz" - that is my Fav.

movie, and one lady dressed-up as a Tin-woman with silver

funnels on her front... well you get the picture! They have a big

costume parade on Monday night.

This years theme is the "Back to the 50\'s" I wasn\'t born back

then, so I don\'t have anything.... wasn\'t even sure what "peddle

pushers" were!!! Sorry - not trying to offend anyone here!!!:D

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Those are "pedal pushers" - and think capri slacks. You want help with the 50s look? Just go to the thread that\'s been running recently about "Karen McTavish on Simply Quilts" - it\'s a throwback to the 50s, 60s and 70s, for those of us old enough to remember those days of yore. Lots of pix of pixie cuts and such.

Have a great time at your retreat! You\'ll meet a lot of fellow quilters, learn a lot, and your family WILL survive!:P

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Judi you are going to have so much fun! I went to my first retreat in Oct. and flew all the way to OH and didn\'t know one single person attending but I had so much fun and made new friends! Just think of a whole place filled with woman that all love to do the same thing you love to do! I\'m going again this year.

As for the list, had to laugh at that one! My hubby said the same thing when I left him with the kids when they were little. I made sure I gave him a list....long, long list of everything I did in the week and told him to get his rest so he could get it all done!!!!:P I didn\'t make it too easy for him since I didn\'t want him to think my job was a piece of cake! He is a Marine and he said going to the field was a lot easier than keeping up with the kids, the house and their schedules! LOL I had more fun listening to the kids tell me about how Daddy did:D:D:D...now that was a great ending to the week away!

Have fun!!!

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Thanks for all of the encourgement! Right now I have "Patience"

by Guns N\' Roses blaring, on repeat!!! He is gone to pick-up the

girls from Sunday school....grrr..... snapping at me!!! What a way

to wake up and start the day - MEN!!! (can I leave NOW!)

Anyhow - I was pressing and cutting my fabrics yesterday. Need

to get a few "missing links" then I am set. Taking along a few

UFO\'s - just don\'t want to run out of stuff to do!!

Off to find that post that Barb mentioned......

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Oh, Lucky Lady..enjoy the break, the sewing, the fellowship, the fun, the learning, the doing.. and the traveling.. all safely.

I\'m also signed up for a camp this fall, can hardly wait. I sort of get a taste at our Guild\'s Sew Day, one Sat. a month, all we do is sew on what we want, take a brown bag lunch, and just enjoy the day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. No one wants to go home even then.

I think it\'s more that the guys are afraid of not being able to do all we do, than not wanting us to go and have fun.

\'housewifing\' is not an easy task, it scares them.


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You are going to have so much fun. I go to two retreats every year here in Florida.

I always pack too much. :P I pre make all my kits put them in a 2 1/2 gal baggie with the pattern. This way I don\'t bring too much fabric.

If you are driving bring your office chair to sit on. I didn\'t the first retreat and my back was hurting. After that the chair comes with me.

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I go to reterats often, here\'s some things I don\'t go without. Ott Lite, depending on the lighting they have there, you want to be sure when it gets late you can still see. Personal trash can for thread clippings-one that hangs off the table is perfect. Also, you\'ll want to take your camera for any show and tell. Last piece of advice, make sure all your stuuf has your name or initials on it. Rotatry cutters and rulers tend to walk away if now marked..gathered up in someone ele\'s belongings. Have a great time!

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Another great though - I did have all of them marked at one time

but some have worn off. I will go and check my rulers & such

right now!

I wonder about the lighting..... I only have the big floor ott light.

Don\'t want to break it, but since I have a van and will have all of

the seats folded down, I would have room for it. I think I will

call the shop and ask their opinion too. I did buy another pin

magnet today, then I can leave the other one home for my

daughter to use.

I do want to clean my machine real good and make sure I have

bobbins ready to go!!!

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