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Latest Art Quilt

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Here is my latest art quilt. This one is a biggy, about 9\' x 3\'. It is froma photograph I took a while ago of some very friendly young bulls. VERY friendly if you know what I mean. It was quite scary actually.

It is hanging on a curved wall so it doesn\'t look it\'s flattest. I have a show on at the moment in a gallery where over half the walls are curved. It\'s a lovely space but it does make hanging large pieces tricky. There are more pictures of teh show on my blog.




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Hey, Teresa, I don\'t think this is a pattern, I think she just cut out fabrics to fit the photograph she took. Just a guess, but perhaps she used raw edge applique?

Wow, Ferret. That is awesome! I love it! The whole thing is interesting; my eyes go everywhere -- even the background design is cool when I look past those "friendly bulls" :D

You really captured their serene nature -- cattle. Look at their eyes...they are so serene and so curious! Maybe they thought you were going to toss them some alfalfa.

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I don\'t think she prints the photo on fabric , just uses it as a plan as to where to position the fabrics which are then stitched down with quilting. She may paint some of the fabrics. I hope to go to the show next saturday or Good Friday so I will give you an up-date then . It looks fabulous Ferret, lokking forward to seeing it in the flesh.

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Closer, I took a picture and blew it up (60+ sheets of paper). I then travce it to make a first draft pattern. I trace that to get my final pattern, it lets me fiddle and make it more mine. I then cut the fabrics to shape and stitch them down. These are all commercial quilting fabrics, mostly batiks in this case. If you have a look at the gallery pictures you will see I do quite a few like this and they are mostly done this way.

Sometimes I cut small pieces of fabric and use them to build up bigger areas, like the brige in the show and the middle one of the triptych. Is that any clearer?


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I very rarely paint fabric. For Miss Baltimore


I did paint fabric for her hair whcih I then cut up to fit. I also drew her pupils with fabric pens and dyed a whole load of skin tone fabrics.

Mostly I use standard shop fabrics though. If you are in London next Monday I will be giveing a tutorial on how I get from a photograph to a quilt.


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Yes it\'s been a bit hectit. Running a show solo does take and awful lot of time, and knowing how much it was going to cost I had to keep up the work level as well. Still I think it will be worth while.

I realised this morning that there are actually three quilts in the show I hadn\'t shown you guys. When I dig out some good pictures I will show you the other two.


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Fantastic Ferret! It\'s amazing how you can get a photo-like image from just cutting out pieces of fabric and layering them in the right spots. I saw your woman with a rope down her body, the ballet dancer nude, and Miss Baltimore in person and when I stood back my eye filled in the space and it looked photographic and then when I did a close examination, it was just pieces of fabric cut intricately and placed just so the light, several medium tones, and darks popped into the image. You are truly an accomplished artist. Good luck with your show. A close up of the cows would be great to see. The more I look at it, the more cows I see.


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