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NW QUILTERS June Get together

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I am excited to see everyone, too. My plan is to hit FD right at 9 am and do the shopping frenzy until time to head to Bekah\'s.

I would also like to visit Beth at the quilt shop--maybe we could all descend upon her in a big gang?!

I wonder if anyone up here would like to ride-share. Email or U2U me if you are interested.

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Patty Jo, Glad you are bringing Ellen. I think we are going to have a great group.

So far as food ---

I think that so far we have Honey Chicken Wings, Potatoe Salad, Green Salad, Jello Salad.

If anyone wants to bring something ------ feel free to bring what ever you would like.

(So far no one has volunteered Chips if you are looking for ideas).

Is it really June already???????????

Bev and I are hitting Fabric Depot on Friday.

Mary Beth, Come on over........We\'ll keep a place open for you. We would love to benefit from your CL expertise and your fun company. If you teach us something can\'t you take the expense off of your taxes?:D

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I can\'t believe it, I have 10 minutes this morning to try to get caught up and chat. not possible I know. where in the world did January - May go? It really is true time flies by as you get older.

I am so excited to see all of you. a heads up, our house is down a dirt road, which is ours so you can park anywhere along it. We are having a feud with the developer across the street so don\'t go down the paved road next to the dirt one. They don\'t play nice. Our other neighbor is selling his property to a developer so I am going to see if we can park on his grass. otherwise there are streets around to park on and the park and ride garage is down the street a block. If any of you want to save gas, we are 2 blocks from the Max line Gresham Station so riding the train or bus is always an option.

I will try to have some fresh fruit and breakfast goodies on hand, of course, water, coffee, tea and whatever else you all want to drink, just let me know what. Not sure what else. I

I think a trip to Wendy\'s shop to say to Beth is a wonderful idea.

By the way, it is also Rose Festival parade day so stay away from downtown if at all possible.

I am sorry that all my wonderful iris will be through blooming by next week, but we will hopefully have the freckled leaved roses blooming, and watch out for the weeds. some of them are big enough to reach out and grab you:P I hope to get some of them pulled but just in case I don\'t be careful.

Linda R. we were up in our neck of the woods last weekend camping. Fell in love with Olympia and even got to go to Bayside (not the quilt shop, the store). what nice people. Saw the new Millie and then had to come home and hug my girl and apologize for thinking the new lady is prettier. she is still quilting okay so guess she forgave me.

well, my ten minutes is almost up and want to see what else is happening so will say have a wonderful day. see you next Saturday. If any of you have questions my phone number is 503-888-3415.

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Well You will be glad to know I am slowly getting the weeds pulled so you should be safe walking down my paths.:P

I put all my sewing things away, closed up the cabinet, folded up the cutting table, etc. We had hoped to be abel to eat outside or even have show and tell, but it is not looking very good for Saturday at this point in time but we will figure something out I am sure.

any special drink requests? Dale, fizzy water sounds good! Chips and cookies, oh goodie! My tummy is already growling.

can Jim, Bev and I have an approximate head count please. I just need to know how many chairs to plan on in case the outdoors is not a go.

I am getting so excited. Mary Beth and Hawaii Barb and Bonnie, sure will miss you guys but maybe you can make it out this way for one of our other meetings. I always have an extra bedroom available.

see you Saturday:D

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Hi Bekah - there will 3 in my car. Me, Jill & Linda A. Then I will have Ellen following me in her car - so 4 all totaled that I\'m aware of. If I see any hitch hikers saying will quilt for food, I\'ll stop and pick them up as well. :cool:

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I am planning on being there, I am very much looking forward to it.

I have some exciting news?????? Tell you all when I get there!:P:P:P:P

Carol and Nancy Jo aren\'t going to be able to make it:(

But they are wanting to come to the next one. Carol has to work on Saturdays so she is hoping for a Sunday afternoon or evening.

Maybe we can trade off. I am willing to host the next one here in Oregon City? Would you all be interested?

Have a great day!

I will bring cookies, hope that costco makes them good:P Ok, can I pretend I made them?


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Hi Bekah~

I\'m going to try to make it to your place on saturday. Plans are still up in the air with my niece graduating.

I\'ll let you know later in the week.

I recently purchased the Circle Lord so I\'m very interesting in the lesson and tips at this get together.

Thanks, Bonnie

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Maybe we can host it together or I can do the one after that! Just looking forward to seeing everyone.

Does anyone remember the man and lady that came to Nancy Jo\'s that were making the templates? I would like to have their names or a way to get in touch with them if at all possible. They were going to make some special templates, wanted to know if they were bringing them or not?

Let me know if any of you remember, my memory is not so good especially with names.



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Hi all - Well, I hope that I don\'t get everyone totally confused, but I still want to do the September meeting here at my home. And maybe Brendalee can do a Sunday one sometime inbetween now and the Sept meeting? I am hopeing that this doesn\'t cause any problems, but I really had my heart set on a meeting here and I didn\'t really realize it until after I had said for Brendalee to go ahead. I\'m really not usually this confused. I\'ll chalk it up to Sometimerzers! Again, we can discuss dates at the meeting tomorrow.

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So in case anyone is still up and reading the list, we are in Gresham at a hotel and will see you tomorrow.

I just realized, I left my show and tell at home, I did\'t bring anything to exchange and I don\'t even have any business cards along! Oh, well, chalk it up to being a newby at attending these and I\'ll do better next time.

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I just want say how much I enjoyed the meeting today. I can\'t wait for the next one. Thank you Bekah for your hospitality. Thank you all for the great ideas, demos, food .....

Thank you, thank you.

For those interested, my webshots address is below my sig.

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It was wonderful! I am still buzzing from all the fun-friends-food!

Bekah was wonderful to open her home and studio to us all.

Jim and Bev were the best hosts.

We shared tips, ate, showed quilts, ate, demo-ed, ate, laughed, chatted--what a great day!

Jim generously showed us how to tie a surgical square knot with a hemostat for burying threads--and then presented us all with one of our own and a great pair of short-bladed scissors. What a guy! And his Circle Lord presentation and sampler were wonderful!

Several of us visited Beth at Heart to Hand and it was great to see her. I will post whatever pictures I can find later!

(Moonwoman--thanks for being the chauffeur!)

Next meeting tentatively planned for September at Patty Jo and Bill\'s in Salem.

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