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Well, we got some very encouraging news today. The stints that were placed in Bill 1 week ago are doing fantabulous. Both of his Dr\'s were very pleased and now all they need to do is get this cancer back into remission. Bill will be starting Chemo next week and will go in 1 day per week for 3 weeks and then a week off. Also will be taking 4 pills a day for 21 days and then off for a week. I thought it sounded like a heavy duty birth control pill!! Oh - I\'m sorry I digress. :P

We were really encoraged by the Dr\'s conversations and we feel that if God was able to remove the tumor, then he can kill this cancer again with or without the chemo, but we opted for with it. He may be on the chemo a bit longer this time, but Bill is up for whatever it takes. He\'s a trooper and ready for the fight. The Dr\'s say that it is incurable, but I know that God is the decider of what is curable and what is not.

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. I had a couple of rough days, but after today, I\'m pumped again and ready to do whatever I can to help Bill fight this thing. You guys are an awesome group and I\'m glad that I can be a part of this chat. :)

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Patty Jo, I went throught the same thing with my husband, cancer, weekly chemo, also surgery, radiation. I know that it\'s horrible for the people going through all this and my heart goes out to everyone who has every been diagnosed with cancer. But it also takes it\'s toll on family members. Please don\'t heistate to contact me if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I have an idea of what your going through. I\'m on the other side of the country but just an email or phone call away. Hang in there. Dianne

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Thank you all for your words of encouragement and prayers. Bill is ready for the fight and I\'m ready to be right there beside him. I think that some of the wind got knocked out of my sails for a few days, but look out, the "Patty-tude" and anyother "tudes" I can find are coming out and ready to rumble.

With all of that said, we are continuing to be on our knees before the Lord and may His will be done.

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Hi Carol, Jim, Sandra & Linda (and everyone else too....)

Thank you for your words of support. I know that we will have up days and down days, but we will get thru this. All 3 of our kids are coming down this next month for a visit. They were trying to all come at the same time, but I\'m kind of glad that didn\'t work out. That way the house won\'t be full for 5 days and then nothing. This way, we will get in more time with each of the kids & grandkids too. It will be 2 weeks of having someone around, but I will enjoy having more time to visit with each of them.

Bill\'s been really tired as he is trying to do a bunch of his Honey Do jobs before he starts into Chemo. When our friends found out that he has been trying to get all these projects done, they told us to make a list and they will recruit helpers to come and have a work day. Don\'t know when that will be, but we will have the help one of these days soon.

Anyway, thank you for your prayers. You will never know how much they mean to us.

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