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I broke my wrist in the middle of feathers

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What is a somewhat possessed quilter to do? I had finally got my courage up to try some feathers all over a quilt. I finished one crib quilt all feathered and my courage was coming. I fell at the exercise pool on the deck. My son said "Mom were you running around the pool ?" It is my right and I"m right handed. Any suggestions of quilt things to do one handed.

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Cheryll, that really sucks! I hope that your wrist heals quickly so that you can get back to your quilting. I can\'t help you with any one-handed quilting suggestions, though because I, too, am right-handed and whenever I only use one hand, it\'s the right one. :( Hope you get better soon.

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Ouchie!! Sorry that you are out of commission for a while.

If you don\'t have much pain in the wrist, can you somehow find a way to attach your cast to the right handle of your Milli? Like "quilting handcuffs"!!! What a visual! And see how compulsive we all are about quilting?!! Maybe a clamp attached to the cast--you shoulda had the Doc make that a permanent attachment when he did the cast!

Sure, we\'re laughing now--that\'s when the Karma Bus makes a pick-up! I hope you heal quickly and well. Let us know if you figure something out--with photos please!

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My son just had a cast taken off his writing hand and to do his accounting homework we rigged up a pencil holder--used a "nerf" type missle toy with a hole through the center of it and put a pencil through the hole--then with a little rolled up piece of duct tape to his cast he was able to do his accounting homework--but surprisingly--not any history notes!!

Hope that helps trigger something for you!!

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Bummer....or should I say WAY TO GO..... I am so Right handed I know what you mean...I am so sorry that this happened...between you and JoAnn, what are we going to do with the two of you.

I have thought at times I would probally do better feathers if I had a broken arm or wrist....but somehow I\'m not really ready to try it so will leave that up to you for the final research report.;)

Feathers are not my friend either, and I am getting somewhat better with them, but they still are ugly and flat not fooey like they should be and they still give me fits...when you have drawn with a computer for so many years...to do it with a pencil or a needle it is just flustering, or at least for me it is.

Heal fast...your feathers need you.;);)

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Cheryll, I\'ve been without my right hand twice in my life. One time, I did catch the football and won the family game in the back yard, but wore a splint on my middle finger of my right hand for 6 weeks (I jammed it)- I was still able to win the first runnerup trophy at the Ladies Golf tournament with the splint - My drives were not as far, but my chipping and putting were spot on!!!. The 2nd time, I had surgery on my index & middle fingers on my right hand. DH put my make up on for me & did my hair for the first week,( I won\'t tell you about the pantyhose issue) then I learned to do almost everything with my left hand. I think that you will find that as time goes on, you can do more and more with your left hand. If all fails, make yourself a loop of duck tape that you can slip your casted hand thru so that you can control both handles on your Machine. But above all of the above, I\'ll be praying for a very quick healing for you.

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Hey, Missy,

Where there is a will, there\'s a way. That\'s what happens when we start getting excited about the next Innovations"!

Are you fully casted, or just in a brace? And how long before you will "BE HEALED"!

Maybe you could lightly rest your right hand on the handle and "fool" your left hand into guiding the machine to complete your feathers?

Cheryl, that is soo junka lunka - I know how inspired you were after MQS to get moving on your machine.

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I haven\'t read through all the suggestions here so sorry if I reitterate, but have you considered turning your handles up so you can grab them vertically, If you just use your fingers to guide, you should be in good shape. Good luck & BE CAREFUL!


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Gooooooolyyyyyy, sure hope you have an uneventful recovery, and prayers for patience.. maybe you can love pat your stash, review your patterns, books, magazines.. you know.. the stuff we usually don\'t have time for??

Get well Quick.


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Oh Cheryll, this is awful! I am so sad for you.

After a couple of weeks, the swelling will go down and you\'ll get more comfortable with your cast or whatever you have on... anyway, after that time period you might be able to improvise a bit so you can maybe do some quilting, albeit awkward. Anyway, take care and be careful. And no more swan dives off the high board... ;). :cool:

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When I first read the topic of this post, I thought you had broken your wrist WHILE quilting your feathers!

Are you casted? What is the prognosis on healing? Do you have to "lay low" from quilting?

Boy, are you going to get good at doodling and quilting with your left hand!

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