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My New (to me) Machine

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Hi everyone,

I didn\'t know which forum to post this to, but this seemed to be one of the most active ones. I bought a formerly used Millenium this week. My husband and I picked it up last night. We used a pick up truck and trailer. OH MY GOD. Even though he (husband) tied it down thoroughly I practically held my breath all the way home. Thankfully it was only a half hour drive from my house and it went well. Now to put it back together. We\'ll tackle that this weekend.

I am sooo excited but overwhelmed too. I know it\'ll be a learning curve, but that\'s part of the fun.

Any advice for a newbie long armer would be appreciated. I\'m going to watch the assembly video and once it\'s up and running well I\'m planning to do a practice piece to get a feel for the machine. Then I was thinking of trying a pantograph on one of my finished quilt tops. I just happen to have a few in my closet. :P

Thankfully, I\'m a teacher so I have summer off to play with my new toy. I\'m looking forward to making some new friends on this site.

Wish me luck,

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Well that wasn\'t a bad labor if it only lasted 30 minutes :P:P:P! I know when I got my milli I was terrified of touching anything. The best advice I can provide is watch the video and just follow the directions and you won\'t have any problems at all! Load a play piece and don\'t be too hard on yourself or expect to be perfect the first time out! Oh yeah and don\'t forget to breath!

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Jan, I agree with Heidi, watch that video and then you may even have to watch it a 2nd or 3rd time. First time I tried to load a practice piece, I didn\'t do it quite right and the stitches were terrible. But then went back & watched it the 2nd time and it\'s amazing what I missed the first time, when I thought I was really paying attention. Just have fun and play & try all the things that you\'ve been thinking about. Enjoy the journey and don\'t forget, we all love pictures so post lots of pictures.....:cool:

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Hi Jan! I will add to the already excellent advice you\'ve recieved above... I will say when I first got my machine, I watched the DVD at least five times (probably more) and I took notes throughout, while watching it the 4th time... I refer to those notes often. Great info packed in there; so the more you watch the more it imbeds in your memory. In fact, even after all this time, I think I\'ll pull out that dvd again and watch it. I probably will catch more stuff that I missed... :)

Congrats on your new machine. Have fun and share photos and ask questions. This chat board is a wealth of information. Happy quilting.

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HI!! You\'ve come to the right place!! YOu will learns tons on this chat!!! Watch the video, read the manual (SP?:D) , watch the video, read the manual, watch the video..... then practice with muslin! It is SSSOOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!!! You\'ll LOVE it!! WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!! linda

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Just got back on my Millie about a month ago after not using it for several years and am still working hard to get over the intimidation factor. It is finally starting to go away.

I have only have done some simple designs but it is great fun to be back on it again.

Good luck and enjoy your new toy!!

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Hi Jan. Welcome to THE APQS group! Your gonna luv your millie! And, your gonna love having all the suport you can possibly get here on THIS chat! My opinion, your with THE BEST!

Have fun! The video is awsome. P P P P P and you\'ll be bonding w/her in no time flat!

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Hi Jan,

Don\'t be afraid about getting set up and getting started. I am a teacher too. I bought the Milli in August. How unfortunate because I had to go back to school 3 weeks after I got it. I haven\'t had much time to practice. But I am planning on doing a lot more playing and practicing when I officially go on a permanent vacation after 33 years of teaching. I will be retired and I am thrilled and a little scared about the economy but am looking forward to having time, my time to do quilting. Good luck. You will do fine. Take it slow and practice. If you can fit in a class at a Machine Quilting Quilt show do that. The next best thing is to get a DVD by one of the national quilting masters of longarm quilting. You can watch them over and over and try it on your own machine without anyone looking over your shoulder.

Have fun!!!


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My husband and son set up my machine this morning. We found out one of the brackets that holds the long pole in place is missing. The bearing is there, but no bracket. My husband thought he screwed it onto the frame for moving but it\'s no longer there. We\'ve looked everywhere. Think it may have wiggled lose during transport. The bummer is I wanted to load a practice piece and try it out today --- but now I can\'t! I\'m hoping we can order the part from APQS, otherwise I don\'t know what we\'ll do.

So for now I have to wait! In agony. Whaaa!!!!!!:mad:

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Guest Linda S

Oh dear! I\'m so sorry you have a missing piece Jan. Once you have that, you are in for some real fun. I hope you enjoy your machine.


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