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June 21 --- Happy Solstice Everyone!

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To those of you in the southern part of our world: Happy WINTER solstice! ;)

To those of you north of the equator: Happy SUMMER solstice! :cool:

Here in the far reaches of the north, it\'s 11:30 AM and currently 75 degrees Farenheit; should get into the 80s later this afternoon. A bright sunny day. I\'m grilling fresh fish (my DH caught the other night) on the bbq for supper tonight. Our town has lots of outdoor festivities planned, and a rock concert playing tonight.

Today (the longest day of the year) where I live, the sun rose at 4:20am and the sun will set at 11:42pm. After today, the days will gradually get shorter. But, I\'m enjoying my nice, warm long days while they\'re here. The plants and trees are in full bloom and I have robins in my nearby trees that sing practically all day long. :)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Happy quilting!

Here\'s a pic I took today of some dogwood covering the ground near our little weekend getaway (a log cabin about 45 minutes drive from home)


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I, too, look forward to the Summer Solstice (here in Northern California). We\'re having a party too.

Yesterday it was 102 locally, and I felt smug that I had placed my new machine in the coolest part of the house. OK, it is the living room and the machine is slated to move upstairs next month. For now, though, I escape the heat of my office and what else is there to do downstairs but quilt ? :cool:

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We are in the high 70s in upstate New York. We have had unseasonal cooler temperatures around here. Tomorrow we have thunderstorms predicted. I will take that compared what our friends in the mid-west are going through. Happy Summer.


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Charlotte...its almost 85 here at my house, how much further north are you than me.....

and not a cloud in the sky....although we are to expect some thunder boomers this afternoon or evening... A beautiful day in the neighborhood....:P

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Here in Apple Hill (4 miles up the hill from Placerville CA) it got to 95. Pretty warm for us also since I don\'t have AC. I can\'t wait for summmer to be over so I can go back to Surprise AZ and to Camp Mowana :-).

Where is Aromas CA? It must be by the coast if you are waiting for the fog to roll back in. I love this site I have learned so much and everyone is so terrific !!!


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Hey there Shana - the nights are even shorter here - or would be if it would stop raining! Feels like autumn here! Couldn\'t be bothered to go up to the Standing Stones (there are lots here - if you have read stuff by Diana Gabaldon this is where it all started) because it was too cold! BUT I did go and see a great Scottish Folk group called the "Old Blind Dogs"...


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June 21st was my birthday...I had to celebrate at DH\'s nephew\'s wedding. At least I had this huge white cake - it had the cutest couple on top....lots of tiers...no candles. I didn\'t want to make a big deal of my birthday since that day was for the couple.

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