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I don't have a clue. I tried once too, and couldn't make it work. On the User Control Panel it has a space for the avatar and it calls for a "URL". My guess is to get that right first. I just haven't persisted enough yet.

Good Luck and maybe someone will jump in here soon.

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I am certainly not computer savvy but I did get my avatar up. Here's what I did. I uploaded my picture on my webshots site (easy to do there, I think it was just "click upload") and when it was up I right clicked on the picture and then clicked on properties. I copied the properties and pasted it in the space calling for the URL in the User Control Panel. It worked, although I'm not really sure why. ;) Like I said, I am NOT computer savvy. Let us know if this works. Good luck!

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Why, thank you mam, and this was before the face lift and boob reduction! I took a class from Colorado State U on "How the brain works" and a guy in the class drew us without our knowledge. Sad to say, she really does look like me and those were the real clothes I had on that day! Now, if I could just figure out how to add a signature....hmmmm ;)

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you guys are amazing you not only know how to quilt but also know your way around your computer. I am soooo lacking in this skill. I have to ask my kids to show me and I am a slow learner. the problem I have is that I am on the end of the queue to use this monster and most of the time they are tucked away in bed by the time I get here. Never mind I will persevere and enjoy reading and listening and drooling over your posts and as my skills improve so will my posts.


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You girls have all been a wonderful blessing to me since I discovered this site. I was introduced about 2 years ago when I first got my Millie but in the beginning i was so caught up in learning how to tame that particular monster everything else went by the wayside. Then I realised just how encouraging you all were and that really worldwide we are all basically the same, just as passionate, as busy and in need of positives as each other. I have read so many posts that really although you are names to me there are so many of you I feel I know. Sorry if I sound a bit soppy but hey you girls have given me a lift each time I switch on this beast so thank you all and continue to keep up the great work. My bed is calling me now and with a full house of family tomorrow(hubby is having a birthday, 40 something) I had better sign off Thanks everyone Alison

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Whoooo oooooo I DID IT:D:D:D

Can you see the quilting hoop under my arm?

This, of course, is an Amy Bradley caricature of me.

I went to Flickr, clicked on the picture I wanted, clicked on "all sizes" and chose the 100x75 thumbnail. It gave me the URL to copy and IT WORKED.

To quote a former thread: Size does matter!:)

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My avatar was put on by APQS. I emailed it to them and asked them to up load it. It's not there now that they upgraded so I'm going to have to mess with Webshots.

What's the deal with some topics having the avatar as wide as the topic section? It makes it harder to read. Anyone know what that's about?

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Shana, Oh My Goodness - It would take about 25 + makeup artists to achieve that and you had better throw in a couple of face lifts, tummy tucks, lipo's and maybe a boob job. I can't quit laughing at the thought. You know she is probably rolling over in her grave out of shock that you would think that !!!:P:P:P:P

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