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Just a quick line to let you guys know I am still alive. For some reason I had to re register to get on and chat.

I am sad. We put my mom to rest just a little over a year ago now. I just found out my father has terminal cancer and has 2-4 months to live. I am his guardian and I also handle his finances. I try to find time to quilt but sometimes it's hard. I must say after two years I thought I would have more customers than I do. I know times are hard but I have this husband that only looks at the bottom line (not the thread) and not how much I love quilting. It is difficult. I must admit I a envy all the women here who have supportive life partners. I sure wish I did. This too shall pass... ANYWAY!!! thank you all for bringing joy to my life each and every day. I love reading your threads.



Washougal WA

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Nora, thanks for sharing your sadness.. now we can pray for you, and send big quilty Hugs.. I am just so sorry you have to go thru this and your Dad struggling with that nasty disease. My hubby backs me up, but at the same time, finds all kinds of negatives to throw at me.. And as usual he is getting involvedin MY laterst adventure..

It's hard to lose parents.. mine died when I was 11 and 20, so it's been many years, and there are times now that I miss them more than I did then. It is good you are a help to him, and have him near.

God Bless.. Hugs, RitaR

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Nora, so sorry about all of the family health issues. I, too, thought I would have more customers than I do but, it seems, as if God has other plans. Thankfully, I have a husband which doesn't look at the bottom line. In fact, I am probably the person who does look at the bottom line which is why I decided I needed to find a job outside the home. Due to that, I have very limited quilting time also but, try to enjoy the few weekends when I do get to quilt. And, I just love the few customers I have as they are very pleased with my work. Keep plugging along as best as you can and do what is best for you and your family.

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So sorry about your problems as well as not the most supportive husband. Hang in there and know that all of us here are supporting you and keeping you in our prayers and thoughts. Life can be tough and we all seem to be touched in some way at some time........... I guess that is why we want to support each other. Keep your chin up and hang in there.

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Nora, please know you are not alone during this time. I am so sorry about your mom and now your dad. Losing our parents is always so hard and to not have a supportive husband makes it harder. I think a lot of us our struggling with our business not being what we invisioned when we bought our machines, but I keep believing it will get better and I am very thankful I have a job even if takes a lot of time. Just let us know how you are doing and feel free to give us a holler if you need to talk.

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Nora you are in my prayers and I am so sorry to hear about your dad's cancer. My dad died of cancer also so I do know it is a trying time for you. You are not alone.....we are here for you anytime you need someone. I wish I could help more or do something more for you but by experience I know all I can do is be here for you. So I send you quilty hugs and prayers to you and your family. Just remember to take care of yourself too.


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Nora, I'm so sorry to hear that your dad has cancer. I know how hard that is. My Dad has been gone 22 yrs and my Mom has been gone 11, and as someone else said, I sometimes miss them more now, than back then. Maybe that's because we now realize that they really were supportive of us, in a parental sort of way, than anyone else can be. No one can take their place. What is his name? I also know that there will be alot of prayer for you as you go down this unexpected path. Take time to take care of yourself thru this and try and spend some time each day with the Lord. He will be walking with you if you let Him. Here is a (((((hug))))) and just know that our prayers will be included with all the others for you, your dad and all the family.

Pat (& Bill too)

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((((Sending hugs and thoughts to you Nora))))

Originally posted by nora1234

.......I have this husband that only looks at the bottom line (not the thread)


Nora, I had to giggle when I read this part of the sentence. I am glad you have a sense of humor about this. :) That helps through the tough times. Hang in there

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At times like this, I read Ecclesiastes. Helps me put things in perspective. My mom died of complications after fifteen years of Alzheimers, and my dad followed five years later with heart failure. THAT was a LONG goodbye, trying to homeschool three children, and other issues too numerous to mention. My husband was supportive and my rock through it all. I don't know how to encourage those who do not have supportive spouses, except to say that the hurting doesn't last forever. Take one day at a time and make the most of it. Be kind, forgiving, but stick to your guns. Try to not make matters worse...keep looking up. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Get professional help if you continue to go downhill. Find someone you CAN depend on to just be there to dump on, to cry on, and to just listen. Do something for someone else who is hurting more than you are.

What else can I say? I need to make a dozen more prayer pillows and blocks. You will definitely be one of those, Nora, along with Patty Jo, Teresa, and Edie

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