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Circle Lord indoctrination in San Diego

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A couple of months (and one laptop) ago, I got an email or a U2U from a San Diego (maybe Vista or Oceanside) longarmer who wanted to try out a Circle Lord.

Time has passed and my memory is bad. A Bakersfield quilter is coming to San Diego for the SD Quilt Show this week and contacted me about trying out the Circle Lord. She has a Millie but CL is pretty much the same on all longarm machines.

So on Saturday she is going to come to my house for some indoc. If you are in San Diego and would like to join us please send me a U2U or an email.

Let's make some perfect circles together.:cool:

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What a great day. Lots of information and lots of laughs. OK, so Susan Ramey showed me how to do the feather wreaths without turning off the machine or dragging. Wow. It is so cool. I was just doing it wrong. ]

There was my Corey from Bakersfield (left), me, Karen from Chino, Susan Ramey from Oceanside and my friend Christie. (Karen and Corey are lurkers).

I quilted up some samples ahead of time. We also tried out several templates:

Aztec with the Javelin offset stars


Concentric Starz


Concentric Circles 1/16th of an inch apart

1-inch crosshatch

Feathered wreaths

We got a chance to look at some beautiful quilts that Corey and Susan brought over. We talked about the show quilts, taking classes, the Towa bobbin tension gauge, thread preferences, expanded base. Oh, and I got to show off my new Quilter's Eye camera.

It was a fun time.


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Linda, that's a great idea. Thanks for sharing the photos. Coleen asked about pictures, and I'm curious too. I've seen pictures of quilts on the forum done with the CL, but I don't think I've seen many of those designs. Gingko??? and Aztec??? Sounds VERY interesting.

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What a great time!! Wish I had been there. I am planning much the same kind of party with Renae Gamel in October. Maybe we can make it a party and have some other CL freaks and wannabes over here for a CL party....wow, we may be on to something....kind of like Tupperware :D For every $$ spend, we get hostess points ;)

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Linda, you mentioned the Quilter's Eye. Is that the camera used to see bottom stitches while quilting? If so may I ask where did you get it as I want one too.

Looks like you had lots of fun at the party. I just ordered my CL wish someone close by would have a CL party as I've never seen one in person either, ordered it cuz you all recommended it.

Mary Beth might be onto something a CL party to earn points sounds like a winner.

or how about a Panto swap Party or a Ruler Swap Meet????


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I have to agree that it was fun. I think anytime you get quilters together is a fun time. I was so tickled when Susan Ramey showed me how to do that feather continuous, no dragging. That technique by itself was worth it for me.:)

There is something to the CL party idea, Mary Beth. I, of course, worked hard to prepare a sumptuous lunch. Albertsons sandwiches (ham, turkey and roast beef); Fruit medley (Albertsons) and ruffle potato chips.

And of course, I slaved away making the desserts: lemon bars, banana nut bread, devils food bundt cake and apple crumb muffins. Yup, breast cancer awareness Bake Sale in front of Albertsons. We only have 2 food stores in our little town. I got lucky when I chose the one with the bake sale in front of it.:D:D:P

I gave the sample piece to Corey to take home. I should have gotten some photos. Hey Corey from Bakersfield, come out into the light, you lurker. Show us some photos of the black sample piece, especially the ginkgo one that you did.

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Linda, I just laughed when I read your last post about your baking and cooking deeds. My sister cooks like you did, only she works at Albertsons and the toughest part is pushing the cart around the store. She just recently moved into a smaller apartment and commented on how small the kitchen was. I told her I did not see it as a problem since it was just a play area for her demon cat anyway. Oh yeah she says and then grins. Cooking is over-rated is so many ways. Love your sense of humor----and generosity. Lucky ladies who had your help. Have a good day, you made me chuckle for the day, so far, anyway. Judy

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Hi girls! Linda I love the picture and it sounds like you all had great fun together......quilting and eating of course. I like the idea of having the CL party as well as the Panto party or exchange party sometimes we get in a rut or just want something different and then once a yr. we can meet again and exchange again........what do you all think about that??

Anyway......I would really like to see some pics of the quilts and I would like to know what the quillters eye camera is?? And Linda I want to know about moving the wreath with out stopping???? is that right??? Mary Beth and I are going to try this and we will want to know......HELP!!!


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Linda, sounds like fun! Wish I could have come, but I've been busy moving to Julian. Now I'll be closer! Just up the hill! Haven't even had much time to keep up with the forum.:( Things will get back to normal in about 6 weeks. We bought a foreclosure that had the kitchen completely removed. The cabinets, countertops, appliances, etc. It's completely gutted so I'll be cooking in the Granny Flat for a month while the kitchen is being replaced. Then the 700 sq. ft. flat is mine for my quilting studio. I can hardly WAIT! All the stress will pay off.

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OK, Susan Ramey's continuous featherz wreath is all about the X that Michael put on the Circle Lord Featherz.

After doing the 3 feathers described on the Featherz instruction sheet, you return to the X spot base, carefully lift the stylus while the machine is still running, step the template skipping one hole, and carefully drop the stylus down and resume with the next part of the feather wreath.

It works great and only one start and stop.

Thanks again, Susan.

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Yes, like Mary Beth, I just keep the machine running when moving to the next hole, that way you just get a few stitches to the next position. What you were probably doing Linda was stopping the motor with the needle up, then moving the template creating that dragged thread.

Anyway it's great when you get a 'light bulb' moment. Isn't it funny how it's always the simplest of things but usually the best and most helpful.

Your get together sounds so much fun. Only wished I lived closer!

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Actually we are talking about usind the Circle Lord Feathered Wreath template. It is hard to explain, but the template has a stem and 3 of the "plums" or whatever you call them...and you do kind of do a bump - bump when stitching them. With this template your stitch the stem, do the three plums, then stop and turn the template 2 notches and go again until you complete the circle. It is really very easy and your wreath comes out perfect every time.

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