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All those home quilting - I'm jealous!

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If you are home quilting I'm so jealous I'm green from head to toe! I have a piece on that I'm working on and I so want to be home finishing it! It is going to be painted when I'm done using Irena Bloom's techniques. I so want to get it off the frame. I'm probably 3/4's done with it. Right now I'm doing 1/4" cross hatching...yes I'm certifiably nuts... but oh am I just loving it. I'm already designing a queen quilt using the same motifs and stencils but that too will have to wait! I'm at work and I can't get sick! I go on vacation on Friday and won't be home with my machine until next Thursday. I took an extra 2 days vacation so I could quilt so my wallhanging will have to wait until I get back!

I'm stuck at work and had to come in an hour early in hopes that I'll be able to go on vacation and not have a crisis!

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Ah, I remember those days. Sitting at my desk, bored out of my gourd. Thinking of all I could be home working on, instead I was sitting at a desk answering phone calls or making copies or mailing information to customers, and hating it. I keep thinking I should go back to work, and I even applied for some jobs...but then the quilting jobs started pouring back in and I realize I don't want to go back to work. I feel for ya!!

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you know, if you had all the time to quilt, it might get worse.. you could use up all your ideas and not have anything to work on.. LOL>.. oh, please don't kick me.. I just sit here wondering too, what do I want to work on/ try next.. Guess I better get the quilt I want to enter in the fair on after this little Comm Serv. quilt. Maybe I'd better use a couple of the Comm Serv. quilts to sharpen what I want to do on the other quilt.. make sure I'm doing it right before I tackle the real one.

Wishing you both could stay home, too, and for time to pass till you get to quilt.


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Heidi, Know what ya mean!!!:( I am sitting here at work right now, answering the phone, (which is NOT ringing):( I am working on several different projects at home..... I just took a quilt I had made for a wedding present off yesterday!! Fianally got it quilted!! It seemed to take a long time. I buried and knotted it instead of backtacking!! That took a LONG time!!! How in the world do you all that do that to every quilt get your money's worth for your time to do it? I have got to figure out a better way to make it look nice, but be quicker!!! Wishing I was home stitching...... linda

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Rita - I might just have to head a little further south west coming down on Friday and kick you butt! LOL I know you would love that...not sure hubby and daughter would be as enthusiastic as you and I would be!

Mary Beth - I so wish I were bored and stuck at work at least then I could sit her and design. Instead I'm working on my state financial report and my eyes are crossing! I hate this report and it takes me forever to get done! I'm almost there and then I can take care of all the mountains of paperwork on my desk and none of it is quilting related...just more problems!

Linda - I bury and tie exclusively and you really can get quick at it. I do it as I go so that I don't have to go back and do it later...that would drive me crazy!

Phone just rang and another center needs to borrow my brain...that could be dangerous!!!!

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Heidi, just to let you know what I am up to......

I am getting ready to find something to watch on TV while a load a silk scarf on my silk frame, Gonna

add some batik feathers to it. While that is drying I'm going to sew another scrap quilt top together.

When that is done I am going to paint the silk.

All the while it will be so peaceful because my kids are at school, YEAH.

Off to have some fun. LOL. Sorry,


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Heidi, I did K&B as I went. I used a self threading needle. I tried the longer doll needle that Bonnie suggested, but I kept cutting my threads too short for that. Ok,,,,, I will keep trying and see if it gets faster for me!! :o Do you go over your previous stitching any? I kind of did. Like when you're going around an appligue, where you end up? Now that question is as clear as mud~~!! Know what I mean? Thanks~ linda

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I'm home quilting, and should be in the basement instead of here playing....so I guess I had better jump off and get busy. Don't short out today....financial reports have a way of shorting the brain cells after about 3 hours.....(ask me) that's why I don't have any left....brains cells that is. Financial/Budget Reports left at the desk at Harrah's.

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Alright all you ladies that are at work and day dreaming (me too) about quilting. Does your boss know you are mentally unavailable? lol.

Heidi, your project sounds wonderful. My only wish is that I could work on just my own quilts. I am 5 blocks behind in my BOM club, and have 3 or 4 of my own quilts to quilt. I have a two mini whole cloths that need to be stitched. YIKES where do the months go? This may not be a good time of year to do this, but I'm only accepting pantos for awhile so I can at least pay some bills and work some of my things in without feeling guilty.

(p.s. Heidi, There is a quilt show coming up Oct 1, at Proctor's in Schenectady. If you plan on going let me know and maybe we can finally meet up. The quilt I posted recently is going to be in the Flying Geese booth. Hope to hear from ya!)

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I'm at work, checking into the forum and getting paid for it!!! If my boss only knew how much time I spend on the forum:o

I wouldn't have a job or boss. However, it's nice having the internet available at work!!! My monitor is pointed away from the door (I have my own office). Gotta go to a meeting see (read) you all in the morning.:cool:

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Originally posted by Gator

I'm at work, checking into the forum and getting paid for it!!! If my boss only knew how much time I spend on the forum:o

I wouldn't have a job or boss. However, it's nice having the internet available at work!!! My monitor is pointed away from the door (I have my own office). Gotta go to a meeting see (read) you all in the morning.:cool:

Connie I call them my "sanity breaks." Sometimes I just need to rest my brain and today more than others! I don't add all the times I email work stuff after hours so he shouldn't count the time I check out posts either! I will guarantee he is getting the better end of the deal!

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Michele & Bonnie - OK now I'm 3 shades darker green! I so wish I were home. Just got back from lunch and ready for a nap! LOL too many carbs but oh was it good! I'm sending all my projects to you guys!

Joann I have at least 10 tops of my own to quilt and I've been slowly increasing my customer base. Guild starts back this month so I'm sure I'll get more. I'm not complaining though. Right now I'm trying to squeeze in a few of my own things for to keep sane! I have done 2 Christmas gifts so I'm ahead on that for once! I hope to get to Proctors. I think it is the weekend before I go to Camp Mowana. One of my customers is entering the quilt I did for her so I of course have to go see! I just don't know when I'll be going yet.

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I too wish most days I were home quilting. But today and for the next 7 days I will be watching grandkids grow, helping my dd weed her flower beds, mopping floors, getting laundry caught up, and making curtains for kids rooms. so for now the quilting will have to wait and I have 3 customer quilts waiting for me when I get home and a half finished shirt for my dh. He received it in pieces in a box for his birthday in July and every once in awhile reminds me it needs stitched together. Perhaps I should teach him how to run the dm:P

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Do you think you could give me a mini-lesson on "coloring?" If so what do I need to bring to camp? Also, how about a little lesson on how you use your rice bags. Ok, now I am wondering what I can do for you. Hey do you need some fabric. Also, we are waiting on our 6th order of pencils so I will get you lead to you as soon as we get it.

Hey do you have an extra generator? Maybe I could meet you halfway while you are on vacation.:D:D:D

I know you are like me and love stencils, I just order $ 400 worth for the shop!!:):)


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You are hilarious! I can try to give you a lesson on coloring but remember it is fairly new to me. I'll try to bring supplies. If you can bring a play piece that maybe has a few things to color you can at least get the idea of how it works. I'll look to see if I have anything already done that we could use but if not I'm sure we'll be able to find some quilt scraps laying around! Hopefully I can get my supplies on the plane! I'm trying out new things with this wall hanging and we'll see if it works out...it better cause I'm loving this quilt! I'll be so sad if I ruin it! Yes I'm still waiting on green and gray lead. Just love the pencil. I used pink on this top and it is just such a beautiful line....that reminds me I still owe you a check!!!! LOL I need to write out bills tonight too. Adding that to my list of things to do before we leave at 6 am! If the storm blows your way just head toward NC. I could meet you at Rita R's and we'll have fun playing! There are 3 other quilters on the chat in her area I think.

Wow I want to come to your shop and play with your stencils!!!! I just love them.

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OK Deloa now you made me nervous!!!! LOL we'll all play and have fun! You might be making lots of chickens! I'll try to get enough supplies packed up. I trying to use watercolor pencils and my test worked but there are tweaks I had to make. I'll bring this one I'm working on now if it comes out good. Can't wait until camp!

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Heidi, there are 4 others.. one in Raleigh, one in Greensboro, theres an apqs dealer in Albemarle, and then ibqltn down in SC amongst others.. Gee would be closer for ibqltn and I to meet up in Willmington over the next few days.. or my house would work well.. LOL wink.

Feel too icky from steroids right now to anticipate any fun things.. found out about my very pricy implant today, too. Goolllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy Sarge!

Heidi, I want in on that class with coloring pencils you are going to teach at Camp Mowana, too.. whoever sells them.. uh Deloa.. what day and time.. ROFLMHO.. sorry.. struck ME as funny, if no one else.. Oh here we go with sense of humor again.. NOT.. Now STOP that!:P:D:P:D

Rita R.

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