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Whitework quilts x's 2 - panic!!!

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OK so both of my children are getting married next year! I think one in May and one in July or Aug. My son just got engaged this weekend and my daughter has been engaged for more than 2 years but still hasn't set a date. I think by the time we got home from dinner my FDIL had just about everything planned! Anyway we got home and I told them they both had to tell me what they wanted for their wedding quilt. Now the only book I had with me was Karen McTavishes Whitework book...what the heck was I thinking? Both of them have picked one out!!!!! PANIC! Guess what I'll be working on? Oh yeah and daughter tells me she wants it for a King?!!! Nobody wants a wall hanging or throw. Anybody want to come play? My daughter who does not like fru-fru anything picked out a Cinderella dress, oh yeah I missed the part that both of the girls found their wedding dresses yesterday!!!! We were all surprised about my daughters dress but I was so excited and tried acting so cool about it because I didn't want her to change her mind cause she knew I loved it :D:D:D! Anywho she now picked out a super intricate whitework quilt too! Her last name will be Rose and that is what she wants on it!!!! Oh my am I in overload! Good thing they both decided to buy a dress instead of having me make them, which I offered!

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You saw my daughter's quilt and that took 2 years, of course it got put aside for customer quilts.

White on white quilts are fun, but a lot of work. I don't think I would want to do 2 in a short period of time, especially if I was quilting for others.

Good luck. Maybe show them some other quilt books to let them know there are other real cool quilts that can be pieced and may be one will change their mind.


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So Bonnie that also means I'll have two machines right?!!! LOL I see a lot of late nights.

Cheryl - now I'm ready to hurl! The one my FDIL picked out isn't too intricate but my daughters will be over the top! Yes I quilt for customers but luckily business is slow...oops did I say that because now it will get nuts. Lets not mention that I also work full-time!

I think I'll buy some stock in Advil...I see a large amount being sold in the next year!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

So Bonnie that also means I'll have two machines right?!!! LOL I see a lot of late nights.

I said you could hide....as in get away from your quilts.....good thing DH and all don't where I live...and I can make my phone unlisted if you want.:P

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Originally posted by lamedna


I just googled whole cloth quilts and came up with several companies that sell pre-marked whole cloths. maybe there is something there that would appeal to you.

I'm sure you will be fine. We would love to see the outcome!


Thanks for trying to save me time but LOL you don't know my daughter! She is very specific and it will be custom all the way and I know I will be spending many hours on it! She is very specific. Oh yeah did I mention that it has the smallest scallop edge! Yup lots and lots of work.

The style my FDIL wants isn't as bad but still a lot of work.

The good news is if I could pick any style this would be it so I'll have loads of fun!

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How exciting and overwhelming for you!! I know that there is alot of advice out there for you and I have not been in your situation but here is my 2cents. Take time for yourself, time to take a breather, time to spend with others in the family and most of all TAKE TIME TO ENJOY IT!! I hope you don't look back on it all later only to realize that your whole focus has been on the quilts and that you missed something! The looks on their faces when talking about other parts of the weddings, "uncle Bill's intoxicated speech at the engagement party, or when the dog got loose and knocked over the grooms cake- You know all the things that you would want to look back on and LAUGH. Please keep us updated on all of it!! We are here for you!


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I'm glad, Heidi, that you have at least an idea on where to start. I'm excited to see the outcome as I took a whole cloth marking class this summer and I need to finish the backround decisions and get it quilted! You may be my inspiration!

And congratulations on your upcoming weddings! How wonderful for you! Enjoy the process and don't stress too much over the small details.

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Oh Lord, thank you!!! Heidi won't be making more wedding gowns!! ROFL.. Heidi, I'm not so sure but what I'd disappear, had you been facing making two wedding gowns.. One was enough.... ROFLMHO... just kidding.. glad it's all worked out on that end, congrats on the two engagements and eventual expanded family, and the two quilts to fuss and fume over.. you'll do wonderful, no doubt!

Talkatcha, RitaR

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A king size wholecloth. OMG! After Bonnie finishes doing the V8 schwack on your forehead, you need to visit me so I V8 schwack you on the forehead, too! Girl, have you any IDEA? OK, pretty much you'll be 24/7 365 on those two wedding quilts. Yikes! :o Does your daughter know that those whitework quilts in the books are not king size? Many are lap size or even smaller? I'm not trying to talk you out of this, but think about it... it's very romantic, very wonderful, lovely, everything...but whoa! That's a lot of work.

If we never see you for the next 12-18 months, we know you've got your nose to the grind stone (uhh I mean longarm machine)... :)

But then again, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about! :D

You're such a sweet heart, Heidi. Whatever you decide to do is going to be very lovely. Your son and your daughter are so lucky to have a mom like you.

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I've been driving back from NC to NY today...made it in 12 hours! No traffic! We drove through both ends of a rainbow as we were driving by Bonnie's! Bonnie did you see me wave? LOL my mom called while I was driving so my DD had to talk to her grandmother...big chore...anyway I told her to tell Grandma to go buy a lottery ticket since we needed the gold at the end of the rainbow!!!!!

OK so thank you all for the support. Actually I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge...yes I need to see Bonnie and then head right to Alaska to see Shana!!!! Yes my nose will be to the longarm for sure! My daughter was looking through the book again today on our trip and I told her it might not be done for the wedding. Her answer was priceless...she says, "Well you do have 4 weeks of vacation a year right?!" She also told me that I needed to get hot and get some swatches put together...she'd have to give final approval. She was half joking!

I'm glad I only have two children...can you imagine if I had more getting married in the same year?

Jess - yes I did tell my daughter that she would have to let me enter it if it turns out good. Her response was of course it will and besides I need an award winning quilt...you can keep the ribbon! Mighty big of her huh?

I think my son's quilt will be about 96" square...not small and my daughters will be closer to 120" square. We'll have to do some measuring. Her quilt will be made to fit the mattress of a kind but to the floor on a queen. We all have pillow top mattresses so that adds more!!!! Yikes.

Rita - ok so you thought you had to listen to me a lot about the wedding dress! Most of you have no idea that last year I made my Godchild's wedding dress. She has a size 'G' or bigger bust size! It did come out beautiful and she was thrilled. She let me feel like her Fairy Godmother and we had so much fun! She picked a dress with 3 layers of silk organza with chantilly lace along all the tiers. The lace was absolutely exquisite and I had to cut it apart and then piece it into a scalloped border for each tier. It was a huge undertaking but so worth the work! I hope I'll feel the same about these two quilts.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Helping to snip trapunto. I think that's a great idea!!!

Not that she/they won't appreciate the work, but maybe if they help with it, they will understand better what it really means..... Not saying that either of these wonderful ladies will do this, but I have given quilts to family members and they just look at it, say thanks and really mean it, but they have absolutely no clue to the work and time or even the love that goes into one....

If you need help clipping I have a pair of snips I can come help.....

But then again I would really hate for me to be the one who cut a hole....maybe I'll just loan you the snips instead....;)

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