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Do you ever get one of THOSE quilts-PICS finished

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You know, the one that you really need to finish, but you can't stand to look at the thing anymore. The one one my table has been there for a couple of weeks and I'm only about half done. I have been home for the last 3 days since we are iced in; and I could have finished the stupid quilt, but I can't stand to work on it anymore.

It has about 10,000 identical star blocks separated by about 10,000 hexagons. I'm doing ivory thread on it. THe stars are many different colors. They hexagons are the same identical color as the thread. So, not only am I bored to death working on it; I'm also going blind.

I really should be in there finishing it up, but I keep running bobbins out and the design is so tedious. I need a good swift kick in the butt. I would probably feel more pressured to finish it if there were more waiting to be done ;and if she hadn't said

"Take your time with it. After the first of the year is fine". The only thing making me want to finish it is getting some Christmas money.

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Theresa you are so not alone! I have a tree skirt to do for my mother but she has been on a lovely rampage the last week and trust me it isn't helping me want to make something special for her! I took the day off today and will be taking mom to see her lawyer, that should be great fun, and then going to try to get some shopping done...I have nothing for my husband, only 2 things for my daughter, nothing for my MIL, nieces, nephews, nothing! I did get my cookies done and packed and need to get a few things in the mail!

OK here is a swift kick for both of us!

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It was a BOM quilt from hell! :P and it was my OWN!

it was really strange, it started out to be a really pretty quilt, with soft, clear colored florals (which I love) and then partway through, the colorway changed... It turned into colors like those greyish country blue and dusty rose that was so popular a couple decades ago! I really wonder if someone else took over picking the fabrics. It was either that or they decided to get rid of some unsold fabrics. UG!

so, I'm working away on this quilt the whole time, thinking, these colors SO do not go together! It really started bugging me, then choosing a sashing and backing fabric was really difficult, because anything that matched the florals did not match the other colors...egads... :(

When I finally got the top done, I rented a LA to quilt it, and it was quilting day from hades... the thread kept breaking, and I had no end of problems! They put the stuff on the thread spool, kept fiddling with the tensions, etc, and it was just horrid. I started pinning the quilt on the machine at 8 in the am, and didn't unpin it til 5:30 that night...YIKES! It was so frustrating that it took so long.

Well, in the meantime, I found out that a gf was getting married, so I had decided to give her the quilt.

Dh commented to me, "after all this work, you're not going to want to give this quilt up!"

I gave him 'the look' and said, "NOOO...this quilt is SOOO gone!" I couldn't wait to get it out of the house!

At the hourly rate that I paid to quilt it, I could have purchased a really nice present for the bride to be! sheesh! Her mom is a quilter, and she sews, too, so she knows what it takes to make a quilt. It has a wonderful new home, two states away so I never have to look at it!! roflol! :P

It was a learning process, tho... I learned that I am much happier choosing my own colors and fabrics, and I won't join another bom unless I can see the whole colorway.

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OK, chickenscratch, you want to get it done so here are some ideas.

You need the money for Christmas.

Since she won't set a deadline, set your own deadline and stick to it. Like tomorrow or Saturday and then just get it done. Don't let anything stop you!

Think how happy you will be when you have the extra Christmas money and the quilt is DONE!

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Thought I was the only one with this problem. I recently finished a black and white quilt. I mean BLACK and WHITE stripes, circles, squares, polka dots etc. I thought I would go blind. The customer wanted black variegated thread! I couldn't see a thing I was quilting ( of course she wanted custom) I tried to talk her into a E2E but she "loves" my custom work and was willing to pay. It got to be quite funny in the end. I even wore sunglasses for a few minutes to keep the glare from the overhead lights from frying my contact lenses into the back of my head. I thought of hiding swear words into the quilt. Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you that the backing was also a mixture of black and whites. Other than the appearance of "quilting" you couldn't see a single feather or design on the thing. Guess what? She loved it. Go figure.

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Oh, man I love Black and White quilts, BUT they are the hardest for me to quilt....ya can't see anything, like you said your eyeballs burn and want to fall out and you just get so tired of fighting it. AND they when your done, ya can't see a dinks worth of quilting....until you wash it...then it shows up.

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I had a customer in the quilt shop a couple weeks ago and she was so discouraged about doing her Saturday sampler blocks. She felt really bad because she just couldn't bring herself to do them, she knew how and was very capable of doing them just felt blank when she tried. I in turn had a robe that needed to be finished for a friend but just couldn't bring myself to do it, was capable just didn't want to. I put it to her that we are like writers or artists that draws a blank. Sometimes our creative juices just dry up on certain things and we can't think. We were able to solve our dilemma by swapping, I'm doing her Saturday sampler blocks and she finished my robe.

Maybe we need to swap quilts to get juices flowing again. Or post a picture and get the ideas from all your quilty friends.

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Yes! For those of us that quilt for other people that is bound to happen from time to time. I get myself cracking by reminding myself how good it will feel to get it out of my life. This close to Christmas I'm not sure how I'd deal with it. If she doesn't want it before Christmas and you don't want or need your machine for something else, I think I'd cut myself a break and enjoy my family, and deal with it after Christmas. I know that I personally would feel better to get it done and get it out of my house though. Good luck with whatever you decide!

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