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quilt pattern identification

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Hi Everyone!

Its been a while but I have been super busy lately. We just moved into a new house. We were getting a little cramped in the old house with one machine in the living room and the other in the family room and now we actually have a studio!! I will post pictures of it one of these days. it is gorgeous!

Anyway, I received an email the other day from someone in Memphis trying to identify a quilt that his grandmother had made in the 50s. He wants to try to make one himself but doesnt know where to start. I have no idea where to lead him so I told him I would post on the forum.

We need to know the quilt name, where to possibly get instructions and any hints on piecing.

<a href=" title="SDC11370 by Jessica Brunnemer, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3342/3315846567_6c443003f6.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="SDC11370" /></a>

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I have been wondering about you!! Thought you might have fallen off the face of the earth. Glad you are back...you are an inspiration!!

I have that pattern in a book somewhere here...I need to move to so I can clean some things out! I looked through a couple of books I thought it would be in, but don't find it...I'll search some more...but first I have to quilt.

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Gorgeous old quilt! Prepare to be impressed...I looked it up in Maggie Malone's 5500 Quilt Blocks Designs book and on p.295 # 3819 it goes under the name of:


a brave sunflower

kansas sunflower

oklahoma sunburst

rising sun

russian sunflower


it could be foundation paper pieced (yuk but accurate!)

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Hey Jessica...

That is a beauty and I can help you!

A few years ago I saw an antique quilt using this pattern and loved it....the next month didn't it appear in a Fons and Porter magazine, July/Aug 2004 edition! Then I got a little booklet by Marti Michell and her Perfect Patchwork Templates, Set F. In the mag and the templates the quilt is called Sunburst. Last summer I made up the blocks, just haven't put the quilt together yet. I did it as a hand-piecing project.

I'll try to post a pic...


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I think the original quilt only had 12 diamonds around and the others have 14, 16, 18. That would be a lot of differnce in appearacne, fabric and stitching.

Love the quilt.. wish I had one like that, too. Wish I had them all, but then would only only feel greedy for hjaving so many. Maybe I need to learn to be a little greedy, only have 1 quilt for my own bed.

Need to finish the two hand applique quilts I have waiting.

They are strictly for me, can't think well enough yet with all these meds.. so that has to wait.

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I also have been wondering about you! Glad that is was something good , like moving that kept you away! I LOVE your work!! Always drool over it! Glad you're back!! :) Will you be at your mom's for the big camp thingy next fall? I really want to take classes from you and I am saving my little stash of $ to come this year! :) linda

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