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Looking for Potential APQS Sales Reps

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Can your personal experiences, knowledge, and excitement about our product sell machines to individuals that are looking for a quality long-arm machine?

If you've ever thought about becoming an APQS Sales Representative, please call 800-426-7233 and ask Alison to reserve a spot in one of our Informational Meetings, held on a multi-line telephone conference system. Phone lines are limited in each session, so please call immediately to ensure the meeting time of your choice.

During the Informational Meetings, National Sales Manager Heidi Kaisand will discuss what is expected from an APQS Sales Representative and what you can expence from APQS. There will be an opportunity for questions from participants. The Informational Meeting shall last no longer than 1 hour.

Informational Meetings

Call Alison at 800-426-7233 and reserve a telephone line at one of these times. All times based on Central Daylight Savings Time.

Monday, March 23 at 10 a.m.

Thursday, March 26 at 1 p.m.

Monday, March 30 at 2 p.m.

Thursday, April 2 at 11 a.m.

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We are looking for sales reps all over North America. There are so many places were we don't have any sales reps and would like to have them.

The advantages of being a sales rep can really vary based on the reasons for becoming a sales rep. For example, if a APQS owner is a quilt shop owner and the machine is in their store, then becoming a sales rep simply allows the shop owner to have one more service available for their customers.

The Informational call may answer these questions in more detail.

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Hi Hedi,

Have APQS considered more representatives in Australia?

Compare the following stastics:

Area (in square kilometers)

USA 9 161 923 - Australia 7 617 932


USA 303 824 640 Australia 21 007 310

Distance across the country

USA 4184km 4006km

You will notice that there is not very much difference in the physical areas of the USA and Australia. The distance across the countries is very similar.

The only major difference is in population, Australia's population being only 7% of that of the USA - however - most of our population lives on the coast - meaning an ivdividual representative has to travel vast distances to properly serve clients.

If you are unsure how many representatives there should be in Austalia, then consider the population distribution. My personal thought is that three should be your absolute minimum; one in Victoria, one in Western Australia and one in Queensland.

An interesting exercise for you to consider conducting would be to overlay a polulation map of Australia with the distribution of APQS machines.

More than one representative also gives APQS users an option for contacting representatives.

APQS makes a very good quilting machine - it is a shame that it has not got a larger percentage of the market share in Australia - more representatives and a higher profile would definately help you achieve this.

(Please note that I do not live in Victoria, Queensland or Western Australia)


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Cheri - if ever an area needs a longarmer, Northeast MS does. I lived there two years and could just not find a longarmer. I taught some piecing classes as Columbus AFB. Wish I knew a longarmer to send them to quilt their tops. Good luck to you.

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Hi Heidi

I agree with Cherie, it would be great to have a rep in every state here in Australia I know of a few people who would love to be a rep for APQS Machines (myself included) I feel they are the best machine out there.

The profile for APQS here would only be lifted to a higher level, the quality and diverse range of machines makes it a saleable product to all dollar budgets. Maintenance classes, how to classes etc, we could all enjoy what all our American counterparts are experiencing it could be very exciting we don't have anything like that here at the moment.

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Hi everyone (especially Australian APQS owners)

We are also looking to expand our dealer base in Australia in all 7 States and would welcome enquiries from APQS owners who might be interested in representing APQS locally.

If you think this is something you'd like to learn more about, give us a call and we can discuss how this opportunity can benefit you and our APQS family in Australia.

Looking forward to sharing information with you all soon and hearing your suggestions too.

Best wishes

Sue in australia

(03) 9769 0248

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Hello again Hedi,

I have been doing more thinking about the distribution of APQS sales representatives.

From your website I note Canada, which has a land mass similar to the USA and Australia, and a population of only 10% more than Australia has 15 representatives compared to the USA's 85 or so and Australias one.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Australias population is only 7% of that of the USA, so, I have selected three states of the USA which have a total population similar to Australia. I chose Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois (collective population 23.7 million) This group of states, all physically connected at borders, has a land mass totalling 6% of Australias', yet they have a total of 10 representatives compared to our 1.

Although I have not comprehensively analysed all the available statistics, I also note that Colorado and Oregon which have similar land masses to Victoria, but a signigicantly lower population, have 5 and 3 representatives respectively while Victoria has just one - and that one covers the whole of Australia!

There does appear to be anomolies when it comes to sales representatives in Australia, we seem to be seriously under served relative to the USA and Canada. Surely APQS would gain a much larger percentage of the market share if it had more representatives available who were supported by quick and efficient servicing facilities.

Has APQS considered succession planning - the present encumbrant will eventually leave the APQS family. Surely you have considered that there needs to be other representatives already in the field with a working knowledge of APQS, and a familarility of the Australian market.

I have just noted a comment posted thismorning by Sue Morris. to the effect that APQS IS considering more representatives in Australia. This is good news, but I implore you Hedi to take on board a full representation of opinions from your Australian clients - give them an independent mechanism whereby they can approach you with their experiences, thoughts and feedback.

I reinterate what I said earlier, APQS produces a good product. An expansion of its presence in the Australian market would offer consumers better flexability in their choice of sales outlet and would promote higher confidence in after sales techincal support because assistance would physically much closer to them.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this issue.

Thank you for your time

Cherie Walters

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Hi everyone,

Our plan for Australia is that we will have several dealers in each of the states by the end of 2009. The numbers in each state are being appointed on various criteria including but not limited to, location, enthusiasm and willingness to share information with other quilters.

We are fully embracing the proven North American model which is working well for customers in the USA and Canada, however it is flexible enough to adapt to the different circumstances that occur in Australia and also in Europe.

Anyone who'd like to be considered as a dealer or just find out more about what is involved, drop us an email (address to Steve) or give us a call. Your suggestions will be welcomed. Likewise if anyone feels that they can't take on all the responsibilities of a dealer but would love to join the team, give us a call too and we can talk things over.

We look forward to hearing from you and increasing our team!

Sue and Steve

APQS Australia

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I went to some Longarm classes a couple of weeks ago. We had a chat about how great it would be to have an APQS rep in West Australia. It would be great if we had someone in the State to do specific APQS classes. Maintenance and creative ideas using APQS features plus sharing ideas between fellow APQS owners would be great. West Australia is a big state distance wise, but I know I for one would travel if the right person was the dealer and was conducting some sort of interesting function.

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Hi Judy

We did/do have a dealer in Western Australia but she is taking a break right now. We would love to come over and do a maintenance class if there was enough interest - just let us know when and we'll see if we can all get together - maybe around showtime in May.

Email me privately and we'll arrange it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I wish that APQS would have traveling maintenance person(s) who would come to an area like the Western Oregon/Washington and do routine maintenance on APQS machines. If There was a schedule posted that we could sign up for specific days and pay $150.00 or $200. To have our machines timed and serviced every 2 or 3 years it would be wonderful.

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