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Colored Quilts

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Ladies I cannot find when searching what medium is used to SEAL a colored quilt. Seems I read that somewhere but haven't found it.

If using pencil colors how is it sealed or is it?

Doesn't Irena Bluhm have a book and where might I find it?

Thanks Grammie

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Hi Tammie,

I just saw Irena's book at Joann's this week. If I can get back there I will snag it for you and you can re-imburse me--I have a 40% off coupon.:P Email me and we can arrange this.

The textile medium I use is available at WalMart and also Michael's out here. It is Ceramcoat brand. Irena's book also gives sources for other textile mediums--I think she blends two different brands to get the medium a bit thinner.

Patty Jo is the expert with her gorgeous hibiscus wallhanging. She may chime in here about application of the medium for sealing.

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Tammy - Yes Irena does have a book "Quilts of a Different Color". She has a couple of "fixatives" that she uses together so that you don't have to heat set it. If you are more frugal with your $$ as I am, I use "Textile Medium" or "Fabric Medium" which is a liquid that is sold in craft store in the acrylic paint area. It comes in a small bottle just like the paints. You brush that on the colored areas, let it dry overnight, then set with an iron (follow the directions on the bottle for temp).

I hope that this answers your questions.

Also, use ordinary colored pencils found in the color book section of the Big Box stores. I think I got some of mine at Target, some at the Dollar Tree store and some more at Walgreens. If you plan on useing one color a lot on a quilt, you may have to buy several boxes that has that color cause you will go thru them pretty quickly. ;)

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Grammie Tammie,

Irena's books gives lots of hints on coloring quilts and I think it is well worth the money. She does use a fabric medium and adds Versatex to it. The nice part about adding the versatex is that it also makes the medium thicker and I find it easier to handle. You also do not have to heat set it once you add versatex. I found that using a small whisk to mix it makes it even a little thicker than just mixing it and it was very easy to paint on. You can find it at: http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/217624-AA.shtml

The cheaper colored pencils work just as well as the expensive ones. I found that I almost always had to blend colors to get just the right combination.

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Colored pencils? Fabric Medium? Just paint it on after you've 'colored'? I thought this was surely a process too integrated for me to handle...and here I sit with at least 15 sets of colored pencils, pastels, oil sticks, fabric crayons, regular crayons - keep getting the equipment and then too afraid to tackle the project...but now that it's been explained, believe me, things are going to happen around here! lol ML

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