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Rita and Roland

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Whew!! What a busy two weeks!!

Rita and Roland visited for a day last week. The weather was beautiful, we visited Bayside to make some strategic purchases, had chowder at the local seafood place, lounged at home (you should have seen sweet Rita snoozing under a quilt on my couch!) and then had a Dungeness crab/prawns on the BBQ and top sirloin dinner with lots of my family joining. It was so wonderful to finally meet/hug them both! They were headed home with only 10 days to get back and four visits across the midwest to make. What a whirlwind tour!! Here they are in front of the big rhody.


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Bless you Linda for taking such good care of them. I'm hoping her injuries from the trolley ride in Dundee are all healed and the rest of their journey is incident free.

Yes, she is doing really well. She was so happy to be able to walk without her cane!

Thanks for posting the picture and giving us an update.

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Guest mark

Great picture Linda! Rita and Rolland stopped the other day here in Carroll at the Factory and I gave them a tour. They are such nice people! I have spoke to them many times on the phone as has Amy helping them in different areas. They were so excited to meet Amy and give her a big hug!! :) Rolland is originally from NW Iowa so they were anxious to see our "digs" :):)

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Oh Gosh, we ha a terrific time at Linda and Dennys, also at Bonnie and Freds.. The foot is nearly healed skin-wise, but wis still swollen a bit where I'd had surgery on it. Odd it doesn't hurt at all, unless I bump something hard.

the nap was so comfy, I usually don't sleep so deep when at others homes. It was so much fun to see all the artwork in paintings and quiltings, etc at Bonnies, and meet Lindas sisters, gaze on thd fish ponds, look at beautiful flowers, get to visit her studio, the Bayside Quit Shop, the yummy lunch and the scrumptious supper.

In Omaha I got the motorcycle ride I've so longed for, Loved It, and thank nephew Barry for the ride.

In Lennon MI, helped a friend set up her Juki and Grace Frame and get it stitching well.. Her hubby has only been walking a month or so, after having a truck drive over his leg three years ago, and she just has surgery to reconstruct a broken ankle she's been walking on for a year, while caring for her hubby.

Now we are at mrmqltr or Micheles, having a ball, going out to the Amish quilt shop some of us gals at Camp Mowana last year, visted... and

We met a lurker in CA, who is to say, :Hi, its me: when she joins, to let me know it;s her. I so hope she joins, as I told her, even with a fake name, address and nick name, as no one checks that type of thing out.. then her security wouldn't be at risk.. Please come talk to us, HI, IT'S ME, we only bite once in a while.


Lizziesgirl, we could have managed a stop, just didn't know where you were, or if you wanted us to. Maybe next year, we will be going to Wisconsin for another gathering for the GI's who ran together in the 1950's.

the tour of the factory was great.. sure explains a lot, and unless you've opened your machine, you have no idea what all is in the end opposite the needles.

Yup, got to meet Amy, and get a hug, and don't let Mark kid you, he gives good hugs too. We also met Christy, and bad memory, we think one other lady.

we have never enjoyed a trip like this, and I'm not including DeLoas camp trip, and I am just sooo very thankful to have been able to make it.

I feel better and better each day, don't use the cane at all, have only used the motorized chair the gogo cart 3 times on the whole trip.

See ya all on Mon. or Tues.. from Home sweet home.

God Bless, Rita and Himself.

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So glad to see you are having such a wonderful time and doin so well. I bet Penny your Lenni will be sooooo glad to see you come home and spray the cobwebs out and loosene up those stiff gears or whatever it is they showed you go into the guts of our babies. and welcome home before you get there.

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