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NQR. We must be that age...

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Are any of you in the same stage of life as we are?

In 5 weeks time we attended (or will attend) 3 weddings and 2 graduations. And those 2 graduations were not in our town. One in Illinois and one in Omaha (3 hr drive). And we had 1 graduation at the beginning of May and we have another wedding the first of August.

And did I mention our DS is getting married Aug 29th?


I'm getting too old for this!

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We are there too. Niece on my side married 4/11, SIL graduated police academy 5/14, niece on my husband's side graduated hs 5/15, and nephew on his side married 5/16. I'm still exhausted and I missed some due to MQS (which I barely attended).

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I guess I'm a bit older, (bit? LOL) but we'll start our SECOND round of graduations, etc in 2012.... Oh, goodness then a few years after that will be "Great Grandmahood" Yikes! Inside I still feel 17 - it must be the mirror that lies!!!!!

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Bobbi - I'm right there with you. My oldest grandchild will graduate in 2 years and then just about every other year or so, there will be another one. The youngest grandchild will graduate in 2023. My grand-nephew graduates this year and partys for neighbors kids that are graduating are on the calendar all this month. No weddings this year that I'm aware of though. And like you, I sure don't feel this old!!! I'm not at all ready to be a great-grandma but I know that will be coming sooner or later.

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Thanks, my avatar was taken a couple years ago, before my hip operation... I haven't changed it yet as I had put on soooo much weight... I was always blessed (cursed!) with young looks. Not anymore! I will take a new pic soon - I think I finally look my age!

Patty, it's amazing how quickly time passes. My grandsons are now 15 and 13, and I've missed most of their lives. We (thank goodness) can chat on the phone anytime at no cost, but they wish I was there! (I'm just not a CA girl!)

When I was in IL this weekend, there's a whole new crop of babies! Wow - another generation to watch grow!

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It certainly is how amazing how quickly time flies. I keep wondering when my mother came to live at my house. she is in my mirror everytime I look:P I have a grandson that is 20 and in the Navy. haven't seen him in 8 years as my daughter doesn't speak to me but I suspect someday sooner than later I could be a great grandmother. Thank goodness all the others are still younger than 12. so no weddings or graduations for a few more years. then they all seem to graduate really close to each other.

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Well, I'm in the same boat as Bobbie. In 2 yrs. my grandson will graduate from high school, he is 15 and going to be a Sophmore. His sister will follow 4 yrs after that, she is 11 and going into the 6th grade. My other 2 grandchildren are 3yrs. and 3 weeks. Oh! Did I tell you I have a new grandson?? His name is Easton Daniel and weighed 7lb. 10 oz. Maybe I forgot because he was born on May 11th while I was at MQS and my son called me on my break during my afternoon class.:D He was supposed to be here the first of May so they had to induce but everything went very well except I wasn't very close to home. But he sure is a cutie with dark hair like grandma USED to have........:D

Sorry got off the subject a little:D:D

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Last week (June 4th) my "baby" turned 22 years old. The end of June my oldest of the five kids will be 35. That said, in July my husband of 36 years will be 65. He retired early, at 58, after bi-pass surgery and has been home since then (!!!), and with no hobbies - how can he not have a hobby???. In November, I will be 60, but with no plans of retiring for quite a few years. I need to pay for my expensive hobby. :)

I have two beautiful grandchildren; my daughter's kids. She is the only one married, and the only girl (yes, 4 sons). The end of July will be Layla's 3rd birthday, and Timmy will be 18 months old then.

Sometimes I feel 60'ish, but most of the time I don't. I hope I continue to feel this way for many years. (I certainly look 60'ish!)

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

Sometimes I feel 60'ish, but most of the time I don't. I hope I continue to feel this way for many years. (I certainly look 60'ish!)

Sandy, honey you might feel 60'ish and be 60'ish but baby, you look FABULOUS! A true beauty (inside and out).

Ask me how I know this and I will tell you. :)

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After I turned 50 someone told me that "40's are the old age of your youth and the 50's are the youth of your old age."

Had to think on that one. Were they trying to call me old?

And when I complained to my mom about my DS turning 29 and how old it made me feel, she said "You should have a 50 year old!"

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Interesting! Nice to meet so many contemporaries. My youngest graduated last year, will be 20 this fall, the oldest will be 33 the end of summer and three in between those. We just have two weddings to go here, but still have many nieces and nephews to fill in every once in a while. My grands (7) are spread between 9 months and 10 years, so I'm content to wait.

As for the comment about sons turning 29: My mom used to tell that when she was turning 29 people were commenting on how she felt about it. Her response was: she looked around at the kids she had at the time (5) and decided she didn't want to be any younger! That was 57 years ago.

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