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I got tired of looking at my picture, so I put up a picture of our home. Unfortunately, the Avatar was so small, you couldn't see anything!:( This is the link if you'd like to look at the pictures in webshots: http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/573313567WxcReI

Our "neighbor" across the meadow took these because he thought the clouds looked so cool. In the third picture, the red roof closest to you is the barn, the one up on the hill is our house and the green roof is the old house. The yurt/studio will go where the brown area is next to the house. If you look real hard, you can see specks in the foreground...those specks are our ponies.

The Avatar now is Socks...the horse I've been riding lately. Doesn't he look handsome??

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Mary Beth ROFLMAO~ Dory Socks is beautiful. Wow that is a lot of open land! Beautiful.

SEE now why I hate trees..... Dory, Socks is very handsome.... AND I am SO enjoying the open blue skies...well that's a lie as its been cloudy and yucky for about three days, but I have seen the mountains and Mt Rainer what gorgeous when I flew in.

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Originally posted by DoryJM

The Avatar now is Socks...the horse I've been riding lately. Doesn't he look handsome??

Oh yes. He is a pretty boy. I love the geldings. They are big chunks of love, those boys are. ;)

Your home and surrounding area is heavenly. I love the Sierra Nevada mountains!

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Geez, with friends like Kristina and Doodlebug, who needs enemies????:P:D:P;)

Yes, Mary Beth, you may call me Horse Face...but ONLY YOU!!!;)

Shana, Socks is a sweet boy, but I'm still partial to mares. Kate & Emma are my girls...unfortunately, neither of them is rideable yet.

I do love where we live...except when its covered with feet of snow:mad:

Guess what Dennis is doing tonight???? and this is only the first of four loads!!


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Dory I'm jealous you have something fun to ride. We're horse poor. 8 horses and only 2 broke to rid and one if them is half dead and the other is blind in one eye and a maniac. Neither good for just a fun mindless (clearing) ride w/or without kids.

Yours makes a lovely avatar to boot!

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stinkerbug! i love it!!! that's what i'm going to call davis from now on...ooppsss, wasn't suppose to say that :)

kristina- just post the pic she sent you- TRIPLE DOG DARE YA!!!! we know she cut her hair from the pic of mt sasta she posted...only we got the rear end view....

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Dory...Socks is a beauty...I wish I had not called you "horse face", instead I could have said, "hey Dory, why the long face?" or something like that...Actually, I agree with Kristina...you are quite beautiful!! You should have your picture in the avatar!!

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All right now, you guys are embarrassing me!! Stop it. I'll put my picture back eventually, but I had to show off my boy.:)

And, no, Heidi....you may not call me "fish face"...at least not to my face;)

Yep, that's the old avatar pic, I'll post a new one soon, I hope.

Tracye, it sounds like its time to get some of your other ponies started. We're taking Kate to a trainer hopefully this weekend. She just needs some serious miles put on her; Emma has to wait for 2 years to be old enough yet, though.

Lynda...it will be a gorgeous setting; I'm just afraid that in the summer, it may be really hot. However, I did notice that Costco actually sells a small air conditioner that would probably be perfect, if that's the case. My studio won't be a fancy as yours, but it will be different!

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Tracye, it sounds like its time to get some of your other ponies started. We're taking Kate to a trainer hopefully this weekend. She just needs some serious miles put on her; Emma has to wait for 2 years to be old enough yet, though.

i agree! I just gotta find someone to do it. I'm real picky. The guy that broke my mare (the maniac, not his fault, just her personality) Did what he called "rope training" and said it was something Ray Hunt did. NOT cowboying them by tieing their head to their chest or some other crap, but letting them step in a rope- then he'd put a little pressure on that foot. When they "gave" and stepped back he released the pressure. It was all about giving to pressure. My mare came back from 30 days w/him (I said I wanted to be able to ride her bareback) he got her out of the trailer, threw a lead rope only around her neck (nothing on her head) and hopped on her bareback. He had her spinning like a reigning horse and totally controlled w/just the lead rope.

He's not doing it anymore, and I can't find anyone to replace him. I don't want my horses "cowboyed". I need to go watch some people ride, but the one I was planning on (my Vet's FIL) got dumped from a horse last weekend and has a severe head injury. So I'm still w/out a trainer.

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Ray Hunt is terrific with horses and his style of getting them started is wonderful. I also love Clint Anderson; we do alot of his stuff with them. Where do you live? I may be able to put you in touch with some potential trainers. I agree...the last thing you want is someone to "cowboy" them!

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