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NQR setting your daughter up on a date

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Being an ex schoolie I found it amusing and so did the girls. They live however 500 kilometres away from each other, since I moved mid teaching career.

What is even funnier is now discussing with them their school days.

It took my daughter 12 months before she ventured out dating again after she broke off the engagement.

I now have a cutie of a Grandson with her new partner!

Tell her to at least check him out at your workplace and then she can take it further if she wants.


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Mary Beth,

OK so I work at an engineering school and trust me there are lots that I would never even think of setting her up with but this is a nice guy and no he is not a wierd at all. We actually tease him about that all the time! My whole goal for her is that she finds somebody that rocks her world and he better treat her like gold! She can handle her own that much I know. She has watched her father and how he is and this man will have large shoes to fill! I know Mr. Right is out there for her but she has to get involved. She said she didn't want to date in NY because she wants to relocate to NC. She won't relocate until she gets a job so in the mean time it can't hurt right?

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I worked in an office and got to talking one day about how mothers should setup their sons because we know them best and what kind of girl would work for them. One of the secretaries said, "do you have a picture of him?" Of course I did, in his triathalon outfit. She said "he's really not my type, but I think my sister would like him." So we set them up on a blind date.

They met at Como Park and the rest is history. They got engaged 9 months later and married 5 months after that. She is a wonderful girl and I am truly blessed.

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It was my very own 17 yo who told me, Mom, I just want to see you date. you don'thave to marry em, just play with them a while then throw them back! I was shocked, (what he wanted) and asked if that's what he does with his girl friends. He laughed and said, see I got you thinking about dating, didn't I? Clever kid. I still haven't dated, and it's been waaayyyy more than 365 days.....

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I bet it would be just my luck to find someone who lives half a continent away. I'll keep on looking here. So far, I just look. Thanks for the assist tho, hope your daughter knows how much she is greatly loved. I know I'll go for the iced tea test when it is time.


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Divorced 10 years ago, committed relationship for one year ( that was 8 years ago).

Since then zippo, nadda, nothin. Wayyy more than 365 days. I can't count that high.

I need to come up with a pic so you guys can see what I look like.

Yupper do I'll take your prayers, unwed uncles, brothers, nephews, cousins......

Course now he's gotta pass the ice tea test.


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Originally posted by Hollyrw

Originally posted by Mary Beth

Right ;) I'm sure he is a nice guy...It's just that sometimes....sometimes....IT guys have zero personality.

Uhh, I'm one of those IT guys, well gal actually! I think we get a bad rap. Now accountants, that's another story. ;)

Holly...see I knew this would come back to bite me...that is why I posted this disclaimer on page one ;)

At Garmin, I work with a herd of techies and IT people....they really aren't so bad. I'm thinking more the people you call for support that are IT people that have no personality what-so-ever. Now you...you have personality!:)

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

Holly...see I knew this would come back to bite me...that is why I posted this disclaimer on page one ;)

At Garmin, I work with a herd of techies and IT people....they really aren't so bad. I'm thinking more the people you call for support that are IT people that have no personality what-so-ever. Now you...you have personality!:)

Hey, I'm nothing if not a good sport! :cool: And I must admit, we have some pretty dull people in our department. But we have one or two young guys that more than make up for them.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

OK Abigail we need pictures, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. The tea test is on the top of the list! Do you like sugar?

Holly - watch it...I'm not an accountant but I do finances! I actually have a degree in Computer Information systems too but hated networking!

I have a saying, "It's always comm" when things go bad. I hate the networking part too. Fortunately it's not part of my job much. I'm just a victim of it.

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heidi... whatever you do... don't show this thread to your daughter!!! if you think you're in hot water now... well... if she ever finds out that she was the topic of a quilting groups forum.... yikes.... (but i feel like you... that she's letting a 'good catch' get away!'.... anyway

my 'fixing my daughter up' story goes like this... my daughter used to work for the seattle sonics basketball group-- every year they had a 'meet the players' night for their most devoted fans... the employees also had to attend... soooooo... i worked with the nicest guy... and he is very very cute... AND he was an avid sports guy... in fact one year he and his buddies painted themselves and their car up in sonics logos and drove up to canada... anyway, so, lora took john to this event.. she said when the sonics came out, he totally ignored her... was crawling over little kids just to get to the players for an autograph... she said she was mortified and for me to never fix her up again!! LOL... the next day he was back at work nice and cute as ever and absolutely thrilled to have gone to this event... she didn't go out with him again...

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Try going to a friend's home to bake a cake for the church birthday social and have some scruffy looking dude sitting in the dining room when you come back from the grocery run! Then the friend keeps talking about how she hopes to win the prize for the cake decorating and all the fun the social will be, never inviting the scruffy dude to go. So you ask if he has been invited, (it is so rude to keep talking about a party you are going to in front of others not invited!), 33 years, 5 kids, 7 grandkids, later Rich and I are celebrating our 32 anniversary and planning more!

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Originally posted by Neher-in-law5

Try going to a friend's home to bake a cake for the church birthday social and have some scruffy looking dude sitting in the dining room when you come back from the grocery run! Then the friend keeps talking about how she hopes to win the prize for the cake decorating and all the fun the social will be, never inviting the scruffy dude to go. So you ask if he has been invited, (it is so rude to keep talking about a party you are going to in front of others not invited!), 33 years, 5 kids, 7 grandkids, later Rich and I are celebrating our 32 anniversary and planning more!

So I am guessing that you married the scruffy looking dude? :) He probably fell in love with you the moment you invited him to the party. :cool:

Never judge a book by the cover. Scruffy looking dudes can be real nice guys underneath!! :D

PS: So, how did this scruffy looking dude show up sitting at the dining room table? That's what i want to know.

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