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NQR Mary Beth needs our praryers

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Mary Beth,

I am adding my prayers for a speedy recovery. Having pain and feeling crummy is certainly no fun. So here are some (((((HUGS))))) to go with the prayers. Don't forget to drink lots of liquids. I also think chocolate is helpful but am not sure that the medical profession agrees with me.


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What are we going to have to do with you.....sit on you and make you slow down. Boy you are a mess...I thought you were getting better, even though you sounded like a frog last week when we talked.

Okay...here is a kick in the hinny to get better and a prayer the boot didn't hurt to much. Love ya.;):P

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I just got back home from seeing my doctor. He gave me an antibiotic, said to go home, rest, take the drugs till they are gone and if I still have this mess, go get it refilled. I still have a perscription cough syrup left over from last year when I did this, so I am suppose to take that too...but it makes me loopy, so only take it at night. I'm sure once the antibiotic kicks in I will be up an at 'em again.

Thank you all for your well wishes.

Sharon...didn't she sing that song about leaving your cake in the rain? :o:o I never unstood that song :D

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

But...but...but...regarding memory... How would you know if what you've got is now gone if you can't remember if you had it in the first place?? eh??

Too much thinking needed here!!!

Mary Beth - hope you are feeling better soon - listen to the Doc. and Get some rest!! And Chicken Soup too!! Take care Lady.... :)

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I've been eating chicken noodle soup till I feel like I have noodles coming out my ears. Actually, that is the only thing that taste good. DH fixed dinner last night, oven baked chicken, stove top stuffing, and fried potatoes...can we say starch was everywhere :D, of course he thought it was wonderful, I thought it didn't have flavor. I'm sure it's the upper resepritory infection talking ;)

Judi, you are right...too much thinking...you girls need to wait until my head is not foggy to get into these kind of discussions :P:D

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I'm on my way back up...it is coming in waves. I feel terrible when I get up in the mornings and usually cannot sleep through the night. Then I start feeling better about now...then evening comes and I start feeling bad again. I'm going back to work tomorrow so just trying to rest today.

Thank you all so much for thinking of me.

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MB, glad you are seeing an end to thiat junk. I know how miserable URI's are. Get some Musinex, the one in the green box, and take that along with the other stuff. It's a miracle worker! That stuff will break up so fast you'll be amazed. It's expensive , but worth it.

I had another infusion last Friday and it really threw me for a loop, they add a jolt of steroids to it and I bounced off the walls for the first 4 days. Couldn't focus on anything, or get my thoughts together., and forget about sleeping. I finally crashed yesterday, slept all day, and slept well last night, so I'm normal again this morning. Not feeling good really messes with your routine, huh?

Ice cream castles in the air - Joni Mitchell

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Yes, I think "Ice Cream Castles in the Air" may be the one I am thinking of ;)

I'm glad to hear you are over the effects of the steroids. I had this mess for 9 days before I went to the doctor, so he thought I was past the steroid level and went straight for the other stuff.

I think today is the day, going back to work. Still have a bit of a headache, but I did sleep all night....the first time in over a week. My voice is almost all the way back, but after talking on the phone all day...who knows. Hopefully, I will feel better getting back to my routine.

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Mary Beth, you're getting better - the sense of humor is coming back. It's great to know I'm in the company of 60's hippie children...I was at the tail end of it all, but remember it well. Some of the fabrics now remind me so much of a couple of wild flower dresses I had in 1969!! What goes around comes around for sure!

You gals have a good day --- I'm off for a week's vacation, a working vacation at home, but not at the office. I'll have a lot to catch up on in a week. I'm not touching a computer again until I come back to work!!


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Mary Beth, Glad to hear you are feeling much better. Sorry you were not up to par recently. You need to take better care of yourself -- more dark chocolate and a glass of wine before bedtime will make you much better. It's a proven fact!! Really it is.... trust me..... try it. :P:P

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Oh Darlene, I hate wine...it is like medication, all I taste is alcohol. Now chocolate...that is a different story...I could eat a truck load...but then, I don't think that would make me feel good :)

I am at work today, but wish I was home in my jammies :)

When I was going to the gym on a regular basis and eating right....I felt so much better. I have been inspired lately to get back on track.

Thank you guys for all the remedies.

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