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Rough idea of costs of longarming workshops?

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I need some help to estimate a very rough outline of costs for a possible trip to USA (or Germany!) for Longarm classes.

I'm applying for a bursary so need to give an idea of cost but not all classes have been announced for 2010. I just want a ball park-ish figure from past experience of classes at say, MQS or equivalent.

If anyone wants to advise on particular classes to aim for then that would be helpful too...


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Road to California which is held each January is having longarm classes for the first time next year. The half day hands on classes are $90.00 per class. The lecture style classes are less expensive. I can't offer you any advice on classes because these will be the first that I have taken. The link for info is www.road2ca.com


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MQS (Machine Quliters Showcase) is in Missouri in May.

MQX (Machine Quilters Exposition) is in Rhode Island in April.

Both are geared toward machine quilters whether DSM or longarm.

Innovations is in Washington State next month. The classes there are lecture/demo--no hands-on, and range from $40 to $70 USD with two hours being the minimum length of classes.

You have a place to stay (my house) and a car to drive (a little Subaru SVX sporty car unless Den will let you drive the Corvette) if you decide to come for Innovations in 2010.

Just an aside--what classes would you--as talented as you are--think you would need to take? Maybe you could teach?? ;)

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The hands on classes at MQS are usually 3 hours and are about $100, depending on the teacher, I think Linda Taylor is more. Those classes are the first 2 days. The rest of the week the classes range from $30 - $70ish again, depending on the teacher. If there are supplies needed, it will tell you in the class description. If there is a supply fee, that will also be shown in the description. If you don't overload you could spend anywhere from $200 - $800 or so...maybe more. There there is the banquet and some of the other gatherings that cost.

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Hi Linzie,

Prices vary, but hands on classes with "private" tuition ie very small group, run between US$200 to US$400.00 per class.

On top of that will be any supplies etc, accommodation and food, car hire & airfares etc.

The classes at shows vary according to whether they are 1/2 day, hands on or display only.


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Hands on All day could run from 100.00 to 225.00 Depends on some of the ad-on's with supplies. Need to look at Inovations or MQS or MQX. They have the prices in them. I have them somewhere. Will check if you need me to and put on. Half day hands on are around 90.00 to 100.00 then ad supplies. Then there is lectures or demo's that cost around 35.00 to 40.00. There are some free demos at MQS. I am sure there are at the others.

Hotels range from 150.00 a night to 50.00 a night. Then if you share a room it would be cheaper. Usually will get a continental breadfast at hotel. Lots of restraunts close to MQS. Within walking distance or lots of friends to share rides even to and from the airport.

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It's back...

Thanks for the ideas, everyone.

Linda, that's a super offer!

I had not remembered about Innovations - Sept could be a good time

I'm still feather phobic and want to feel confident if teaching new quilters

I'm aware of being self taught and I'm sure I have a LOT to learn

It would be a weird spin on my bursary application if I wanted to go abroad to teach instead of learn but I would LOVE the chance to come and offer extreme sport quilting classes

I can assure you, my style is "extreme" to hide my lack of natural talent (LOL) - it is all BRAVADO!!!

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Hi Linzi, I'm home and just about recovered from FOQ. Glad to have met you at last. Thanks for the cake, it will go in the shop window in the autumn.

Classes at Claudias were 150 euros per day for 6 hours, usually sharing a machine head with one other person, hands on experience. Hotel runs at 40 to 60 euros per night. Train from airport to Krefeld is around £5.

Mandy says that a group is getting together from the UK for MQX in April. I'm thinking of going. The class list is released in October and I believe you need to sign up quickly to get in.

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Hi Yvette,

Thanks for that info. It was great to meet you too. I would prefer to go to Europe first because of cost and timing but MQX with a crowd sounds good - keep me up to date on that...

Actually, I love my quilt travels but I still have 3 kids under 11 and animals and no "real" independent income. If money was no object I'd probably gallivant from show to show until I was all quilted out!

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I think you have to consider the number of classes you can fit in to the days you have...you can very easily sign up for all these wonderful, once-in-a-life-time classes and be on overload!!! You'll want to include some non-class time to meet with other quilters, enjoy meals, and relax. Classes at the big shows are fabulous. You learn so much in so little time. You need to schedule some down time, too. So, maybe take 4 days for 3 to 6 classes. Oh, don't forget you may need a half day just to view all the beautiful quilts...and another half to shop!!

Personally, I love MQX in April. It has been in New Hampshire for 6 or so years and will move to a huge new facility in Rhode Island in 2010. Should be even better!

Hope you get to a big US show...they are so exciting!


APQS Liberty


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Hi Linzi

Sorry to be so late replying to this thread.

I have done classes over the last 2 years at MQS, Kansas. If I still have a program, I'll let you have it. Certainly, the scope, the number of classes available and the availability of classes from so many well known teachers under one roof is only available at a US show and not to be missed. There are also the fantastic competition quilts. Nowhere else do you see so much for specifically longarm quilters and it is one of the year's quilting highlights.

Prices are as people have already suggested and will be in the program if I stll have it.

In 2010, because of the timing, I will probably be going to MQX in Rhode Island. I can see that you have your hands pretty full but if you are able to squeeze it in you will not be disappointed.

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