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I have EQ6 and some of the add-ons such as Margaret Miller's blocks and Block Base, and like them a lot. Our guild has someone who orders from AQS so we can get books, as well as EQ, for a 30% discount. If you are a member of a guild you might check to see if they can also order direct from AQS.

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I have EQ6 and love it! I use it all the time. I will say that you should get some of the books or take the class at Online university. Once you learn how to use it you will. you should know that it really has you buy way too much fabric so always recalculate it. There are so many blocks to choose from but then you can always change them and make your own too! Great tool and well worth the money.

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I have Quilt Pro Version 5 and like it. I am able to design my own blocks and alter the sizes of many predesigned blocks. Also. I can state the width of fabric to be used and if I want borders pieced or single piece. This makes a huge difference in the amount of fabric it has you get.

I have lots more to learn in the program, but it is fairly easy to use.

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EQ6 as well I think I started with eq3 and have updated with each improvement, however, like everyone else I dont use it as much as I used to and not to its full capabilities either. It is a great program, however I was playing with it the other day and wondered when they are going to add the actual quilting designs, now that I know we would all max out on every feature if we could apply our quilting designs, can you imagine how much help that would be, lets see now lets see how that would look with crosshatching in the applique blocks and lets try piano keys on the border. wow Come on EQ lets get going.

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I saw that Heidi, and correct me if I am wrong, but dont you think it could be done much easier and alot more design choices, isnt it limited to block type designs not really set apart to create actual quilting designs. for instance could you easily design a whole cloth?

Maybe I need to investigate and play with it further but I dont see it as doing all that it could? what do you think?

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You can use it to creat a wholecloth design but you would have to fiddle. You have to lay it in the right layer, etc. An easy way to do it is to use one of the quilt templates and then fill it. It could be better but can be done. I don't recall if you can edit the designs as well but I think you can. I'd have to play with that feature again. I have used it to get a general idea of how I think quilting might look. Now that I have my tablet I tend to use that more and I don't play with eq as much. Maybe when I have some free doodle time I'll do some playing!

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I use PreDesign to draw quilting patterns. Pre-Design software link

I can take a snapshot of the block or entire quilt and pull it into Pre-Design and fade it so I can just see the quilt and then draw my design on it. Afterwards it can be either printed for panto use or as a stitch-out similar to Golden Threads paper idea or exported as a .dxf for use on my IQ.

The Pre-Design software cost is quite reasonable and easy to use. Loes and Theo teach classes on Pre-Design at MQS and there is a yahoo group for Pre-Design questions.

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I have EQ6 too, and like many others here, don't use it to it's full potential. Lots can be done with it if you have the time to sit and figure it out. I am self taught as well, and know I would really benefit from taking a class. Closest place would be 175 miles from me, so I've chosen to learn by trial and error. There are quite a few little help videos built in which have saved me many times. I don't think you would be disappointed.

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