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Need suggestions....

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A regular client of mine sent me this quilt, she lives in Montreal, and pinned a note to it saying 'please quilt something different in the center". She also mentioned it is a gift for an older lady.

The unpieced center measure 35" x52" and i have no idea what to quilt in the center. Not sure what to do in the pieced border as well as there are mistakes in her layout and i don't want them to show.

I usually do a E2E free hand design on her quilts as her piecing is not accurate and she admits that so I'm sure she isn't expecting anything to elaborate.

I need suggestions, I'm stumped!

Now i have never attached a photo to a post before so if no photo appears below then I'll scream, refocus and try again!

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I had pictured a graceful waterfall down the center--blue and white reminded me of the ocean. then it looked like long flowing hair. Or a GIANT McT.

Terry Twist those HST in the border and be done!

You do lovely work and I'm sure you'll find something that will work.


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OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! This is the perfect place for you to shine!!!! How about an oval stitched in the centre with some sort of fancy feather design. Then radiating lines out to the edge of the rectangle. Or you could do a fairly tight background fill instead of the lines. That will pop the centre medallion. How about a scrolly feather motif inside an oval? Actually, do the oval, then echo it and fill the echo in with circles. You could even then scallop around the outer echo line with little scallops and it will look like lace. I;m very excited for you and I can't wait to see what you do!!!

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Does she realize she has the bottom block second from the left , one of the half square triangles is orientated wrong. Just wondering she might want it fixed before it is quilted if she didnt notice it herself. Sometimes that happens and once you put it on the quilt and start quilting it is almost too late to change.

There is so many wonderful things you could do with the center it would take me forever to decide. hope you post pictures when you get it done. lovely quilt. ,

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I didn't notice the turned block until i took the picture. I'll email my client tonight to get her permission to fix it just incase there is a reason it is like that.

You guys have given me some great ideas to think about. THANK YOU!!!

My first thought was a medallion in the center with a cross hatched background but I HATE marking quilts so I am leaning towards free hand designs.

I enjoy quilting feathers and I also just watch The Pajama Quilter DVD the other day and am having fun quilting her flowers.

So feathers or flowers.....feathers or flowers.....hummmmm decessions!!

Shannon, blue thread would look great but I would only go that route if I'm really confident in the design I choose ( which means I want to but I could easily chicken out!!)

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