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Dense Batting and White Pen

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I've had a lady ask me about dense batting. She is making a quilt for her son who has only ever had a quilt that was made by his grandma, I think. Anyway, it has really dense batting and she is looking for a batting to replicate it.

Also, another lady is looking for a white pen to sign black blocks with. Any ideas??


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Hi Dory--for batting, can your customer stand the expense of wool batting? Try a layer of wool with W&W. Put the cotton against the backer and the wool on top. Warmth, density, and stitch definition would be great with this combo.

Another question--is it density she wants, or just loft?

Some "grandma" quilts (I have one!!) are filled with Army blankets. That puppy weighs a ton--but grandma lived in North Dakota. The bed covers there are serious! This one is tied--no way you could quilt it.

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hey dory fish!

dream cottom makes a supreme loft, i had a customer use it in a quilt (it was like quilting double felt, i had to raise my hopping foot) when she picked it up, i asked her if she minded bringing it back for me to look at after she washed it. it was DELICIOUS! the supreme loft feels heavy like the antique cotton quilts you see in the antique shops, but not overly heavy....i'm a convert....

just a thought

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hmmm...I think she wants heavy--like the army blanket on the inside heavy. But maybe I can talk her into the W&N with wool or maybe the Doodle's cotton in the supreme loft. I'll see her tonight at class, so I'll pick her brain a bit then.

Sharpie paint pens...got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Doodle's cotton

if i open a quilt shop, that'll be it's name:

Doodle's Cotton Quilt Shop

it just has a ring to it and rolls off the tongue...:cool::P

i saw a church for sale that had been rezoned to commerical. i so wished i was ready to open a shop then, i would of named it "Heavenly Stitches" ;)

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