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Thanks for sharing the snow!!!!

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OK so hubby is on a business trip to Tampa and I'm stuck home with snow!!! What's wrong with that picture. Here is your chuckle for the day. The snow started flying last night and nothing sticking this morning. Happy camper. Go to work with a forecast of up to 7" by tomorrow. At 2 the skies let loose and the flakes were as big as birds. Heidi in a staff meeting facing the window...I have no idea what my boss said during the whole meeting!!!! Leave work about 30 minutes early to try to beat the traffic. Too late. Normally it takes me 20 minutes. Now the worst part is while the snow is still coming down pretty good and we got a quick 3" the roads are clear, just wet. I go on 2 highways to get home. The ramp to the 2nd highway is always backed up and it took me 45 minutes to go a mile. I have to say there are some people that should have their keys taken away when there is a storm. There is a woman ahead of me driving redicuously slow and all the cars that didn't want to wait in the mile line were zipping in right in front of her. After she let in at least 30 cars I started laying on the horn. Don't get me wrong I'll let people in but not 30 of them. They don't want to wait they can take the other highway. Makes me crazy. I finally was able to get around this woman and the rest of the commute took less than 10 minutes and that was at about the halfway point. All said the commute should have taken a little extra but not an hour! Hubby decides to call me on my way home and ask how things are going. It was right when I was finally able to get away from this woman. LOL he got an earfull. Then I said to him, "Gee honey where the heck is the snow brush in your car cause this little ice scapper didn't work real well. I got soaked trying to get the snow off the car (Toyota Highlander)." His response, "Well I forgot to put it in there but the other day we had snow and I cleaned off the car and didn't get all wet." Well I can't put into writing what my response was but it wasn't pretty :mad::mad::mad::mad:!

I'm finally home, have coffee and had dinner and good to go. I can't work on my quilt tonight because it isn't quite dry yet and I want to make sure it is completely dry before I move it. The good news is that tomorrow will be a snow day. They are now saying we'll have between 8" & 12" by tomorrow. Then there is another storm that is supposed to hit us on Thursday and they are calling for even more snow! So I'll be shoveling and coloring! I'm so thrilled hubby is enjoying the sunshine state!

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heidi - we are too warm here for snow and are just getting rain as of now.

but the fog is thick as pea soup - cant even see across the street.

i dont know about out your way - but i have NO complaints about this winter. it is the mildest one by far in the 3 years we've been here! i like sharing the snow with the rest of the country. misery loves company, i guess.

enjoy your snowy coloring days!

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you are a good daughter in law..way better than i would be!

i hate shoveling and complain so bad if i have to do it that hubby just does it without mentioning it. even my son, who is the laziest thing with a pulse, will shovel so he doesnt have to hear me.

just more proof that i am a witch. i should really mount a broom and see if i can get it airborn!!!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey


I really want to feel sorry for you, honey. Really I do. If I had a violin I would play it right now. And cry a tear in my beer. Waaaah! ;)

(did you smile yet?)

So what's the forecast? Will it melt tomorrow? have fun shoveling

hehehe ( I am so mean! )

Yes you gave me a good giggle! LOL It is a good thing I didn't take my BP when I got home and just hearing hubby say, "Well I didn't get wet last week." LOL it was not a pretty picture! I did call him after I calmed down.

Melting? Did you miss the part that it is going to be snowing until the Sunday? LOL they are saying we'll have a foot by tomorrow night and then the next storm is due to hit some time on Thursday but they haven't even started to estimate the snow from that. I'm hoping it gets sucked out to sea! Hubby is supposed to fly home Thursday night and that won't happen if we get the big storm. I don't want him to have any more excuses to relax and enjoy the sunshine state!

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Heidi, I vote for the storms to let up enough for hubby to get home, then they can start again. You can work from home and he can shovel the driveways, both of them. As for getting wet, don't they ever realize that we are not as tall as some men and we definitely don't have orangatan arms! Glad you are home. Wish the quilt was dry to let you color.

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No promises for April!!!! 3 years ago we drove in a snow/ice storm. No keeping us away :P:P:P! As long as it happens after I get there I don't care what it does!!!!! Having a maid, room service and lots of quilting availble would be heaven on earth!!!! Bring it on! LOL Just not before I get there! It is still snowing. We probably have 9" of heavy wet snow on the ground. I can't believe the snowbanks left from the plows. They look like they are the heaviest snow ever! I guess I'll be going out in a little while to at least get a start on it. My neighbor said he would come dig me out tonight when he gets off after working a 12 hour shift but I just don't know that I'll be able to leave it. It will be good exercise. Good think I have a great snowblower. I'm sure we'll end up with a foot when all is said and done with this one. They are saying the one coming in tonight and into tomorrow will most likely bring more than this one. Yippie skippy. Then another one on Friday. There is actually snow in the forecast through next Tuesday! I think winter finally arrived.

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Everyone is getting snow except Wausau. We haven't had a good snow fall since November, but the ground is still covered. We got about 1 inch yesterday.


I am glad you made it home. I know how stressful driving in slow, snowy commute traffic can be plus having all those wacky drivers on the road. I agree that there are those who need to have their keys taken away.

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I'm am so glad yo are home and safe!! We are getting another dose of white stuff today, Thursday and Friday! And we are traveling about 90 miles to meet or son so we can celebrate his b-day. He drives 90 miles north and we go 90 miles south and meet at our house in Amish country. We have had a short winter, but we are all soooo tired of it!!:(:(

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Heidi, it better not snow in April. 4 of us are going the MQX via train. The Westin wouldn't let me add 1 more person to the room I reserved back in September so I had to change our reservation to the Hilton which I understand is a little walk to the convention center. I'm still hanging onto the Westin room reservation also but it doesn't look good. They said that I could reserve an additional room for 260.00 a night, no way I need money to shop plus I'm not buying the place. Good luck with the new storm, must be coming up the coast because we may get 1-3 inches also, I hope not the

Mid-Atlantic Show starts tonight and I'm out of here (work).:cool::cool::cool:

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We ended up getting 14 inches of heavy wet snow. The driveway is passable. We are expected to get more tomorrow into Friday. I live about 35 minutes south of Heidi. The car will be able to be uncovered sometime in the spring. I will be able to get the truck out of the driveway with its bed filled to the top with snow. This doesn't happen often but when it does after a long period of snowless weather it gets old really fast. But February is almost over!!!!

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I'd say we got about 12" and it is heavy!!!! It took me 2 hours to snow blow our driveway. Thank God (I must have said that 200 times while snow blowing) that I have a great snow blower. The plow had come through this morning and it was up to my thigh and it was so dense I didn't think I'd ever get through it. I took it an inch at a time. When I finally got through I yelled, "Woo Hoo I'm free!!!!" My neighbor, whose husband is working too, yelled back, "I'm jealous!!!!" LOL Just as I was finishing the last of the bottom of the driveway what should appear...that darn plow!!!! I shot him the death look. LOL I'm pretty sure he saw me. When he made it around to my side he moved out away from my driveway and didn't block me back in. I mouthed THANK YOU to his passenger! My arms are killing me! I still don't know if I'll have to go do my MIL's. It is raining now on top of it. I pray my BIL does what he says he will and digs his mother out!!!! I have a quilt to color. I got one motif done before I went out and I have 12 more of those plus the center to get done!

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I feel so bad for those of you getting bombarded by these storms. Seems like all the weatherman can talk about right now is all the storms still headed that way, too. Yikes! Heidi, you be careful dealing with all that snow. Glad you have a snow blower. Hope hubby can squeeze in between storms to help relieve your snow duties. Now get to coloring. Can't wait to see pictures April 15th!

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This was the wettest heaviest snow I remember in such a long time. My BIL did show up at my MIL's and had to shovel because it was too heavy for her snow blower. He didn't get it all but he made her a good path and she can get her car out. Good thing I didn't go up. After doing mine I know I wouldn't have made it long shoveling. I think I'll sleep good tonight! Is it spring yet?

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Oh, Heidi. That's exactly what our 2nd storm last week was like. The first one was so light and fluffy, and fun, but 2 or 3 days later we got blasted with another 18 inches of wet, heavy crappy stuff.

We are expecting about a foot here which will begin in the morning and snow like crazy all day and into Friday, with winds 40 to 50 miles per hour. My shoulders are aching just thinking about it!

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I went out again last night and started to try to uncover my car. It had at least 11 inches of snow on it and it was up to the doors on the side. I can actually see it now. It can't be moved until I shovel around the rest of the driveway so it may be spring before I can drive it again. I am thinking about getting a plow for the front of my truck. Then I can plow my way out of the driveway and I won't get wet and sore and crabby.

Hang in there. Hope you don't hurt too much this morning.

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Originally posted by CWBowser


I went out again last night and started to try to uncover my car. It had at least 11 inches of snow on it and it was up to the doors on the side. I can actually see it now. It can't be moved until I shovel around the rest of the driveway so it may be spring before I can drive it again. I am thinking about getting a plow for the front of my truck. Then I can plow my way out of the driveway and I won't get wet and sore and crabby.

Hang in there. Hope you don't hurt too much this morning.

LOL don't try to lift that snow this morning. All the rain on top means it is going to weigh even more!!!! My arms are killing me. Hopefully Mark's flights won't get canceled.

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We only had 2" yesterday and it is nearly gone...it was very wet snow!

Blue skies today and expecting more snow tomorrow and Saturday. My husband had 8" yesterday at the mine where he worked (200 miles form here). He got soaked from all the moisture in it and had to change clothes. Still came home last night soaked again. It is bad when you have to work outside in those conditions. :(

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