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Help, this blanket hates me!!!

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It won't talk. :( I have GMC in 6 of the 20 squares. They are 12". I can't think of a dang thing to do here!! I am soooo frustrated. Can anyone come up with something?? This sucker is polar fleece front and back and an old quilt for batting. It weighs a ton. ugh.... I have it all stitched in the ditch. (that was a nightmare) Help me out if you can.


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Originally posted by Mary Beth

Is there something in some of those squares?? And...is that log cabin the border??

The squares (only 6) have GMC in them. The log cabin you see is an old quilt from when the customer's son was little. That is the batting between the 2 layers of polar fleece!!!!!! No way anyone would be cold with this puppy around.

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Hey Linda, I had thought of flames. I'd have to use black though. The customer doesn't want anything interfering with the 'woven look of the sashings'. Instead of letting this give me yet another day of stress, I made a bag. A very cool bag. At least the day wasn't lost.

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