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Houston International Quilt Festival

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Hi! My friend and I are thinking about going to Houston this November... I had thought about going to MQX, but wasn't working out with my work schedual. I know it's early, but any one planning on going? I am looking at air fare online tonight, and I am getting BIG time differences in some of the different airlines!! From $175 to 400 from Ohio. For those of you that have been before, are there good LA classes there? I was there 5 years ago, but that was long before my LA and I didn't take any classes. Thanks for the info! linda

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I will be going to Houston in November with my quilt guild...a field trip. :P We have a quilting travel agent handling the details, so at this time I only know I will be flying out of Phila. on the morning of 11/4 and flying home on the evening of 11/7. Our cost is $618 which includes air fare, the hotel and a shuttle to/from the Phila airport.

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A group form our local area is flying over from Australia.

3 days in Houston, 3 Days in Lancaster Pennsylvania touring to Intercourse and 3 days in Lincoln Nebraska with a tour of the International quilt study centre.

My shopping list is started.

You don't need to know HOW LARGE my airfares are!!!!!


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I'm going too and so darn excited! My guild is going with a group of 35. We too have a travel agent handling the flights. We are paying 950 for hotel, airfare, some meals, entrance and something else I can't remember right now. The gal that organizes trips for our guild does a fantastic job! She will give us an agenda and have side trips planned and all the details worked out so that all we have to do is show up. She does our Lancaster trip too and boy was that nice not having to worry about anything at all! This is the first time I've been so I have no idea what to expect. I haven't thought about classes at all.

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I have been going to Market and Festival for a couple of years. I don't know if I will stay for Festival this year. It is loads of fun, but to do both I am gone for over 10 days. I am lucky in that my sister lives North of Houston so I stay downtown for Market and then stay with her for Festival and some quality nephew spoiling.

Last year they added more longarm classes. I know that Pam Clark, Gina Perkes and Linda Taylor were there because I took classes with them. I think they had hands on classes, but I only took demos, so I may be wrong on that. I would look at my catalogue for last year, but it is already packed for my move at the end of the month.

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I belong to the same guild as Heidi so I too am going to Houston. I like the idea that someone else does the hard work and I just show up. I look forward to seeing you there. I like the idea of meeting up also. It is real exciting since I haven't been to a real "big" show.

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Yaaaayyy! Forum buddies at Festival this year! I live just south of Houston and go at least one day every year. I don't like to peice so I never took any classesw until I began researching longarms about 4-5 years ago now. They had a lot of classes at that time and even more now. Myrna Ficken, Karen McTavish, Marilyn Badger, Sue Patten all teach as well as those mentioned above. I believe Linda Taylor is involved in the LA classes as of last year I believe. They ususally have lecture/demos and also hands on. Book your flights and rooms early, rooms may already be in short supply. Also, go to Quilts.com and get class schedules as soon as they come out, classes fill up fast and there aren't a lot of cancelationsto grab up at the door! I post about the show every year without much result, I'm so glad so many get to come this year! I still have an album in my webshots from the 2007 I think it is. There are pics from the second flloor portholes where I was trying to show the size of the vendor area. They block off the portholes above the show itself.

My Webshots is kennan200

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I am going!! and driving!! It is only a 4 hour drive for me. This past year I drove over on Sunday morning and drove home Sunday night.

Market is exhausting! I have to go home and re-charge my batteries before festival. I go to Festival to look at the quilts. after Market, I am tired of going through booths and fabric all looks the same for about a month.

For those of you that travel quite a bit. We always use a travel agent. Last year we figured that it cost us an average of $20 each to use an agent. We call her and tell her where we need to go and how long we need to stay and she emails us our options. It is great!


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Originally posted by sandradarlington

Heidi, I'll get to see you at MQX and again in Houston. Will you enter your MQX quilt in the Houston show, too?

Sandra - can't wait to see you again. Yes I have two quilts entered at MQX. I think my newest one I'll try to enter in Houston. It would be fun to see it hanging at that show!

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Ok..Sandra and those of you using a travel agent...I've never done that before. Can you do that if you don't have a big group going? It's just me and a friend. How would they know what you need cause I don't really know what I need!! :o Can you help me out a little? This is like the person who needs to find out stuff, but don't know what I need to find out!!:P

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I'm not going to Lancaster. I had to give up one of my trips. My guild is going and I went last year. I know the show is completely different this year so I'm intersted in hearing about the new venue. If you go please let me know what you think. I loved all the shopping last year but wasn't that thrilled with the set-up of the show. Shopping at the vendors was anything but fun. Thankfully the gal that organizes our guilds trip really goes above and beyond and we had trips everyday, on the way there and back too.

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