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NQR - Favorite Sunday Meals

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We're stir fry folks. My daughter finally gave me a wok for Christmas, which is much nicer than the skillet I used to use. I just toss in what I have with a little olive oil, garlic and a bit of salt. Sometimes, for a change, I'll add soy or teryaki. Saturday, when 10 came for dinner, I tossed in chicken pieces, peppers, asparagus, onions, carrots. Sometimes I toss in broccoli or strips of beef or cabbage, or sprouts. It only takes about 15 minutes to make, is healthy, and uses up whatever needs used up. It's also great for when you have people who "I don't like that". They can just pick out of the wok what they do like.

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Originally posted by victoriasews

It's also great for when you have people who "I don't like that". They can just pick out of the wok what they do like.

WE have a rule in my house...if you don't like something, fix your own or go without....:P:P:P

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It is Monday and I am responding...late as usual. My favorite time when my girls were little was breakfast. I would make pancakes and eggs for Sunday morning. I always made enough for left overs during the week. Pancakes warm up nicely in the microwave. My other favorite was peanut butter waffles. They are healthy and had good protein count for those who didn't want eggs. Then my very favorite is homemade cinnamon rolls!

As for main meals...dinner...black bean and rice enchiladas.

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Hi Matt, well, I grew up in a family of 5 girls. When we were little, a fond memory of mine is... I remember our daddy would make us "breakfast" for dinner. That was not on a Sunday, but maybe on another work night. I still think back on the FUN our dad had cooking us fried eggs and fixings for dinner. And we always looked forward to it. Mom never did this... it was a "DADDY thing" so it was special. That was the only thing he cooked (except for maybe grilled burgers or hot dogs outside) We had this "breakfast" maybe once a month or so?? Anyway, these are good memories. :) On Sundays, mom would usually make a pot roast with all things that go with that.

Anyway, you being the proud daddy of all those kids, maybe you could reserve your own "special" dinner that you--- and only you --- would make - No Bradie allowed! :)

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Baked macaroni and cheese. We eat a lot of macaroni and cheese, anyway, but hubby thinks it's extra special if it is made from scratch and is baked.

Beany-weenies. Hubby knows I don't like them much, so he thinks it's a real treat if I make baked beans and hot dogs (especially the ones wrapped in bread and baked-and they're kid-friendly for cooking and eating) whip up the bread in the machine on the dough setting.

He spoke so fondly of his friend's mom's German Pancakes that I finally tracked down a recipe for them. He said she acted like they were a 'big deal' to make, but they are SOO easy! lol! (maybe it was a ploy to keep three starving teenage boys out of the kitchen long enough to let her cook?)

here's a link to a good recipe: (tried and true)


The real trick is that the cast iron skillet is very well seasoned, and the butter melted around in it so that the egg batter does not stick. Watching them 'puff up' and bake would be great fun for the kids. (hubby thinks it's cool!) I omit the lemon juice, just because I never have it on hand. saute' apples in a bit of butter and brown sugar or maple syrup for topping. mmmmmmmmm!

tonight we're having leftover stew with soft dumplings cooked on top. That's comfort food....

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Winter - soup (tortilla soup a couple of weekends ago) or chili or a roast in the crock pot...and almost always home made bread!

Summer - beer can chicken and roasted sweet potatoes! We did this for Valentine's Day even though it was freezing cold here!

YUM...you all have given me some great ideas and made me hungry, too!

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I'm fortunate to have a sister that loves to cook as much as I like to quilt. She'll open a cookbook, find a recipe she likes and make it. She makes a lot of Greek and Syrian recipes. One of my favorite recipes is her roast beef. She takes the beef and puts garlic and feta cheese inside, rolls it and ties it. Sorry I can't be more specific cause I don't cook at all. She puts it in the oven with green beans and sweet potatoes. In the summer she roasts a lot of vegetables and she makes a delicious cauliflower, tomato, feta cheese baked recipe. I absolutely love her baked sweet potatoes, with maple syrup, dates and nuts. Eating in our house is always an adventure.

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Ditto here in this house too. In fact, my DD Jessica, was pretty much on her own in 5th grade:o

Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

Originally posted by Bonnie

WE have a rule in my house...if you don't like something, fix your own or go without....:P:P:P

We have the same rule in my house Bonnie. And, since the littles can't cook...they just eat it!

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I don't make special menus for the "I don't like" people either, nor have I allowed complaints over the year. Wok cooking is just fun and allows everyone to have what they like at no extra cost of time. I take that back, once when I served tuna noodle casserole, my daugher took a big bite and gagged and threw up all over the table. I didn't serve that again unless she was visiting somewhere else.

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Hi Matt, I only have four-legged kids (4 horses & 2 dogs) and they're none-too-picky, thank goodness;) Our day of the week for a "special" meal is the last workday of the week. Dennis and I have done burgers (cooked rare) and margaritas on Friday nights for the last almost 12 years! We sit, eat, drink and talk--its always fun!:)

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For "family fun night" we take turns with ordering take out or creating and making a meal together, the boys love to make pizza, although my 11 yr. old wants "desserts" only night, what's life with out little fun?

Board games & movies usualy follow & mom is always the 1st one to fall asleep on the couch! ;)

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