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IQ and/or bust!!

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I'm biting the bullet and getting the IQ. I am thinking that compter quilting is the wave of the future. Either I join or I am left in the dust. That statement should get some kind of response!! Helen will do the setup Apr 27. I am looking forward to getting a "helper". I will be selling some CL stuff but not everything. I just can't part with the giant swirls template. Too much $ for the amount of work-talk about chicken!! Since I quit my job I decided I would have time to work w/the IQ. I know there will be frustration but my friend is only 3 miles away and she owns one on a Gammil.:P

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Hi Marie,

I'm also getting an IQ on my millennium on the 25th of April. I think Helen is installing both of ours on the same trip. I can feel your anticipation because I have the same IQ fever. :) I'm not that good at freehand even though I've been longarming a few years. I just wanted the creativity that the IQ can give me. There's so much designing possibilities and I know the learning curve is not very long. Glad to meet some fellow IQer's. Have you also joined the IQ yahoo group? Lots of helpful information there as well as this forum. Enjoy your new toy!

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I wish you were getting one too, Roxanne! You know you can come over and play on it as soon as I can master it. It shouldn't be too long because I probably won't sleep at all after I get it. Maybe it will accidentally show up at your place :cool: You never know!!!

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Congratulations!!!!! and you will love it!!!!!!. You will be up and running in no time! It is so user friendly - plus Helen is absolutely the very best!!!!!! Keep me apprised of your adventure!!! You will just love the fact that you can so easily combine free motion and IQ in a quilt with the push of a button. My last 2 quilts have been 1/3 ruler work, 1/3 free motion & 1/3 IQ - so much fun!!!! So much fun!!!:D :D:D:D:D

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Super, welcome to IQ!! I love my IQ, I am no longer feather challenged. There are great deals on designs, Intelligent Quilting and Anne Bright has monthly clubs, Digitech designs are wonderful and our own Darlene Epp has a beautiful digitized line of patterns. Helen is the best, you are lucky to get her as your installer!!! I love my installer rep also. IQ has a great Yahoo Group, have you joined yet? If you have Loe's Pre-Design Studio software you can easily make your own designs. This is so exciting!!! One more note, there are Area IQ Groups forming everyday. Members get together with their "tablets" and play, same as a guild.

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I too will be left in the dust. I just can't afford an IQ. I only quilt for myself, my sister, and charities. There is no way I can justify having an IQ setup. However, that doesn't mean I don't want one, other things have to come first. Good luck with your new toy. I am sure that you will love it.


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I guess I'm not being left in the dust as I'm getting my IQ on March 31st. Going through some physical changes, I realized that I wanted to make things easier on me when doing other people's quilts. This way the machine will be quilting away while I piece my own tops. Also looking forward to combining computer with free-motion.

Congrats Marie and welcome to the club.

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Congratulations! You will love your computerized system. I love having the computer run my pantographs, my motifs and it just comes out perfect every time!

I thought long and hard about getting a computerized system. I have no regrets because it does make it easier and takes the wear and tear off the body.

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It sounds OK a computerised system, but I work on computers all day, and for me quilting is fun and a release !! I dont want to be computing into the night too !!! Although I can see the appeal of the perfect quilting, and speedier quilting, the price tag is not appealing to anyone not quilting as a business.

Have fun though with your new IQ, I am sure you will enjoy it.:D

I am learning so many new things at the moment with freehand, and pantos, and circle lord etc it is so much fun, there is no time left for computerisation too!

(I may eat my words in a few years though !!!)

My DH thinks the machine does it all itself anyway !!! LOL !!!

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I am just responding to all those that say how much they love free hand - I do too!!!!!! Even when I bought my IQ, I was very definite about improving my free hand skills and that goal has never changed and my skills are definitely improving. In fact, I am presently working on a very intense free hand - 16.5 x 16.5 little wholecloth - and IQ is sitting on the table ........ I think what we need to think about is the that the IQ is like the CL - an added tool to help us quilt. We are not limited to computer work because we have the computer - it is just another aspect of quilting - many methods to obtain an end result: free hand, rulers, CL, QZ, computer, whatever works ................. they all are part of the process - fun quilting with beautiful quilts to show for all our work!!! And another important aspect is that some quilters due to health issues need additional help so they can continue to quilt - the computer has been a godsend for them................

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I think it's wonderful that we quilters have so many choices. We can choose freehand, we can choose pantographs, Circle Lord, Quiltazoid, computers, everything. We can choose Rainbows, King Tut, Floriani, Polyneon. We can choose Kimmy Brunner, Claudia Pfeil, Myrna Ficken, Linda Taylor. We can choose, MQX, MQS, HMQS, Innovations, Houston, Chicago,.... We can choose APQS, Gammill, A-1, Nolting, KenQuilts, HQ16, Tin Lizzie.......oh goodness gracious!

The list goes on...............and on........

We are all so very lucky!

We have such a supportive and wonderful quilty world.

Our creativity is limitless; go for it! Life is good.

Follow your dreams and go wherever you want. The world is yours.


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That sounds like a great dream to me Roxanne! Don't think I could handle the embroidery machine tho! It's a little out of my league. The IQ comes close to piecing on its own. At least with the half-square triangles that I can't wait to try out. With a thousand of those to sew, it will come in real handy. Hand sewing is still a relaxing pleasure that can never be replaced with a machine.

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