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Edgerider wheels vs. horizontal wheels/precision track

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Edgerider wheels vs. horizontal wheels

I posted this in the wrong place before.

I have a question: My Millie has the black horizontal wheels/precision track and runs and moves very smooth. Is there a difference between those and the Edgerider wheels? I've looked at the ER online and all I can see is they are light color and not black. Just curious.


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I have a 2009 Millie with the black wheels and it runs very smooth, also. Most people that use the Edgeriders say their machines run smoother after they install the wheels. Both will cause oxidation, however I think what has been said is it is less with the Edgeriders. I haven't been planning to put Edgeriders on my Millie, however I've had the opportunity to use one with Bliss and it is smoother than mine. I'll be in Carroll for the maintenance class next month and plan to get a set of the new MM wheels at that time. From the reports that I've read here, adding just the new MM wheels gives a smoother ride, yet.

Regarding your post in the wrong place - you can open it and delete it and then you won't get replies in more than one place.

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Linda I replaced my black wheels with ER wheels and I was really surprised at the difference. My reaction was almost like that of Linda Rechs when she tried out the bliss. I have much better control now. I also have a lot less oxidation and no longer have the black on my rails, as long as I clean it every other quilt or so. For me it was money well spent but I do have to say I did not replace my wheels until they needed to be replaced. Why change it if it ain't broke?

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I haven't replaced my black composite wheels yet, not having any trouble with them but will be planning to replace them with the new MM wheels, that APQS has just brought to the market....they are the SAME poly wheels that are on the Bliss system. The Bliss system only uses 4 of them so where when we older machines order them we need to remember to order 8... Am putting my dollars aside now and as soon as I can I will be doing just that.

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Since my machine is only a few months old and I don't do nearly the amount of quilting a lot of your girls do, I will just stay with my wheels that I have until they need to be replaced. Who knows what they will come up with next ??? Mine works pretty smooth as is. I'd rather spend the money on more EZ templates right now ! :P

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I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE these new M+M wheels:cool::cool::cool: OMG they are like quilting on air! I can feel no drag in any direction. I thought my machine was pretty smooth until I used these wheels. Wow what a difference. I can even do pretty decent feathers. (Not comparable to all the ones I see here) But I have hope. They are a least round instead of squared!!! I not really bummed about not being able to afford the new Bliss System. This works perfectly for me. I highly recommend them. My DH was right..they are worth every penny.

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It's hard to know what we're missing if we haven't had an opportunity to use them. My black ones seem to do the job as well as I can guide it to but would love to take one for a test drive just to see if the grass is greener on the other side. Was looking forward to Innovations this year because I figured I had enough knowledge now to look at things and understand. I guess i'll have to go somewhere else.


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My mille is a 2010 (just got it in january) and I put on the ER wheels about a month ago. I can tell you they are way smoother than the original wheels, a lot more control when doing curves and straight lines. I love them and have not had any regrets about spending the money to put them on. I don't know about the difference between ER and the new Bliss system. Waiting for the quilt show here in Minnesota, I hope they have the bliss system here for people to try!!!

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From the comments I'm reading, I suspect the new M&M wheels probably give a feel exactly like or similar to what many of us have experienced when switching from the black wheels to Edgeriders. Suddenly those square circles became rounded. The material that both types of wheels are made of is similar. I'm glad that APQS has come out with a wheels that give us the performance we've been asking for and compete with the add-on market. Thanks APQS!

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