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quilted charm

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I am a new longarmer with a Millenium. When I first got it, the stitches were beautiful and it had a nice hum to it. I've quilted two complete tops on it after a huge practice piece of course.

I have been noticing that it starts feeling like it is binding up, and occasionally it just stops quilting like it is hung on something. Last night while quilting it did this about 3 times, and each time after rocking it a couple of times, the bobbin thread breaks, and when I pull it over to the side, the bobbin thread has come out of the slot in the bobbin case. I tried rethreading both machine and bobbin, tried adjusting the tension. Cleaned machine with wd40 and then oiled the bobbin slot. I even changed out the bobbin with a new one. I am using the magna-quilt bobbins, and glide thread. The machine has lost it's nice hum also.

The funny thing is that the stitches still look great right up to the break. No loops or skipped stitches.

Also, I really notice it not moving well, when I try to use the Hartley fence with the straight rulers.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!:o


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Things to check--

If you are using the magna-quilt thread, did you take the check spring out of the bobbin case?

Are you oiling the top wicks? Just asking, because my Milli purrs when she is top-oiled.

The hang-up of thread can be caused by the hook retaining finger catching the bobbin thread and snapping it. It is underneath the needle plate-- a metal finger that slots into a groove and keeps the hook mechanism from rotating. It should be in the groove just enough to stop the rotation. If it sticks in too far the bobbin thread--especially thicker thread--will catch on the finger and snap.

Bird's nests of thread are a result of bobbin spin after the machine is stopped. If you are getting bird's nests happening at any other time, I don't know where else to tell you to look. Sorry...

As for the Hartley Fence and a sluggish machine, perhaps you are pushing the ruler against the hopping foot with too much force. Try a lighter touch--sticky dots or spray adhesive on your ruler will give you great control--you won't need to push the ruler down so tightly. I find if I am man-handling the ruler I tend to use a similar force with my other hand as I push the foot against the ruler. This is a bad practice as it can mis-align your hopping foot after a while.

Good luck hunting down the problem--be sure to call AQPS tomorrow if you can't find a remedy today. They are amazing!!

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You don't say where you are located. Is it possible to have your local APQS Rep out to check out your machine? It's sooo hard to know what the proper sound or movement is, when all you've known is just your own machine!;)

If you don't have a local Rep, be sure to call APQS in Iowa - and this forum is one of the best places to learn about how to use (and care for) your new Millie!

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Did you check to see if your wheels have any thread caught in them? I was once quilting and the machine seemed to get 'stuck'-fortunately, I listened to my machine and stopped and found thread stuck in the wheels. I always walk around my table before starting up the machine and do a visual check around the machine and table - ie no obstructions around the table, no threads in wheels, all plugs in place etc.

I'm not sure about the Hartley fence as I don't have one. I hope you soon find out what 's wrong and can get back to quilting soon.


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I'm wondering if your quilt sandwich tension is tight enough. In the past, when I've been quilting a very large and heavy quilt, I've had similar problems -- mostly when using cotton fuzzy thread. Sometimes it helps to move to a different location on the quilt sandwich or to advance the sandwich -- the machines likes to quilt best when it is about in the middle section between the front and back roller bars. Let us know how your doing!

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I noticed that you didn't mention changing the needle. I've been guilty of using a needle too long myself. The other day, 2/3's of the way through the second quilt with warm and natural batting, my machine bogged down, seemed to not have the power to make the needle go through the fabric. After doing all the usual things -- cleaning, oiling, rethreading -- I changed the needle. Suddenly Twyla was whirling and twirling like new again.

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Another thought since the head doesn't seem to be moving as smoothly. Have you cleaned the rails and wheels? Black oxidation does build up on the wheels. I have the Edgeriders, which are white, so it's a little easier to see. With the new black wheels, it might build up and you would never see it. Try a q-tip dipped in alcohol and held in the groove of each wheel as you move the head. You will get black residue on the q-tip. Hope this helps.

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Yes, your free Beginner's Class will be lots of help. Schedule it as soon as possible!

As to changing your needle, if you're hearing a "pop, pop, pop" as you stitch, it's waaay past time to change your needle! Probably best to change it every eight hours of quilting, but more often won't hurt - the needles only run about 75¢ each, and using a dull one can cause some real headaches.

Let us know how things go!

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I have been having similar problems with thread breakage and sluggish movement. I will check the wheels because I have re-threaded and changed the needle, can't hurt anyway.

Barb, you mentioned scheduling the beginner's class, I have been trying to get an answer about how to do this and no answers back. Can you give me any information about who I should contact? I bought my machine in July but haven't been able to use it much yet, only my third quilt on there now. Thanks for your help-

Connie Smith

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