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NQR News & Prayer Request

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  • 1 month later...

Lisa. Our oldest daughter and her first husband were in same situation and we did the same thing. Husband turned out to be bad news but daughter turned into a wonderful mother. We enjoyed the grandson when they lived with us. He moved back to IA after graduating from HS in CA. He's 19, been living with us for 2 years come July - helps on farm, helps in house and now working at finding a full time job. What a blessing. :)

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Originally posted by lisae

Hi, All,

My life has been turned upside down lately. My daughter, Kelcey, is expecting. At first it was a shock, but now it has sunk in and we know everything will be okay.We know God has the grand plan...sometimes it's just different than what we had planned.

Kelcey had her first doctor visit yesterday. So far everything looks great. Her due date is July 31. She will be a great little momma. Her boyfriend, Ryan, is a wonderful young man. They can't get married yet because he doesn't have benefits with his current job. Kelcey has benefits through our insurance. We are moving to a bigger house so the kids can live with us until they get on their feet. And guess what, I get to make baby quilts! YEA!:)

So here is my request. Please pray for Kelcey for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby. Also, Ryan has an interview for a really good job with benefits at one of the local mines on January 6. Please pray he gets the job! I know your prayers work wonders!

Thank you all and Happy Holidays!

Please do me a huge favor and don't waste anytime praying for things to work out. You are already luckier than you can imagine. Count the blessings you and your family have been given and enjoy this time.

I am arranging to pick up my grandson's ashes this week.

He was far too young and didn't stand a chance.

My daughter was only 19 when she had to go through 24 + hours of labour to deliver a stillborn. My daughter and her boyfriend's lives as well as mine and the rest of my families' will be changed forever.

Life comes at you fast, get on board (which is what it sounds like you have already done :)) and enjoy it, you will see, it will work out, and like I have just told you, it could be much worse.

And of course I will send good thoughts for your daughter's pregnancy to be healthy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Diana,

Yes, Ryan did get the job. He just got the call a few days ago. He starts on March 14. We are all very excited and thankful.

Did you live in Elko when your hubby worked for Goldstrike? My husband and I both work for Barrick. I work in town for the IT department and he works at Bald Mountain Mine. He just recently moved over there from Cortez. Barrick has been very good to us!

Lisa N, I am sending you an email.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We are truly blessed!

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My DH worked there only 2 years as we were trying to get him to age 50 so he could come back to CO and draw his retirement from the Climax mine. I liked Elko and would have moved but he wouldn't hear of it. He came home every month on his longchange on the train. He caught the train in Elko at 10:30 p.m and I would pick him up in Glenwood the next afternoon. I'm sure you know after the Climax mine shut down a lot of people migrated to Elko. Our daughter would live in Elko during the summer and work for the mine. They also had the program where they paid $3,000 a year towards your childs college education. My husband is a very stubborn person. When we were going to get married 40 years ago, ha he said to me, I'll ask you to marry me but don't ever ask me to leave CO. Being out of state for 2 years just about did him in, but we both are retired now and living our dreams. You probably know some of the people from here.


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We may be lucky or someone else luckier, but prayer is PRAYER, and the Lord of my soul says to pray at all times.. and I do. Sometimes for the Lords will, sometimes to ease a persons heart, sometimes that a child,baby,hubby,wife be healed be it the Lords will!!! Often I ask Him to help me pray, and I believe He does...

I believe prayers make the person/people in a pickle feel better, and Yes, it Can be Felt!!

Don't mean to start war and hope it doesn't, but don't ask me to not do something that would harm, upset, make me uncomfortable as it seems to be making another.

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Rita, I think Lisa meant not to worry about things and to instead focus on the positive things. That is a very hard lesson for me...born worry-wart that I am! And even harder is to let God take control...because I am also a control-freak. Darn Type A personality!

I do agree that prayers help us feel better, and that is a lot of the reason we ask for them. But I also believe in the power of prayer and I believe everything happens for a reason. And sometimes I have to just trust in God and not ask the reason why. ;)

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So Lisa when is the baby due? I became a grandma to the most adorable little boy last may. My daughter married a fellow in Texas in Aug. 09 and told me in October that I was going to be a Grandma.......took me a bit by surprise as they were still waiting on immigration etc.. actually it took them by surprise as well but what a precious gift he is!

My only problem with the whole thing is that they all live in Texas now....which is way too far away!

and I so agree that God is in Control....our job is to trust :)

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