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NQR News & Prayer Request

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Hi, All,

My life has been turned upside down lately. My daughter, Kelcey, is expecting. At first it was a shock, but now it has sunk in and we know everything will be okay.We know God has the grand plan...sometimes it's just different than what we had planned.

Kelcey had her first doctor visit yesterday. So far everything looks great. Her due date is July 31. She will be a great little momma. Her boyfriend, Ryan, is a wonderful young man. They can't get married yet because he doesn't have benefits with his current job. Kelcey has benefits through our insurance. We are moving to a bigger house so the kids can live with us until they get on their feet. And guess what, I get to make baby quilts! YEA!:)

So here is my request. Please pray for Kelcey for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby. Also, Ryan has an interview for a really good job with benefits at one of the local mines on January 6. Please pray he gets the job! I know your prayers work wonders!

Thank you all and Happy Holidays!

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Oh Lisa how exciting to have a grandbaby in your future. What exciting news and the baby's father sounds like a stand up man and that is something to be proud of him for. I will add my prayers for a healthy pregnancy and for provision for all of you. Have a wonderful Christmas

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Love is no respector of anything! When it happens it will have it's own way. Just love and cherish all involved. Such acceptance will bless you all. My prayers to all of you for a happy, healthy, baby and family.

(Sometimes there is a reason young folks have to get on with their lives. My son needed to have his family at a very young age, because now he has MS and can't anymore! We don't know what the future may hold. So just love them and hope for the best.)

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Lisa, what an exciting time for everyone. It will all work out in the long run. It is in God's hands. We were in the same position with our youngest son. Only, they were both adults (he 26, she 23). They got married on my birthday, over 14 years ago. They have the most beautiful family and we have been totally blessed. They are doing very well, both are college grads and have great jobs. We can't wait to see them tomorrow.

Being a Grandma is the best thing ever! You are so lucky to be able to share this with these two young people. Enjoy every minute!

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