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This is an old Post.....I've jammed up my Millie!

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Help, I've broken a titanium needle on a fabric intersection...maybe 6 fabrics.....managed to free the needle but the tip must be jammed somewhere in the hook....blew the fuse....found the spare but blew that too.....don't have anymore fuses...what now...it always happens on a Friday....

Can anyone help?

Linzi....are you around?

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Have you tried using the fly wheel to gradually back and forth to loosen it up? can you see the needle, in which case can you tweeze it out? I am no expert as you know.

Conincidentally I had my first ever needle breakage last week, thankfully it was a regular one, and it was just the tip so didnt jam the machine, although I was worried until I found the tiny tip, so I could be relieved that it wasnt in the bobbin area.

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I took my baseplate off and had a look, I've rocked the fly wheel back and forth but it's hardly moving ....I can't see it at all....Arrrrgggg...it's so frustrating and annoying as she was stitching away so nicely!

I also gave it a good hard blast of compressed air to to see if it would dislodge it...but no luck!

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Try this:

Turn off the machine (unplug if you wish)

Try grabbing the bobbin assembly with one hand and manipulating the fly wheel at the same time. Maybe need a helper?

Also try spraying WD40 in the bobbin area to see if that helps to slick it up and work loose anything that is jammed in there. So sorry this happened... hang in there.

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I've given it a good coating of WD40 and a good shuggle of the fly wheel....no luck ....I'll wait till my DH come back in from the lambing sheds and see if he can pull while I rock.....!!!!

I can't believe that I can't see it ....look how much is missing....it must be bent somewhere......

Hey look who turned up to answer my SOS cry.......Hiya Tracy...where've you been!


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Kay, if all else fails, maybe you can take the hook assembly off the shaft completely. It may be that the tip of the needle is lodged somewhere behind the bobbin "basket," between it and the outside hook part of the assembly. Maybe getting it out of the machine and turning it over, giving it a good "shuggle" will dislodge the point.

Hopefully you won't have to take this drastic a step, since it will involve re-timing your machine - and of course on a weekend!! Good luck and keep us posted!

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Good job I checked in as I'm off to Tobermory on Mull first thing in morning. Will stick some fuses in post! Hope that piece of titanium needle hasn't done too much damage... Can't you see anything at all? Have you looked withe the eye loupe in tool kit? Mark Caraher is the one to answer this question properly.

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no it wasn't a mirage..... I deleted the post as I thought I was stating the obvious....

have had a busy year, one silver wedding in Vegas, yes we did the Elvis thing, looking after Dylan who is nearly one and the biggest time stealer going and planning Gem's wedding which took place on 12 Mar.....if you are a friend on facebook you should be able to see some of the wedding pictures which include Dylan.. also have been busy with work.....

don't think I haven't been keeping an eye on what you have been upto.... read both your blogs Kay and Janette... Bonnie you haven't updated yours in a while..... won't be long before the big trip....hope Siana is doing okay....

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Dang, you broke off a huge chunk! I can only reiterate what Shana and Barb have stated here. My only addition would be to go to bed and try it in the morning when you aren't quite so frazzled. Timing really isn't that big of a deal after the first time, although the first one is pretty scary.

Keep us posted on how things are going.

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Hi Tracy,

Glad you are well, sounds like you have had a busy year !! I expect quilting didn't figure too much in it??

Thanks for reading my blog, just a bit of fun !! Hope you like it. Havent updated in a few weeks though. I also didnt know that you could delete a post, although I know how to edit them.


I hope you don't have to retime, I was trying my hardest not to mention that word, and I wondered what that eye loop was for too. Sleep on it tonight, although if anything like me, I would be up as long as poss trying to fix so that I could sleep.

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I luckily found the tip of my needle on the top of the quilt soon when taking it off the frame, very lucky though as it was very small. Perhaps you won't know if it is in there or not until you take the bobbin brace thingy out.

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The first place I looked and felt was on the corner of the quilt block...I'm sure it's not there....chances are it's the broken point that is jamming the machine/hook area....We can see what I believe is the broken end of the needle but it is jammed with the point pointing towards the back of the machine....Hey Ho!!!

Watch out for the next compelling installment!

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