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NQR Tears for my Max

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Oh, I'm starting to cry just thinking about it. I lost my great dane a couple of months ago, and it has been so hard! I tear up almost evey day at the dumbest things. Like I used to always give him the fat from my steak. Now everytime I eat steak I want to cry. My husband put a note on his facebook the day he died:

"My best friend and companion died during the night. Thanks my good and faithful friend for the unconditional love you showed. Thanks for being in our family. To my precious gentle giant. May you rest in peace. Goodbye Zeke!"

I should have been jeolous of the best friend and companion thing, but I felt the same way so I let it slide.:) Zeke was sick for only about a week that we knew of, but it could have been going on for a while. We just thought he was getting old. He was 9.

Love your baby as much as you can, cause after all, our pets really are part of the family. Thinking of you!

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I have had to stop reading and go take a "powder" to stop crying. I am in the stage of life where when I start I can not stop. The Rainbow Bridge just hit home today. It is probably a great sin but I can't help that I love animals as if they were little people. Perhaps Jesus will forgive my soft heart for the mute among us.

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Julia, I'm so sorry for you. I know exactly what you are going through. We lost our Zoey, a Yorkshire Terrier, two years ago to a very aggressive form of lymphoma. It had already been a horrible year for us - we lost 4 dogs in a one-year period and Zoey was the last and our youngest. We were absolutely devastated. Thank goodness we had already adopted two other rescue puppies and we had some babies that needed us. My prayers are with you and Max.

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I want to thank each and every one of you that have posted and all the ones out there who haven't posted but are thinking of us none the less. I turn to my quilting family in my times of need and saying thank you really isn't enough. I know I don't very often post on other's threads because I don't feel I have much important to say, and when I do say something I have a hard time expressing my feelings in a way that is true to how I feel.

I also want to remember those that have gone before Max...........Sabrina, Midge, Mindy, and Gabby, you all gave us such wonderful times and memories. I always say my fur babies are worth their weight in gold. They make me laugh, love and cry. But without the cry the laugh and love wouldn't be as powerful.

I am sure Les will welcome Max with open arms and an open heart and Max will be in the company of a true friend from this life to the next.

Thank you all....

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Awww, what a sad time for you! I'm so sorry.

We had a German Shepherd we had to put down when she was 15 years old! The day before she fell asleep with my son on the back porch.

A couple months later I had a new 7 week old German Shepherd puppy who is now my constant companion...............especially during thunderstorms!!

You will remember all the great times with him. And his little friend will miss him for quite a while.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your cute little dog. I rescued a beagle that the owners husband was going to drop off on the side of I-5 if she was still there when he got home. I told her i'd love her till the end of her life and that came after 3 years. It was so good to be able to love her like she should have been all her life. We never forget the ones that leave us but we always find more love for more to come. Bless you. Carreen

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I had posted the Rainbow Bridge on this site last year. When we had to put our very sick Golden Retriever down a few years ago 2 of her vets sent it to us. I am sure you love your Max just as much as we all love our furry kids. Enjoy your days together and just remember we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge, it doesn't get any easier and it's okay to mourn and cry. We take our 3 year old Golden out back to the graves of our other goldies and tell her this is where her sisters are buried. I know we are crazy but we still cry and mourn for the other 2.


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